
Monday, August 15, 2016

5 Things To Remember When You're Getting Tested

Are you getting attacked right now in your life? Does it seem like everyone is blazing ahead but you're just standing there, stagnant? Wondering when God is going to open a door in your life or when things are just going to get easier? Wondering when your single life will get better? Wondering when your marriage will get better?

Deep down, you may be thinking - if I could just get that job. If I could just get married. If my husband would just change, Lord! THEN I will be happy! 

Instead, God is saying to you:

"My Child, you want immediate relief from this test. Instead of praying for a quick change, ask Me what I need you to learn during this time. Cling to me. Stop browsing online, eating a box of donuts, or even trying to "hang out with friends" to fill this void in your heart. It is I that can fill your voids, not these temporary things. As a good Father, I am protecting and leading you - let me."

I have learned that God's timing doesn't work with our worry. Instead, He works based on the will of God for your life. I recall a season in my life where I needed God to come through for me. I cried. And prayed. And went to a bible study. And cried some more. I couldn't pay my rent. I was going to get evicted at my last month of my internship. I simply didn't know what to do. I felt like I was being led by the Lord and I didn't understand why He simply didn't rescue me in the midst of my tests. God, WHY. WHEN. HOW?

Amazingly, God came through and provided for me in the most unexpected way. I went to the leasing office and told them that I couldn't afford the rent and I asked if they can use my deposit for my last month of rent at that location. Thankfully, I had favor with them and they granted my prayers. When you're close to the Lord, He will give you wisdom when you don't know what to do. (James 1)  I believe that it was the Lord showing me that He still had a plan. If it didn't work out, would God still be good? Of COURSE. Most times, we have this idea in our head of what breakthrough looks like and God is saying, pray for MY will - not what you think you need in order to be satisfied. We have to come to the point where we realize that even if God does NOTHING else for us, He did ENOUGH for us through Jesus Christ when He sent Him to die for our sins. This mindset is ETERNAL. This world tries to get us to focus on what is TEMPORARY. God is saying that I will provide for based on DAILY bread. So, if that means that you're sleeping in your car - well, praise the Lord. You have a place tonight. You see the shift in the perceptive? I believe that God is raising up a generation of people that are willing to be used by Him. And, in willing to be used by Him - it means that He is going to prune your flesh. Your attitudes. Your mindset. Your ideas. And, then replace them with His. 

Matthew 16:24 tells us, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me."

So, let's look at 5 things to remember when you're getting tested. 

1. Stay close to the Lord. So, this means that you should have the bible playing on audio in your ears when you're not reading it, listening to sermons and worship music at night. Fight like crazy to guard your heart and refuse to listen to anything that isn't faith filled. It's vital that you hear God's voice as He is instructing you. 

2. Don't let your mind wander. The enemy will have a field day with you if you let Him. Decide to only THINK on good things. Philippians 4:8 says, "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." - So this tells me that you can think of things that aren't true, aren't honorable, that are wrong and not lovely. 

3. Don't quit. You can't give up when things get hard. Instead, make up in your mind that you are going to pass this test AND pass it with a GOOD attitude. 

4. Don't search your past. At times, we can get tested and then we will RUN back in our minds to our exes, old friends or whatever else and think that life was easier when we were in disobedience. So, black them from social media and keep it moving. 

5. Pray. Pray Pray. Keep talking to the Lord. Vent to Him. Pour out to Him. He is not surprised about what you're experiencing. Trust Him. He is with you and He will give you peace in the midst of your situation. 

Praying for you as you fight forward. You're NOT alone in this walk! We are ALL in this together, fighting and DECIDING to choose to do the RIGHT thing. 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey 

Taylor's Kate Spade Bash! I will be blogging her party details soon!

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 45,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:


  1. So needed this tonight! Because I was done. Thank you for your obedience, Heather!

  2. Amen! Confirmation.
    Great Blog*
    God is steering the vehicles of our lives. He nevee fails TRUST HIM

  3. I find myself being continuously tested as my 7 year old son keeps being in the same classes and after school programs with the child of the woman his father "sort of" left us for, for a short time. Even though I am able to pray for her as God instructs me to, I feel so vulnerable and raw and meaningless in her presence. I want to have my child's teacher changed and just run away and sheils myself from the pain. But I won't. I don't know if it is God's plan to put me in these positions or if it just chance but t is so painful. I also am tryin to focus on growing stronger somehow by having to endure it. I could use prayer. Thank u for the message and inspiration!

    1. I wil pray for your situation. Also ask God to show you any unforgiveness that you may have about this situation that you don't know about. Keep pressing. God will give you wisdom to endure the circumstance. Ask for wisdom and the Lord will give it to you.

    2. Thank you so much for obeying the holy spirit. You and your husbands are jewels.

  4. Thank You Lord! Thank you Heather, this was absolutely needed

  5. I was so going in the wrong direction before this email.. Thank you. .

  6. This is exactly the word I God I got from God during this season "to let go of the rope" of life that we all cling to and let him Sheppard us. Amen thank God he uses someone who's truly after his own heart to speak to his daughters !

  7. I feel too nice to block some people on social media but know I need to...I need help!

  8. Thank You so much! This is what I needed and at the perfect time when my mind was wandering. The enemy has really been attacking my 'perfectionism'/articularl ways/OCD-ness whatever you choose to call it, which my friend gave me a great word! She told me that God gave me a gift of excellency and to look at it that way, which is awesome advice and guidance, but it's also easier said than done when you've programmed your mind to think-"be perfect", then everything you do is wrong and you're a constant faliure. I know Romans says that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ, but it's so hard to get out of religion and 'works'. Sorry, long winded, I went off on a tangent. But awesome post! Thank you for your obedience—it was for me. ☺️��

  9. I am so glad that I am in relationship with God to be able to recognize when the Holy Spirit is speaking to me and immediately apply it to my life!!! Thank you so much Heather for this word on tonight which is added confirmation to the reassurances of God's promises over my life. Thank you for your obedience and submission to God's will in allowing Him to use you to minister to the hearts of His people. May God continue to bless you, your family, and the Pinky Promise Ministry!!! #DoubleConfirmation

  10. I just sat here and cried after reading the beginning that was so on time thank you very much I needed to read this

  11. Definitely came at the right time!

  12. I needed this so much Thank you Jesus!

  13. My gosh Heather. A word yet again in season. Thank-you. You truly are amazing*

  14. Thank you Heather.God bless r my Mentor And I love you so muchhhh...

  15. Every new word is an encouragement from the Lord... He never leaves nor forsakes His own.

  16. Thank you for your Obedience and this message because I wasn't sure if I could pass these test.

  17. Thank you so much for this post. So needs for today.

  18. Glory be to God... currently in an intense dry season. HE'S bee pruning me
    ..heavy. I am extremely grateful to Our Father for if not for HIS infinite Mercy and Grace, i wouldn't be here. HE'S teaching me that joy isnt wheb you receive your miracle or the day of your testimony... Joy is knowing God is FULLY aware and controls our circumstances... that is Joy.

    PLEASE sisters.. lets be careful on what we self assertain to ourselves in our dry trying season. I bumped on an article that explains the power of what we say after I am.

    The word " I am is powerful".. for instance a sick person say I am sick... but we as believers should say though i have an headache but I AM healed...remember one of the Top 3 most powerful names of OUr Father is "I AM".

    I have no boyfriend but I AM content; i have no Job but I AM trusting GOD. I can't see my way out of this mess But I AM walking by Faith; i had a baby out of wedlock in extreme sin by I AM forgiven.

    Be encouraged in Christ Jesus..never underestimate the Power of HIS blood. THAT'S AN ETERNAL SACRIFICE... CALL ON HIS NAME.. IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.. AMEN IN JESUS NAME

  19. "...and pass it with a Good attitude". This is key. Thanks Heather.

  20. Thank you for this article. I was honestly about to give up when I decide to not give up then keeping the good attitude becomes a challenge

  21. Lord help me to keep a positive attitude during these trials. I asked for your will to be done, now I must accept it gladly & trust You! Thanks Heather ❤

  22. When I say ON.TIME.WORD!!! Thank you! =) You are appreciated! <3 Continue to let God use you and pray for continued blessings and revelations from Him.

  23. I am so in this moment were I just want to give up and walk away I'm sewing sacrificial offerings fasting praying and not seeing anything this helped a little...

  24. This is timely, thank you woman of God

  25. Wowwww. God is so good. This was honestly what I needed to read right NOW. ���� Thank you so much Heather for being obedient and living your purpose. You are serving so many young women who need help and guidance in their spiritual lives.

  26. I really needed this because God told me to quit my job and focuse on the new job that was ahead but I wasn't hearing anything from them so I was really worried because my last day is next Friday and It's still not official that I have the job but I'm still trusting and believing God because he gave me order and prepared me for this journey and I know he will not leave me !!

  27. Thank you so much! I needed this so much!!!

  28. I'm so thankful to have found you and the pinky promise movement. Your messages always encourage me. God bless you for everything you do for so many people.

  29. Thank you for your message! I was just about to give up on my test and was questioning God, because my fiancé's job has taken over our life and has caused us to cancel/postpone our wedding , but I am thankful that he has a job and will continue being patient and growing close to God during these trials

  30. Amen.God is love.
    The struggle is real but so is My God and Savior! Greater is He That is in me than he thats in The World. The devil is a liar.

  31. I just signed up on this app because my sister told me about the conference. I kept digging and digging to read what you are saying. Reading this specific blog has me in tears. You are speaking to me and about me. I truly an grateful to be given this information and to be introduced to you. Amen...

  32. Hi Heather.
    You have been an inspiration from God to me. Perusing through the Internet, I found your teachings on singleness, boundaries, purity, courtship etc and they've been a blessing to my life tremendously. I'm a 52 yr old, divorced mother of 4, grandmother of 6 with 2 teenager daughters at home. It's been a challenge! I would like to contact you via email if possible to expound upon some things I've been challenged with. Continue to pour into the young and "old" alike. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  33. Confirmation that this is where I am right now.....i need to pass this test with a GOOD ATTITUDE.
