
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tough Year?

Have you had a tough year? I don't know about you - but 2016 has had some AMAZING highs, and some stressful low's. I have been STRETCHED spiritually like NEVER before.

I remember one day, I was at the gym, working out and I was just thinking about the spiritual attacks. As I was working out on the stair stepper, I heard the Holy Spirit interrupt my thoughts and tell me, "Heather, I am preparing you for something so much greater."

It was the sweetest, purest words to me in that moment. Although I preach about the preparation, development, trusting in the Lord, resting in His timing, rejoicing during the tests - but then that moment comes where you're faced with what you preach and post about. At times, it seems like it's so easy to encourage everyone else but when it comes to yourself? Well, you're a little bit harder on you.

As I stepped on that Stairmaster, I told the Lord that I will rejoice in this test. I told Him that I am thankful to share in a TINY bit of His persecution. I was thankful to share in a TINY bit of His suffering for righteous sake.

And, in every time and in every moment, I have watched the Lord strengthen me through those tests.

So, if 2016 has been a year of stretching for you too - I want to encourage you that if you've been SOWING love, peace, joy, OBEDIENCE, trusting God when you don't' understand and walking by FAITH - GOD HONORS it. It is NOT in vain. I love harvest season because I know when I'm passing a spiritual test, I will see a spiritual harvest. Ya'll KNOW I am not one to say that "THIS IS GONNA BE YOUR NEW YEAR" - because I don't know what season you're in but I DO know that if WE stay like those TREES that are planted by the rivers of water (Psalms 1:3) that we will BRING forth FRUIT in our season, our LEAF will not wither and whatever we do will prosper.


So, don't dig your tree up and move it somewhere else if things are hard. Stay planted. Just stay there. Stay in that test and PASS it. Don't run back to your past. Don't rush back to what was once comfortable.  I can ASSURE you that you will see something on the other side of it ALL. When you live a life of disobedience, it HINDERS the Lord from working in you. So, repent sis, turn back around and endure! God will give you the strength to pass whatever is in front of you.

I started this blog to you all this morning and then I got confirmation that I have my own show on the WORD network (AHH!) called "The Heather Lindsey Show." If you've been following the ministry, you know that I've always wanted to host again but I put it down because the Lord told me to do so for a season. And, almost 10 years later, I'm picking it back up again.

I'm completely convinced that there's a PATH for each and every one of you (Jeremiah 1:5). Your story may not look like my story because it's YOUR story, but, along that path of saying YES to Jesus - you will find the life that He has prepared for you. This doesn't mean that tests stop. Actually, they will probably increase. But, it simply means that you get to lean on and depend on the Lord for every breath. I can assure you, with tears in my eyes - God is faithful. If He does nothing else, I want you to know that He longs for a relationship with you. He longs to walk with you. He longs to be close to you. He longs to speak to you. He longs to LEAD your life. Put down that strife and division in your heart and open up your heart to Him. He's constantly waiting.

I always say that a new year isn't a new you unless you renew your mind and say Yes to our Jesus. So, cheers to committing to spend the next year at the feet of our Jesus. He never fails us.

I love you all so much. I'm not sure if you know how much I truly love you but I pray for you all on a regular basis. I want to see you win. I want to see you walk in your purpose. I want to see you free from bitterness, I want to see you bold. I want to see you committed to Jesus. So, cheers to never quitting.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (6) books (including my NEW book, "Fighting Together") purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's
3. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

4. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

5. We are headed on a Revival Tour to Kenya, Nigeria, London and Capetown. Register here: 

God loves you like crazy,


Heather Lindsey

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Journal Challenge is Back!

If you've been following my blog, you know that I've done a Journal Challenge back in 2012! The purpose was to encourage women to get back to a place of prayer and focus on the Lord. I want to do another journal challenge for the month of January to get us started for the new year. I believe that the Lord is pouring out His spirit on His daughters to accomplish their purpose. I also believe that distractions and the temptation to quit will also be present. It's so important that we stay focused on the Lord, refuse to quit and to keep TRUSTING Him no matter what.

I started this journal challenge because I realize that at times, we have a hard time spending time with God daily.  BUT if we had a flight to Hawaii every morning at 5am that was an all expense paid trip.. we would be at the airport on time. We would MAKE time to pack & check in on time. Let's make SPENDING time with GOD a priority.

How amazing is it that thousands of us will journal & write our "day" that we're on.  So, January 1st will be "Day 1" and you will continue to note what day you are on. (Example, January 15th will be Day 15) and it's not for show- it's us spending time with God daily and letting Him change us from the inside out. Writing the day on your journal is ONLY for accountability.

So, what will you need?

  • A Journal! (I must add that the Pinky Promise Store has some fabulous journals - but find one that works for you!)
  • Notecards! I swear by notecards! I use these often as it does something to your brain as you write down the scriptures. Then, I meditate on them throughout the day. So write out the scriptures longhand-- based on what God places on your heart to study & to meditate on.
  • Here's an example of how you'll start your journal. I always start mine with "Dear Daddy"-- and be sure to write the CONSISTENT day. The point of this journal challenge is to get you to be consistent in spending time with God daily. So day 1, day 2, day 50, day 56.. etc.
  • Your favorite bible. I like to study with a few bibles. I love The Life Application Bible- NLT version. I purchased it from a Lifeway Christian store. It's a GREAT study bible that breaks stuff down and also love the Dakes King James Version Bible. 
How do I journal?!
Ok, so now that you have all of the materials, you may ask, "how do I journal?" What do I say?! As I blogged before with "How to Spend Time With God"  - so be sure to read that entire blog if you're joining this challenge. But to answer your question - I look at my journal like my diary to God. I just pour out what is in my heart. I thank Him for being God, I tell Him I love Him and what is going on in my life & my struggles. 

Prior to journaling my heart out to the Lord - I like to put on worship music and dance to him, sing, cry out, pray in the Holy Spirit, pray in English and this helps to soften my heart and unclutter my spirit. I don't want to go into the presence of the Lord, meditating on worries and fears. After that, I sit down/lay down and I begin to write, I start with "Dear Daddy" and I pour my heart out. Then, I sit and wait for Him to respond and He typically starts out speaking to me by saying, "My beautiful daughter, or I love you so much Heather." Then, He begins to speak into my heart about my life and I write everything down. Then, there are times where I don't hear anything directly from Him - but I still just sit there and rest in Him while worshipping Him with my words. 

Then, I open my bible to spend time with Him. My husband taught a GREAT study on "How to Study the Bible" - you can watch it before the challenge starts if you find yourself stuck in how to study the bible. I study my bible based on what is going on in my life or whatever the Lord leads me to study. Most times, He tells me to go to certain books in the bible and I study from there. 

So the challenge starts WHENEVER you read these words if it's after January 1, 2017. (You can of course start now as we should be spending time with the Lord daily but the Day 1 will be January 1st so we are all doing it together!)  You could be reading this a month after todays date.. but I challenge you to get started in TODAY. The beautiful thing about this time is that you don't have to only do 30 days - instead, you can do 60, 100 or 300 days. 

Before I close out -  know that satan is gonna attack you. You'll be sleepy, too busy, or whatever else. Remember that you'll desire WHAT you give your attention too. So shut your phone off, Facebook & the TV. No distractions.

You can subscribe via under "connect" to stay in the loop! :)

Let's go!! It starts on January 1st! 

God loves YOU like CRAZY!

Heather Lindsey

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fighting Together: Learning how to FIGHT for our marriages instead of each other!

I AM SUPER excited to announce that my husband and I have just released a book TOGETHER! 

Marriage is a beautiful union ordained by God that is unfortunately under great attack in our society. Our world can only be as strong as the nations. The nations can only be as strong as its communities. The communities can only be as strong as its families, and families can only be as strong as the marriages. 

If the marriages fail, then so goes the families, the communities, the nations, and the world. Cornelius and Heather have joined together to combat this attack by encouraging husbands and wives to fight together instead of fighting each other.

 They share many of their personal stories about contemplating divorce, healing their marriage, and learning how to balance family life and ministry. You can expect to learn the principles of fighting together, defining the purpose of your marriage, dealing with inlaws the significance of Husbands leading, as Wives fulfill the role of Helpmeet, and much more.

You can find it HERE or via AMAZON/Kindle! 

God loves you like crazy!
Love always,
Heather Lindsey 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How to Publish a Book in 90 Days!



So, I am super excited to announce our book I have exciting news!! On a regular basis, people ask me how we are able to write so many books and the process of publishing a book. So, my husband and I decided to do another book webinar on "How to Publish a Book in 90 Days!" You can click on the link HERE to get more info. It's on Monday, December 19th at 9pm and it will be recorded!

AND, during the webinar, we are going to make a very special announcement. We have decided to start a Book Publishing Company, called Lincross Publishing! It was birthed from my frustration in dealing with a publishing company. Granted, all companies aren't the same, BUT a very popular Christian publishing company sent me a contract to sign and they were taking 79% of my book. 79%?? That's CRAZY. So, you mean to tell me, I bust my tail to write the book and you keep all of the profit, for pretty much ever? No. SO, we have decided to start a publishing company where we take ZERO royalties. That's right. We believe that you should keep what you make! So, we will pretty much mentor & help you through the process & all of that good stuff. And, if you haven't noticed, we are on our 15th book combined (me & my hubby) - We LOVE to write and we believe that someone may not go to church, but they will read a book that will LEAD them there. So, be sure to check out the webinar & if you have any questions, please let us know at!

What you will learn:
·      Whether or not self-publishing is the right option for you
·      What to expect when it comes to selling your book
·      10 simple tips on finishing your manuscript in 45 days
·      The benefits of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing
·      Heather and Cornelius’ 5 step process to self-publishing 
·      5 simple tips on marketing your book and hosting your first book signing
Who should attend:
·      Writers seeking to publish their finished manuscript
·      Beginners who want to learn the self-publishing process
·      Speakers and instructors who desire to expand their intellectual property with self-published material
·      Passionate dreamers seeking to share their testimony with the world

Monday, October 24, 2016

"How To Recognize A Woman Collector"

What is a collector? A collector is a man or a woman that collects people and keeps them around that they aren't 100% sold on. They do this because they like certain aspects about you, but it's not enough to full commit to you. So, they collect relationships in their phone and they reach out just enough to keep you hanging on a string. When you begin to complain about not getting enough time or energy, they either get upset, disappear only to return another day or they are very apologetic. All three tactics are to keep you around -- still, without commitment. 

Don't get me wrong, men and women can both be collectors. If I can keep it real, I was once a collector, so it defintely happens. But, because I like to talk directly to my sisters and preach to them because I am one, I am going to refer towards men. 

These men will sleep with you, take you out on dates, text you late at night when they're bored and find ways to keep you around just enough where you will be waiting and hoping that there's a chance for a relationship. Although you may not recognize it, they pick you up off of the shelf and put you back on the shelf as they feel led. They don't respect nor value you. They would never see themselves marrying you and can cut you off the moment they meet someone they really want to be with. This is why most times, your relationship is "private" and not out in the open. The collector blames it on, "keeping your business to yourselves."

I actually dated a guy like that on and off for about seven years. SEVEN YEARS. Everytime he would text me, I would get so excited. I was always hoping that we would one day work out.. (I thought in my head.) But, all the while, he continued to have babies by other women and he made zero effort to pursue me. Only, when it was convenient. "I wasn't like other women. I was like his best friend that understood him." (honey, that's a lie) He only really reached out when he was in town, when him and his 10 other women weren't working out. When he was bored. And, I let him. So, I now blame myself for even entertaining that foolishness as a single. Of course, I have forgiven myself :) But, if I can encourage you to recognize a collector, cut him off quickly. 

The Dream

I remember having this dream about him and in the dream, I was walking with him and we were going down different pathways together and at the end of each pathway was a different woman. I would watch him flirt with her and completely ignore me. I was so mad in my dream because there were SO many women. Then, I heard the Lord say, "Let him go Heather, there is no profit in this relationship." 

Well, needless to say, that was the last time I dealt with him. What a waste of time! I was hoping and praying that this guy would see my worth and value. The thing is, he talked all the good talk. When I got saved, He talked about the bible/Jesus with me. Then, right before the dream, he told me that God told him that I was supposed to be his wife. (#BoyBye) 

The crazy thing is, based on the worlds standards, this guy looked amazing on paper. He had it together from the worlds standpoint. Huge figure salary and all. But, biblically, we were absolutely unequally yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says: Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? I was almost willing to FORCE it to work because of our "history." I can assure you that I would NOT be doing what I am doing today if he was my leader or my head in marriage. I would have TEAMED up with darkness and absolutely settled in that relationship. I knew we had little in common, except. History. 

I am thankful that the Lord shut that relationship down and that next year, I met my now husband. One of the first questions Cornelius asked me was "Who helps me carry my groceries?" Now, if I was entertaining the woman collector, then I would have had that answer for him. And, we may not have talked because godly men want a godly woman, not a woman that jumps from man to man, looking for worth and value. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I forgave the woman collector after that dream and I understood that he wasn't a believer, (even though he claimed to be, his life clearly proved otherwise) so I am sharing this so that you won't be deceived and hurt when he marries the woman he really wants to be with. 

It's important that even if this guy goes to your church, that you recognize a woman collector. So, yes, he can be in the church, serving, praying and SILL struggle with this area. Just because he is in church doesn't mean that he believes what is being preached. Hey may, just like attention and you give it to him. This is why it's vital that we test every spirit. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1). Testing the spirits means that one must know how to “examine the Scriptures.” Rather than accept every teaching, discerning Christians diligently study the Scriptures. Then YOU know what the Bible says and therefore can “test all things and hold fast to what is true.” In order to do this, a Christian must “be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). The Word of God is to be “a lamp” and “a light” to our path (Psalm 119:105). We must let its light shine on the teachings and doctrines of the day; the Bible alone is the standard by which all truth must be judged. 

Now, if you're looking at that man to be the priest of your household, then it's VITAL that you have a relationship with Jesus for yourself so that the Holy Spirit can WARN you ahead of time of those guys that are seeking to string you along. He may be sweet with his words, but the Holy Spirit can read between those lines and tell you that you're getting played. 

The danger in getting wrapped up in these relationships is that you create an entire life with someone who is creating a life with someone else. Your number and time is just there when times get rough or they're fighting for the zillionth time. He will tell you whatever lies he can to keep you around, to sleep with you just one more time and whatever else. You are being USED. Let the little birdie fly and go get focused on what God has called you to do. 

WHAT a waste of time!! The bible tells us to fill our minds with GOOD things that are worthy of report, not stalking that man's social media and wondering if he is going to call you back. My sister, it doesn't TAKE all of that. YOU are worth SO much more. A godly man wouldn't take a chance on losing you to another. So, he won't play games. 

So, if you recognize one of these guys, cut them off. Or, if you are one of these people, just stop it. You're sowing some pretty nasty seeds. You won't want to see the harvest of heartbreak over and over again because it may  happen to you. Don't keep people around to stroke your ego. Don't lead people on. Instead, pursue Jesus with all of your heart. 

The biggest thing I hearing the Lord say while writing this is that these types of relationships are DISTRACTIONS. Big distractions to get you off course. Let's get back on course, block the collectors in every way and press forward to the mark of the high calling through Jesus Christ! You're unavailability single. 

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

6. We are headed on a Revival Tour to Kenya, Nigeria, London and Capetown. Register here: 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey

"How To Recognize A Woman Collector"

What is a collector? A collector is a man or a woman that collects people and keeps them around that they aren't 100% sold on. They do this because they like certain aspects about you, but it's not enough to full commit to you. So, they collect relationships in their phone and they reach out just enough to keep you hanging on a string. When you begin to complain about not getting enough time or energy, they either get upset, disappear only to return another day or they are very apologetic. All three tactics are to keep you around -- still, without commitment. 

Don't get me wrong, men and women can both be collectors. If I can keep it real, I was once a collector, so it defintely happens. But, because I like to talk directly to my sisters and preach to them because I am one, I am going to refer towards men. 

These men will sleep with you, take you out on dates, text you late at night when they're bored and find ways to keep you around just enough where you will be waiting and hoping that there's a chance for a relationship. Although you may not recognize it, they pick you up off of the shelf and put you back on the shelf as they feel led. They don't respect nor value you. They would never see themselves marrying you and can cut you off the moment they meet someone they really want to be with. 

I actually dated a guy like that on and off for about seven years. SEVEN YEARS. Everytime he would text me, I would get so excited. I was always hoping that we would one day work out.. (I thought in my head.) But, all the while, he continued to have babies by other women and he made zero effort to pursue me. Only, when it was convenient. "I wasn't like other women. I was like his best friend that understood him." (honey, that's a lie) He only really reached out when he was in town, when him and his 10 other women weren't working out. When he was bored. And, I let him. So, I now blame myself for even entertaining that foolishness as a single. Of course, I have forgiven myself :) But, if I can encourage you to recognize a collector, cut him off quickly. 

The Dream

I remember having this dream about him and in the dream, I was walking with him and we were going down different pathways together and at the end of each pathway was a different woman. I would watch him flirt with her and completely ignore me. I was so mad in my dream because there were SO many women. Then, I heard the Lord say, "Let him go Heather, there is no profit in this relationship." 

Well, needless to say, that was the last time I dealt with him. What a waste of time! I was hoping and praying that this guy would see my worth and value. The thing is, he talked all the good talk. When I got saved, He talked about the bible/Jesus with me. Then, right before the dream, he told me that God told him that I was supposed to be his wife. (#BoyBye) 

The crazy thing is, based on the worlds standards, this guy looked amazing on paper. He had it together from the worlds standpoint. Huge figure salary and all. But, biblically, we were absolutely unequally yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says: Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? I was almost willing to FORCE it to work because of our "history." I can assure you that I would NOT be doing what I am doing today if he was my leader or my head in marriage. I would have TEAMED up with darkness and absolutely settled in that relationship. I knew we had little in common, except. History. 

I am thankful that the Lord shut that relationship down and that next year, I met my now husband. One of the first questions Cornelius asked me was "Who helps me carry my groceries?" Now, if I was entertaining the woman collector, then I would have had that answer for him. And, we may not have talked because godly men want a godly woman, not a woman that jumps from man to man, looking for worth and value. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I forgave the woman collector after that dream and I understood that he wasn't a believer, (even though he claimed to be, his life clearly proved otherwise) so I am sharing this so that you won't be deceived and hurt when he marries the woman he really wants to be with. 

It's important that even if this guy goes to your church, that you recognize a woman collector. So, yes, he can be in the church, serving, praying and SILL struggle with this area. Just because he is in church doesn't mean that he believes what is being preached. Hey may, just like attention and you give it to him. This is why it's vital that we test every spirit. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1). Testing the spirits means that one must know how to “examine the Scriptures.” Rather than accept every teaching, discerning Christians diligently study the Scriptures. Then YOU know what the Bible says and therefore can “test all things and hold fast to what is true.” In order to do this, a Christian must “be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). The Word of God is to be “a lamp” and “a light” to our path (Psalm 119:105). We must let its light shine on the teachings and doctrines of the day; the Bible alone is the standard by which all truth must be judged. 

Now, if you're looking at that man to be the priest of your household, then it's VITAL that you have a relationship with Jesus for yourself so that the Holy Spirit can WARN you ahead of time of those guys that are seeking to string you along. He may be sweet with his words, but the Holy Spirit can read between those lines and tell you that you're getting played. 

The danger in getting wrapped up in these relationships is that you create an entire life with someone who is creating a life with someone else. Your number and time is just there when times get rough or they're fighting for the zillionth time. He will tell you whatever lies he can to keep you around, to sleep with you just one more time and whatever else. You are being USED. Let the little birdie fly and go get focused on what God has called you to do. 

WHAT a waste of time!! The bible tells us to fill our minds with GOOD things that are worthy of report, not stalking that man's social media and wondering if he is going to call you back. My sister, it doesn't TAKE all of that. YOU are worth SO much more. A godly man wouldn't take a chance on losing you to another. So, he won't play games. 

So, if you recognize one of these guys, cut them off. Or, if you are one of these people, just stop it. You're sowing some pretty nasty seeds. You won't want to see the harvest of heartbreak over and over again because it may  happen to you. Don't keep people around to stroke your ego. Don't lead people on. Instead, pursue Jesus with all of your heart. 

The biggest thing I hearing the Lord say while writing this is that these types of relationships are DISTRACTIONS. Big distractions to get you off course. Let's get back on course, block the collectors in every way and press forward to the mark of the high calling through Jesus Christ! You're unavailability single. 

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

6. We are headed on a Revival Tour to Kenya, Nigeria, London and Capetown. Register here: 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"Use Me God!"

Have you ever cried out to the Lord and said, "Holy Spirit, USE ME! Send me to NATIONS, LORD! I desire for you to use every part of me for your glory!"

I have definitely been there. I remember crying out to the Lord one day with all of my heart, GOD! With tears in my eyes, I begged him, LORD, SEND ME TO NATIONS! I want NATIONS to know your NAME! I want PEOPLE to come into the saving knowledge of WHO YOU ARE!!!! Oh Lord, send ME so that nations may come into the knowledge of who you are. Lord, SEND labourers into the field, for the harvest is great!" As I cried out to him, I was sitting under the powerful presence of the Lord. I was literally soaking in His presence. I was laid out on my face. Completely surrendered in that moment. Worship music was playing gently in the background. My prayer room was barely lit and there was nothing like the peace that came from the Holy Spirit in that moment.

I came up from my prayer time feeling so refreshed. So encouraged. So excited about those nations knowing Jesus. That's all that mattered.

Then, a few days later, I came across a woman that I knew had been talking badly about me. She didn't know that I knew, but I knew. I forgave her (so I thought in my heart) and it was one of those things where I didn't really know her, but I wasn't crazy about her. (based on the fact that I knew she was being messy lol) She can stay right over there with her gossiping self and I will pray for her. (as I rationalized and thought in my mind) Those thoughts only dropped into my mind when I saw her here & there. I personally didn't even know her name. Nonetheless, as I came across her that day, I silently rolled my eyes in my HEART. Not on my face, but in my heart as she introduced herself to me. I wouldn't publically roll my eyes, because you know, that's not the right "Christian thing to do."

As SOON as I started to speak to her, these two scriptures appeared in my mind:

Romans 12:9 - Don't pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 
Jeremiah 17:10 - The Lord searches the heart and He examines secret motives. 

Then, I heard the Holy Spirit say: "Heather, you are praying for nations and I am sending you to the nation of the United States. This woman is a part of that nation. Be faithful in all things."

Immediately, I was convicted.

I wasn't in that barely lit room, basking in the presence of the Lord on my face. I didn't hear Bethel in the background playing music. I was in a very public place. No bells. No whistles. And, it sure wasn't convenient to love the girl that I know bashed me.

Did I really think that I could choose what nations that I want to tell about Jesus?? In knowing that this fight is SPIRITUAL and not physical, I shouldn't have even been mad at HER but the spirit that was operating in her. We need to get mad at the devil, not humans. He is the one behind all of this hate!

You see, it's HERE where your FAITH is being tested. It's THERE on your job, at the gym, in the car, or in the classroom where you're being TESTED! It is THERE where the things that you've cried out to God at church, at the altar, in your prayer room or wherever else get the OPPORTUNITY to develop.

What are we waiting for in becoming more like Jesus?? Are we waiting for a stage or a big ministry to tell us that we matter or that we are worth something? No! REAL, true ministry is happening when NOBODY else is looking! Real, true ministry is happening PRIVATELY. When nobody else is watching you to tell you how great you are. It's in the booth, in the back in the corner where you are CRYING out - YES to God when you can sneak and do something that you have no business doing! It's SECRETLY saying YES to Jesus when you want to roll your eyes, ignore someone, hurt someone who has hurt you or just quit all together.

And, the more you say Yes to Jesus and you pass those tests, the more we become like Him. I don't know about you but I want to be His hands and feet. I want to know Him like never before. I want my entire life to be surrendered to  Him and not for show but for real. I want to sense His heart beating next to mine. I want to love like He loves. I want the Holy Spirit to absolutely possess my very SPIRIT and to lead me to Jesus daily.

This means what?

That I may get tested a lot. There's alot in us that doesn't look like Him and these tests burn the bad stuff out.

1 Peter 1:7 
So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:3-5
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Being tested isn't a bad thing. It shows you your heart. For me, it showed me that I wanted nations to be saved but I couldn't' even love my own sister in my own community right next to me. Those nations that need to be saved come with a full set of issues. Of hurts. Of pains. Of "special personalities" and what I call "Jesus' special people." lol :)

Know that when you desire to be used by the Lord, it won't always be easy, convenient or even seem significant. But, IT matters. If we've done it to the "least" of them, we've done it to Jesus (Matthew 25:40)

So, when we pray, Lord, SEND ME! Use Me! Let's really mean it and do whatever He is telling us to do. And, before He tells you to start this huge ministry or go do missions, He is telling us to be faithful right now, in our community and exactly where we are. Let's be faithful in ALL things.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

6. We are headed on a Revival Tour to Kenya, Nigeria, London and Capetown. Register here: 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey

Friday, September 9, 2016

"The Pruning Process"

I have this small garden outside of our home and I'm super excited about it because the idea of picking vegetables from my own garden simply makes my heart explode with happiness. lol 
Nonetheless, as I was planting the garden, Logan (My 3 year old) came outside to help me. He was so excited to help that he THREW a handful of carrot seeds into the garden. The goal was to space out the carrots so that they would grow properly. I tried to space out the carrot seeds as much as I could in the midst of him throwing the seeds everywhere, but it looks like I missed a few during harvest time. Carrots have a way of growing wildly if you aren't careful. And, if I can be honest, I would water the carrots and my other fruits and veggies but I simply forgot to pull up some of the carrots so it would be easier for the others to grow (Even though my mother warned me! :)). I looked up months later and found that the growth of my carrots have been stunted because too many carrots tried to grow in a small space. 

I should have pulled up the carrots to make room for the others to grow. 

Cluttered carrots

And, spiritually, we should allow for the Holy Spirit to prune us so that we can grow and mature into the person that He has called us to be. 

Prune you. 

The definition of "prune" is: trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.

And, some of you have some dead relationships, dead mindsets, dead jobs, dead whatever else that the Lord needs to PRUNE you of so that the proper relationships, mindsets, jobs and whatever else can grow in your life! Do you know that the other carrots CHOKED each other and they only grew to be about 1/2 inch long? 
THIS is what happens when you spiritually surround yourself with people that reject Christ! 

1 Corinthians 15:33 says that: "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

What does corrupt mean? 
to cause (someone or something) to become dishonest, immoral, etc

So, there's a cause and a effect ACTION of hanging out with friends that are influencing you away from Jesus. There's a cause and effect ACTION of dating someone that you know is pushing you away from Christ! There's a cause and effect ACTION to disobeying the Lord! 

In my carrots, it resulted in super tiny carrots that I simply tossed in the garbage. I have no use for them.  


There was a lone carrot that grew to be super big and it was planted away from the other carrots. It had ROOM to grow and it grew into it's full potential. 

So, if you're feeling ALONE, or lonely because it seems like things, people, jobs or whatever else is being stripped from your life, I want you to know that you're in good company. You see, at times, God HAS to strip us from ungodly influences but it is ONLY for a season. It's so that you can grow strong and build a FOUNDATION of trusting in HIM alone. I know it's hard, I know you don't understand, I know it seems lonely at times but God is STILL working IN YOU as you seek to PLEASE Him. 

Matthew 7:25 says "Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock." 

Honey, your foundation is being built on Christ and when the tests come to beat against your house, it will NOT collapse, because it's being built on bedrock. So, who cares who talks about you? Who cares who leaves you, or rejects you? Humans are as frail as breath and we cannot place our trust in them, but in the Lord! (Isaiah 2:22). Our focus must be on the Lord and not who comes or goes. 

Have you ever had that friendship that just got really weird of out of nowhere? You're like, I cannot put my finger on it but something just doesn't seem right.. Then, you're torn because you're a christian but you sense a seperation. I have experienced these things before in my own life and I have come to the conclusion that we have seasonal friendships and relationships. So, instead of getting upset about every person that comes & goes - just thank God for the season that they were in your life. If you feel led to reach out, hash things out as the Lord leads you to restore, please do so! I have learned that some friendships in the past have slowly drifted apart because there was a fork in the road. They were going in one direction, me another. Does it make them bad or me bad? No, it's simple, everyone ain't going where you're going. Most times, you won't understand the pruning process until years later, but thank God we are connected to the One who prunes. Now, I have my best friend, Delan. We've been friends for 17 years and she's not going anywhere! If there's a weird separation, I'm calling her and we are hashing it out because I know that she's a God-friend. Know the difference between the two! 

Regardless of what pruning is going on in your own life, get busy about serving the Lord. Go home and cancel your hang out's with your friends and sit with a jug of water and turn off your cell phone. It's important that you know the voice of the Lord so that you can understand what is happening when you're being pruned!  Spend the day with the Lord and pour your heart out to Him! Volunteer to help a single mother in need with her children or cleaning up her house. Serve in your local church. Be faithful with where the Lord has placed you and don't let your feelings push you around. 

Remember that as you GIVE up your old life and take up life God's way - it's going to COST you something. It's easy to sin. It's easy to revert back to your old life with no standards. It's HARD to press past your flesh and tell God yes when the entire world is screaming "no!" 

Matthew 10:39 says, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it."

So, don't let your heart be troubled if people are saying that "you've changed, or you think you're too good for us, or whatever else." You are right. You're changing. You're becoming less like you and more like Christ. 

Know that there's millions of carrots planted all over the world that are intentional about serving Jesus regardless of what they are going through. Harvest season is coming if you would simply remain planted and trusting in the Lord no matter what. It will all be worth it. 

Hang in there. Eternity is always at hand.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,


Monday, August 15, 2016

5 Things To Remember When You're Getting Tested

Are you getting attacked right now in your life? Does it seem like everyone is blazing ahead but you're just standing there, stagnant? Wondering when God is going to open a door in your life or when things are just going to get easier? Wondering when your single life will get better? Wondering when your marriage will get better?

Deep down, you may be thinking - if I could just get that job. If I could just get married. If my husband would just change, Lord! THEN I will be happy! 

Instead, God is saying to you:

"My Child, you want immediate relief from this test. Instead of praying for a quick change, ask Me what I need you to learn during this time. Cling to me. Stop browsing online, eating a box of donuts, or even trying to "hang out with friends" to fill this void in your heart. It is I that can fill your voids, not these temporary things. As a good Father, I am protecting and leading you - let me."

I have learned that God's timing doesn't work with our worry. Instead, He works based on the will of God for your life. I recall a season in my life where I needed God to come through for me. I cried. And prayed. And went to a bible study. And cried some more. I couldn't pay my rent. I was going to get evicted at my last month of my internship. I simply didn't know what to do. I felt like I was being led by the Lord and I didn't understand why He simply didn't rescue me in the midst of my tests. God, WHY. WHEN. HOW?

Amazingly, God came through and provided for me in the most unexpected way. I went to the leasing office and told them that I couldn't afford the rent and I asked if they can use my deposit for my last month of rent at that location. Thankfully, I had favor with them and they granted my prayers. When you're close to the Lord, He will give you wisdom when you don't know what to do. (James 1)  I believe that it was the Lord showing me that He still had a plan. If it didn't work out, would God still be good? Of COURSE. Most times, we have this idea in our head of what breakthrough looks like and God is saying, pray for MY will - not what you think you need in order to be satisfied. We have to come to the point where we realize that even if God does NOTHING else for us, He did ENOUGH for us through Jesus Christ when He sent Him to die for our sins. This mindset is ETERNAL. This world tries to get us to focus on what is TEMPORARY. God is saying that I will provide for based on DAILY bread. So, if that means that you're sleeping in your car - well, praise the Lord. You have a place tonight. You see the shift in the perceptive? I believe that God is raising up a generation of people that are willing to be used by Him. And, in willing to be used by Him - it means that He is going to prune your flesh. Your attitudes. Your mindset. Your ideas. And, then replace them with His. 

Matthew 16:24 tells us, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me."

So, let's look at 5 things to remember when you're getting tested. 

1. Stay close to the Lord. So, this means that you should have the bible playing on audio in your ears when you're not reading it, listening to sermons and worship music at night. Fight like crazy to guard your heart and refuse to listen to anything that isn't faith filled. It's vital that you hear God's voice as He is instructing you. 

2. Don't let your mind wander. The enemy will have a field day with you if you let Him. Decide to only THINK on good things. Philippians 4:8 says, "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." - So this tells me that you can think of things that aren't true, aren't honorable, that are wrong and not lovely. 

3. Don't quit. You can't give up when things get hard. Instead, make up in your mind that you are going to pass this test AND pass it with a GOOD attitude. 

4. Don't search your past. At times, we can get tested and then we will RUN back in our minds to our exes, old friends or whatever else and think that life was easier when we were in disobedience. So, black them from social media and keep it moving. 

5. Pray. Pray Pray. Keep talking to the Lord. Vent to Him. Pour out to Him. He is not surprised about what you're experiencing. Trust Him. He is with you and He will give you peace in the midst of your situation. 

Praying for you as you fight forward. You're NOT alone in this walk! We are ALL in this together, fighting and DECIDING to choose to do the RIGHT thing. 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey 

Taylor's Kate Spade Bash! I will be blogging her party details soon!

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 45,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Silently Mad At God?

Are you silently mad at God? Maybe, things didn't work out the way you planned. Maybe, you're still single after thinking you would be married by now. Maybe, you still cannot conceive a child and you've been praying and fasting. Maybe, you didn't get into that college or your financial aid fell through and you don't understand because you thought God told you to go. Maybe, your husband isn't changing after you've been waring in prayer. Maybe, you're still getting evicted this week and you've been trusting God to provide.

Regardless of your situation, I want you to know that I have been there. I have given God my heartfelt deadlines and literally begged him to change my situation. I have even gotten to the point when I first got saved where I cried out to Him and told Him that if He doesn't change my situation, I will quit on this whole Christianity thing. Thank God He answered my desperate prayer that next day but I ask you, are you at your breaking point? Do you suffer from this depressing frustration that says, "why even bother doing what's right? Things aren't going to work out for me anyway?"

If you feel that way, as I said - I can relate. I am all for you venting, crying, being frustrated and getting those emotions out. But, as your sister in Christ - I sense that some of you are living in that depression and frustration. You silently wonder why your prayers aren't being answered as you live for the Lord.

As hard as this pill is to swallow, I want you to know that God is preparing you for something so much greater than you can see. Yes, things aren't working out physically but that doesn't mean that things aren't working out spiritually. Just because you cannot see what God is doing behind the scenes doesn't mean that He isn't working on your behalf. He sees your prayers. He sees your fasting. He sees your dedication to His word. He sees you loving the unlovable. He sees you passing the tests. It's true, man may not see it and we have to come to a point where we stop caring if people praise us or not. I challenge ya'll to learn to stir yourself up in the Lord. Stop expecting everyone to throw you a party for your obedience and throw your own party and attend it.

We have to remember that God is our FATHER. And if our earthly parents give us good gifts (Matthew 7:11) then why wouldn't God want to make sure that you're good? The thing with God that I've learned is that He sees the WHOLE picture. He's the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the End. So, He may have a way to bring you out of a situation and LEAD you -- even if it seems like one door is closing. To the natural eye, it may look like you're failing but you're actually learning to trust God and walk by FAITH. At times, we think that because we are saved, it means that we will never have to wait for anything, that we are going to have breakthroughs everyday and that God is going to give us what we want. NO. As a mother, would I give Taylor or Logan a huge butcher knife? No! Why? Because they cannot handle it. It's not the proper time to use the knife. Maybe, when they're older and cooking us dinner when we are empty nesters - I will hand them a knife after they have shown me to be trustworthy.

I have even had to learn to develop in this area of stirring myself up. At times, I am so exhausted and overwhelmed that I would just lay in bed. I would lay there and think about my schedule and then get overwhelmed with my schedule all over again. In the midst of my frustration and pity party - I heard the Lord tell me to GET UP. So, spent some time with Him, I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, got dressed and cleaned my house. Then, I did some work. You see, you're not going to feel better about yourself or your life if you're laying in your pity party feeling sorry for yourself. Some of us need read John 5:5

John 5:5-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda,[a] having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.

You see, the lame man was WAITING for someone to put him in the water so that he could be healed.  And, you may be WAITING for a spouse. WAITING for a child. WAITING for a promotion. WAITING to feel good about yourself. Just waiting. And, just like the certain man was waiting for a man to do what only God can do, we do the same. We look for people to cure us, heal us, fix us, promote us, like us, whatever else us and we take our eyes off of God and we put them on man.

Your issue may not be that you're mad at God, maybe you're just mad at yourself. You sit and beat yourself up about what you should have done right. Or, maybe you felt like "if I would have just said this or that in the interview, I would have gotten the job." Sis. What God has for you is for you. It' time to stop beating yourself up because if you've done it to the LEAST of them, you've done it to Jesus. So yes, tearing yourself down (YOU are made in the image of Christ), is also tearing Christ down. If you're stuck in sin, cut it off, let it go, fast, pray and fight back. Don't sit and entertain what you know God hates.

I truly believe that tests prove our heart. It proves if we really mean all of those songs we sing at church. Tests prove whether or not we really trust God. So, if you're in the midst of something and you're having a hard time trusting God, your heart is hardened or whatever else, pray and ask the Lord to replace your heart with One like His. One that is sensitive to His spirit. One that craves righteousness. One that CRAVES and hungers after HIM.

I've always said this and I will say it again -- it's ok to have emotions. A moment of frustration. But, we just cannot be led by them. Take those feelings, those frustrations, those raging emotions and lay them at the feet of the Father. He will NEVER fail you, He will NEVER forsake you and He is with you!

So, if you're silently mad at God, let's simply repent. Repent of trying to take life into our own hands. Repent of our worry. Repent of our fear. Repent for trying to figure out things outside of Him. Repent for being mad at the ONLY One that can actually help us. Let's carve out time to sit before the Lord and open up those bibles sitting on our nightstands. The Lord desires a relationship with us so He can SHOW us and prepare us for what He has called us to do.

1 Corinthians 9:26 
"Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.
No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."

As believers, we must be disciplined in prayer and intentional about casting down those feelings that say we aren't enough or even those feelings that blame God for the hurt we experienced from others. God didn't hurt you, those people did. We must refuse to be controlled and led by our feelings. We must take authority over those crazy thoughts and suggestions that God is the on on the other side of everything, trying to make your life miserable. That aint' God honey. That is satan himself who is roaring around like a lion LOOKING for something or someone to DESTROY. (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8) He would love to destroy your trust in the Lord and make you think that God hates you because of your sin. Honey, He sent His only Son to take care of your sin! Simply turn to Him and REPENT of it and move FORWARD! God has SO many things for you to do! You can't quit when things get hard! You can't give in! You can't roll over and let the enemy win! Fight back!! 

Keep fighting, keep pressing and don't give up the good fight. 

God loves you like crazy!
Love always,
Heather Lindsey 

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 45,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

Friday, July 15, 2016

My Brand New Book: The Purpose Room

I am SO excited to announce to release of my brand new book, "The Purpose Room: A Meeting Place Where You Discover, Birth and Accomplish Your God Given Purpose." Gosh, this book was so hard to write. If I can be totally honest, it challenged me and made me uncomfortable to write the book because it exposed the areas that I really needed to work on regarding my purpose. Areas like procrastination. Being lazy. Being distracted. Putting things off "for another day" because I am tired with these two kids. Feeling inadequate. Feeling like "why should I bother doing this, God?" AND even comparing my calling to other peoples callings. So, pretty much - this book kicked my butt in a good way!

If you're struggling with WHAT is my purpose or, you're afraid of stepping out into your purpose or, maybe you're simply in a dry season and you don't see what God promised, then THIS book is for you! I pray that it ministers to you the way that it healed me. I am NOW more focused, less distracted and determined to complete what God called me to do. I pray the same for you!

You can find it here:  or via Amazon/Kindle! I will be personally signing the books for the month of July that are ordered through my personal website! 

As I wrote this book, I saw millions of women in their purpose, focused and not distracted by what other people were doing. I saw millions of women in position. I saw millions of women flourishing because GOD placed them where THEY were supposed to be. It's time to get in position, ladies. It's time to accomplish what the Lord has told you to do!

God loves you like crazy!
Heather Lindsey