(me in college my senior year with a young girl I met a production shoot!)
So it was on my heart to do a blog about this. I've heard from so many of you that are struggling in College or High School to live for Christ in the midst of a generation that could CARE less about living for God. The people I'm referring to are those that "grew up" in the church. Sadly, most church youth programs tend to focus their energies on providing entertainment and pizza rather focusing on building up the young people in their faith. As a result, our teens are NOT equipped to face the challenges they will encounter in the world upon leaving home. SO then you throw them together with a bunch of coeds that live a few feet away .. what do you THINK is going to happen?! Their hormones are raging and they'll try the first thing that presents itself.
However, there are some of you that REALLY have a strong desire and hunger to live for Christ in the midst of the parties, drinking and sex. Those are the people I'm talking to today. I want you to know that you're not alone. I want you to know that you're so special and so valued by Christ Himself. God has SET you apart so you cannot hang with just ANYBODY. The plans HE has for you are beautiful and even if you messed up.. turn away from your mess ups & turn your heart back to Christ. He has a plan for our many mess-ups.
So while in college, there's a ton of parties, drinking and the Christian crowd seems few & far between. THEN, most of the Christians you know are most likely at the party, drunk or staying the night at their boyfriends house. (hey, I was one of them for at least two years in college.)
So how do you live for Him?
1. Recognize that your value comes from CHRIST alone. You don't need to please anyone or allow anyone to pressure you to do things that you KNOW you should be doing. If you have to do all those things to get someone to like you--you'll have to do those things to GET someone to continue to like you. What a horrible, dysfunctional relationship. LOVE gives the advantage--it doesn’t take it. Friends don’t use you & try to keep the advantage & manipulate you. If you have friends that think you need to act or do things a certain way in order for them to like or approve of you—they’re NOT your friends. I would rather be LONELY then with a bunch of pretend friends. And if you are lonely.. the more time you spend with Christ.. the more fulfilled you will become. Don’t try to conform to the “popular” people to get them to like you. Your liked & LOVED by Christ. So watch out who is influencing you. Period.
2. Find a local church that teaches the word of God--correctly. Most campuses have "a church" where most college students attend. There, you'll meet a ton of great people.
3. Find out what Christian organizations are on your campus. Get involved! You'll meet a ton of people that really have a heart for Christ. Open up your heart to people with your TRUST in Jesus. Not everybody is out to get you and "everybody" shouldn't pay for whoever hurt you in your past.
4. SPEND time with GOD DAILY. PERIOD. If you scheduled yourself into an 8am class..wake up at 6am. Do what you have to do. He HAS to be first. I blogged about Spending Time w/ God. Check it out -------> here. GOD will show you the hearts of the people around you so you'll have no need of worrying about #3.
5. Cut off that boyfriend that's only interested in foundling you. Ok, maybe ya’ll don't go all the way, but you may as well. You have sex, but with your clothes on. Jesus Christ.. wants your heart & HE gets no glory in that.
6. I remember in High School, I my friends would pressure me to drink. I would go with them to the parties but I'd just be the designated driver. As an adult.. I don't even recommend going as that can place you in a position where you can get in trouble with the LAW by association. I wasn't saved in High School, but I refused to allow myself to let anything control me. Ephesians 5:18 "Don't be drunk with wine (or any other alcoholic beverages), because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit." Makes me think about my old classmate that was out at a party, was drinking too much & then the police tried to pull him over and he went into a high speed chase and crashed into a tree and died instantly. He was a good guy, breaks my heart to this day.
7. Yeah, it's COOL to be saved. People may think that you're a "religious" freak or WHATEVER but PEOPLE are going to THINK what they WANT to think about you. So, who cares!! Isaiah 2:22 says not to put your trust in humans because they are as frail as breath!! If you allow yourself to be controlled by people.. they will have you all stressed out, trying to read their mind! Guess what, they don't know who they are either! They're still trying to figure it out so what do they look like trying to tell you what you can do and cannot do & WHO you should be?! You don't have to go smashing Jesus in everybody's face, but let Him guide & lead you. There's so many hurting people that are your age that NEED HIM. So make living for Jesus look GOOD. People are looking for others to take a stand & lead. Let it start with you--ask God to show you how.
8. Sex...Sex...Sex. Let's talk about it. Hormones are raging, you're exciteddddd. Guess what? There's a 99% chance that you won't marry that person. So--you'll start the pattern of jumping from one person's bed to the next. SLOW down. When you get to know someone in a group setting—70% of the time, you wouldn’t dare get into a relationship with them in real life. So, slow down. Stop being led by your emotions. And STOP hanging out with those messy horny other teenagers. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says: Do Not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
9. Joining Organizations. Before we get into the benefits of joining an organization--it's important to ask yourself why you want to join that organization. What is your focus? What is your motive? Are you joining to become popular & to show off to everyone your list of accomplishments that make you feel better about you? Remember, that our value comes from Christ alone. Not any “thing” we do. So if you’re going to join something—make sure God is leading you for the RIGHT reasons. You may say—“Heather, it doesn’t take all that”—I don’t know about you but I’m all about trusting God to make sure that I’m in the right geographical location at the right TIME.
10. Your parents. Ok. Your parents may drive you nuts BUT you may still be under their rules, household or bank account. You may think they don't know anything but they've been where you are & they've "done" all of that. Times HAVEN'T changed. It may be a new generation--but it's the same drama. So, respect, love & honor them. As you get older--you'll REALLY start to appreciate & love them on a whole new level. But why wait until then? Start now.
God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey
My new pinky promise tee! :) Cute right? You can order one here: heatherlove.bigcartel.com
Hi Heather! I believe this is a great post for a lot of people out there who find it hard to stand up for what they believe in...Christ. I believe on eof the most important things is choosing your friends wisely and standing by the word of God no matter what anyone says. That helped through high school. I don't know about youth groups who only offer entertainement and pizza but I'm glad mine wasn't like that! I think getting involved in ministry also helps to keep you in tact! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteOh and I tagged you in a post on my blog! Would love for you to check it out to see what it entails! Thanks! God Bless!
Tell the World
:D awesome. Definitely necessary to know as a young believer. Thanks Heather!
ReplyDeleteLOl i love number 5 !!!!! love the post great confirmation and encouragement
ReplyDeleteHi Heather,Thank you for this awesome post!I have been greatly encouraged!
ReplyDeleteHi Heather!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Kincie,oufff.... lol i don t even know where to start. So I m in college, and that morning i got to school very early. some students, members of one of the clubs on campus were having books sell for just $ 1. Since i am passionate about reading, i reached closer. As i was going through all of them, i stumbled on this one special book " God promises for single women by Reverend TD Jake" I felt like God has placed it there just for me for me to grab and run lol... well after paying the $ 1.00 of course. lol... Instantly i know that God has something to do with it, i was just convinced.The book is so "powerful" that i was reading it in almost all my classes, i just could n' put it down :). Finally, on my way home, as i was coming off the subway i saw a young lady struggling with heavy bags, and automatically in my spirit i felt like God " my daddy" was telling me to help her. So i did. oufff. In my head i thought i was just going to help her to the bus stop and move on. Noooo... the holy spirit would n t let that happen, so as i m typing this, the girl and i were as if we were friends for a decade. We begun to minister to each other, and it was such an amazing feeling. I was right where i wanted to be lol... Coincidentally we got off at the same street, meanwhile the holy spirit in us just could n t stop promoting JESUS ect... before we left she gave me your blog by saying " I have this lady, she is amazing , i m certain that you will enjoy her blog" . The next day first thing first i signed up on your blog, and OMGSH............. first when I was looking through many of your topics, i felt like it was heaven coming down to me, meaning i was so thirsty.... for such things,i m striving to get closer to go God, I know what he wants from me, but i just can t see my way out to get there. Like really??? this whole time i have been trying to find a purpose, i detest being a seasonal christian. Therefore i would cried everyday, begging him to show me the way. like talk to me or something pop.. lol. I though i was just being ignored ... but after i met with the stranger who is now my sister in Christ, I realized that my Daddy was just getting me ready for proper time. Isn' t it wonderful how he cares about every single prayers we make in Jesus 's name! Even when we feel like he doesn' t care, he is just preparing us for the next level. I have been called to be an intercessory, don t know how to start or anything, but i will keep trusting him to put me where i m supposed to be. It s a struggle being a college and single, sometimes it gets pretty ugly when the devil will throw all these negativity in your head from time to time.And you think that maybe something is wrong with you, or God has just forgotten about you. From now one i want to keep moving and not let nothing takes my focus off Jesus :)i will from now on eat daily off this blog with the perspective to stay close to God, i m only getting stronger and stronger. You are a " ball of fire" within the Kingdom, stay strong as Our " Daddy" is raising you upper and upper. Ps: i found the solution of all my many unanswered question on here" lol.. "Praise be the God you make the Heavens is throne and the earth his footstool."
WOW!!!!!!! THAT is SO amazing! EVEN your story of how you found my blog is really cool. Thanks for sharing your heart. God has such a beautiful plan for you. Continue to PRESS into HIM & don't quit.
Thank you Heather for the pointers on how to live for Christ! I am a college student right now and know All about the pressures of college and being charmed by men. But I have encounter a few situations that let me know I heed to makeva change NOW and live for Christ like I really wanted to. I am involved with a wonderful Church and student organization called YASC and its the next best thing besides being SAVED in Christ! I think this blog is really important for youngbadults who know christ or want to get to know him, because we have to stand for what is right for our souls to be saved! I'm glad I made the change to live BOLD for Christ!
ReplyDeletesuper helpful advice
ReplyDeletethank so much heather for all you are doing! im a 19 year old who is going to school to become a pharmacy technician and then after that im going to school to teach and its hard being in college with people who dont understand my love for God. im truly greatful for finding you! youre such an inspiration to me!
ReplyDeletehi heather,
ReplyDeleteits just crazy reading through all your posts realizing all the truths in you words, they are just hitting me like missiles on a taliban camp and pulling down lies iv been holding on to.( but im sruggling, but i am determined). started reading them since yesterday evening and can't stop even though i am supposed to be studying for my exam. only paused a few hours to study but finished the exam for today and now im back on.. im addicted to your blog. ( and i'm not gonna go to rehab).
No 1. about some people not being your friends if you need to act a certain way around them to be accepted....really spoke to me. And about our parents being in diff generation but have seen the same drama, i really needed that