
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Silently Mad At God?

Are you silently mad at God? Maybe, things didn't work out the way you planned. Maybe, you're still single after thinking you would be married by now. Maybe, you still cannot conceive a child and you've been praying and fasting. Maybe, you didn't get into that college or your financial aid fell through and you don't understand because you thought God told you to go. Maybe, your husband isn't changing after you've been waring in prayer. Maybe, you're still getting evicted this week and you've been trusting God to provide.

Regardless of your situation, I want you to know that I have been there. I have given God my heartfelt deadlines and literally begged him to change my situation. I have even gotten to the point when I first got saved where I cried out to Him and told Him that if He doesn't change my situation, I will quit on this whole Christianity thing. Thank God He answered my desperate prayer that next day but I ask you, are you at your breaking point? Do you suffer from this depressing frustration that says, "why even bother doing what's right? Things aren't going to work out for me anyway?"

If you feel that way, as I said - I can relate. I am all for you venting, crying, being frustrated and getting those emotions out. But, as your sister in Christ - I sense that some of you are living in that depression and frustration. You silently wonder why your prayers aren't being answered as you live for the Lord.

As hard as this pill is to swallow, I want you to know that God is preparing you for something so much greater than you can see. Yes, things aren't working out physically but that doesn't mean that things aren't working out spiritually. Just because you cannot see what God is doing behind the scenes doesn't mean that He isn't working on your behalf. He sees your prayers. He sees your fasting. He sees your dedication to His word. He sees you loving the unlovable. He sees you passing the tests. It's true, man may not see it and we have to come to a point where we stop caring if people praise us or not. I challenge ya'll to learn to stir yourself up in the Lord. Stop expecting everyone to throw you a party for your obedience and throw your own party and attend it.

We have to remember that God is our FATHER. And if our earthly parents give us good gifts (Matthew 7:11) then why wouldn't God want to make sure that you're good? The thing with God that I've learned is that He sees the WHOLE picture. He's the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the End. So, He may have a way to bring you out of a situation and LEAD you -- even if it seems like one door is closing. To the natural eye, it may look like you're failing but you're actually learning to trust God and walk by FAITH. At times, we think that because we are saved, it means that we will never have to wait for anything, that we are going to have breakthroughs everyday and that God is going to give us what we want. NO. As a mother, would I give Taylor or Logan a huge butcher knife? No! Why? Because they cannot handle it. It's not the proper time to use the knife. Maybe, when they're older and cooking us dinner when we are empty nesters - I will hand them a knife after they have shown me to be trustworthy.

I have even had to learn to develop in this area of stirring myself up. At times, I am so exhausted and overwhelmed that I would just lay in bed. I would lay there and think about my schedule and then get overwhelmed with my schedule all over again. In the midst of my frustration and pity party - I heard the Lord tell me to GET UP. So, spent some time with Him, I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, got dressed and cleaned my house. Then, I did some work. You see, you're not going to feel better about yourself or your life if you're laying in your pity party feeling sorry for yourself. Some of us need read John 5:5

John 5:5-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda,[a] having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.

You see, the lame man was WAITING for someone to put him in the water so that he could be healed.  And, you may be WAITING for a spouse. WAITING for a child. WAITING for a promotion. WAITING to feel good about yourself. Just waiting. And, just like the certain man was waiting for a man to do what only God can do, we do the same. We look for people to cure us, heal us, fix us, promote us, like us, whatever else us and we take our eyes off of God and we put them on man.

Your issue may not be that you're mad at God, maybe you're just mad at yourself. You sit and beat yourself up about what you should have done right. Or, maybe you felt like "if I would have just said this or that in the interview, I would have gotten the job." Sis. What God has for you is for you. It' time to stop beating yourself up because if you've done it to the LEAST of them, you've done it to Jesus. So yes, tearing yourself down (YOU are made in the image of Christ), is also tearing Christ down. If you're stuck in sin, cut it off, let it go, fast, pray and fight back. Don't sit and entertain what you know God hates.

I truly believe that tests prove our heart. It proves if we really mean all of those songs we sing at church. Tests prove whether or not we really trust God. So, if you're in the midst of something and you're having a hard time trusting God, your heart is hardened or whatever else, pray and ask the Lord to replace your heart with One like His. One that is sensitive to His spirit. One that craves righteousness. One that CRAVES and hungers after HIM.

I've always said this and I will say it again -- it's ok to have emotions. A moment of frustration. But, we just cannot be led by them. Take those feelings, those frustrations, those raging emotions and lay them at the feet of the Father. He will NEVER fail you, He will NEVER forsake you and He is with you!

So, if you're silently mad at God, let's simply repent. Repent of trying to take life into our own hands. Repent of our worry. Repent of our fear. Repent for trying to figure out things outside of Him. Repent for being mad at the ONLY One that can actually help us. Let's carve out time to sit before the Lord and open up those bibles sitting on our nightstands. The Lord desires a relationship with us so He can SHOW us and prepare us for what He has called us to do.

1 Corinthians 9:26 
"Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.
No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."

As believers, we must be disciplined in prayer and intentional about casting down those feelings that say we aren't enough or even those feelings that blame God for the hurt we experienced from others. God didn't hurt you, those people did. We must refuse to be controlled and led by our feelings. We must take authority over those crazy thoughts and suggestions that God is the on on the other side of everything, trying to make your life miserable. That aint' God honey. That is satan himself who is roaring around like a lion LOOKING for something or someone to DESTROY. (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8) He would love to destroy your trust in the Lord and make you think that God hates you because of your sin. Honey, He sent His only Son to take care of your sin! Simply turn to Him and REPENT of it and move FORWARD! God has SO many things for you to do! You can't quit when things get hard! You can't give in! You can't roll over and let the enemy win! Fight back!! 

Keep fighting, keep pressing and don't give up the good fight. 

God loves you like crazy!
Love always,
Heather Lindsey 

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

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  1. Thank you!!!��

  2. Tears. Tears. Tears... right on time woman! Thank you.

  3. Great read and on time! This race isn't given to the Swift or the strong but to the one who endures til the end!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank You God ! Thank you Heather ! Right on Time !

  6. Wow Heather. I am late for me rent. Car broke down last night & I have to return the curn because I cant afford it. Left a nice paying job to do whay God told me to do which is hait & the money is not garunteed. Single mother of 2. Struggling! Been super praying, super fasting, nothing has changed. I sing. Put out 1 project & cant afford to go forward. Im stuck! But this peace that I have! Hallelujah! God has shown me so many things & this blog right here...confirmation & major encouragement! Thank you for your obedience! Continue to be blessed!

    1. Amazing and so encouraging how u can be going thru all that and still have such great peace!!!

    2. Shante, be encouraged sweetheart. God has carried me through some terribly tough situations as well including homelessness. I was a single mother and a teacher at the time. The Lord will never let you down. What the Lord has done in my life, he is doing in the lives of all those who love Him. At the time that i went through one of my most difficult moments i had a heart condition only repairable through surgery. I was about to give up and the Lord healed me. He literally physically healed my heart. I had been praying for healing and had prayers for healing and when I went for my eco heart scan, my heart had physically been repaired just as if i'd had surgery! We serve such a good good God! I medically have before and after proof of healing. God is so amazing! However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--

  7. Thankyou Lord ! Right on time

  8. This came right on time.
    I AM mad at God for allowing my life to fall apart when I trusted in Him in these areas. My prayers fell/fall on silent ears. He even had my family turn against me. I'm hurt and want answers.

    1. Hi, I was listening to a Judah smith talk yesterday that I didn't think was necessarily for me but maybe I was meant to listen to it, as I scrolled past this comment.
      He preached about Luke chapter 9 verse 57. God is more than our earthly family, than our friends, than everything on this earth. That we fail to see that, and I understand it's difficult to grasp but I think we as believers fail to recognise just how incredible God is and how he reigns over everything - he is our family. There is a cost to following Jesus that we don't understand but he is so much better than what we understand him to be. 'Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding, but acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight'. I hope this made sense, praying for you. (If you want to listen to the podcast, it is 'the truth about following Jesus - part 3) I think it will speak to you X

    2. To Anonymous @ 8:22pm I want to encourage you to not give up on God. I have been there... and even as I'm going through some things right now that I don't understand. What I'm learning is that I'm right where he wants me; unable to depend on anyone but him. Rent & car note 2 months behind... disconnect notice received for electricity. Who can I call on for the money? Jesus, my advocate. God is giving me opportunities to build my Trust and Faith in him. That's all I know for sure right now. Thank him for your Daily Bread sis and meditate on Philippians 4:6-7. I'll be praying for your restoration in your relationship with God. Love you Sis !

    3. To Anonymous @ 8:22pm... I understand how you feel.

  9. On time message...Thank you sis Lindsey!

  10. This came right on time.
    I AM mad at God for allowing my life to fall apart when I trusted in Him in these areas. My prayers fell/fall on silent ears. He even had my family turn against me. I'm hurt and want answers.

  11. Such a blessing on this most difficult night. I literally said those exact words"why bother doing the right thing"

  12. How did you know Heather! This post was RIGHT ON TIME! I had a great 1.5 years of unbelievable miracles and now God seems silent. I know he's not withholding gifts from me but more testing my faith. My negative attitude and thinking always seems to pop up right away an amazing day. For example, yesterday was the most work-intensive but flawless day I can remember because God literally was working beside me. Then this morning, one thing frustrated me and I got caught up in my feelings. But then God did what he always does: send one thing to remind me he's still there. Thank you for this post and thank you God for this reminder!

  13. Thanks for taking God's call. It has been a large help in my journey :)

  14. Glory to God for using you. I'm in a life-changing trial and in about a more or less my entire life would change based on what is to come from God. War is seriously waged on me right now spiritually. And its been extremely trying koz ive not been able to work since april this year. May God strengthen us all in times of doubt and oppression... always in Jesus name.. AMEN

  15. Thanks so much Heather I really needed!Right on time

  16. love you Heather, this was so fitting for me on today. I didn't even realize I was mad at the Lord but I was. Grateful for the gift of repentance. Glory to God!!

  17. I have been struggling with feelings of frustration and this affected my quiet time ,prayers and bible reading because I am like what is the point since all I am confessing and believing God for seems to not materialise. I woke up this morning and this article was just what I needed. I am reminded of God,'s love again. Thank you Heather for letting God use you. Thank u God for all you are. Faithful and dependable.

  18. This came right on time. Thank you so much Heather Lindsey for being that extra push I need to get on the right path!! Thank you God for putting these words into Heather!! I love you sis!!

  19. God bless you for sharing this timely message Lindsey

  20. CRIED WHILE reading... Thank God for you Heather.

  21. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you for confirmation God told me to close some doors yesterday and I was mad at God because I thought I knew what I needed and best of all what I wanted. But your message is further confirmation why I need to be obident. Thanks again!!

  22. Wow.
    I am frustrated at myself, the depression and overall 'silence of God'. You see, Heather, I know what the next step is but I cant seem to take it. Its been a frustrating 9 months of up and down... I keep taking 5 steps forward and 10 steps back.
    When I saw the email notification for this blog come in, I thought, God heard me. He has seen me and He has answered... the reality is that I am failing at these tests but I am ready to get up and throw myself in the stiring water that I may be healed. I don't want to be away from the Only One who loves me with an everlasting love.
    Thank you for this post Heather. May The Lord bless you and your family.

  23. Thank you thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit an d writing such a powerful message!!!!!!!!! Right on time!!!!!! Tears tears tears

  24. Tears are streaming from my face as I type this. I was playing a hands on my phone and I believe the holy spirit told me to read this. It was exactly what I needed.

  25. Thank you Heather for this wonderful piece at the moment there it seems God used you to speak to me. God bless you

  26. Thanks for this message. All went well for months and I felt so sure God was working it all out.....these recent months have been so hard and really questioned my faith in God. I'm assured by the fact that those who wait on the Lord shall mount on wings like the Eagle, shall run and not be weary, shall continue the walk of life and not faint. Thanks for renewing my faith today. GOD BLESS U AND INCREASE YOUR ANOINTING IN JESUS NAME.

  27. Thank you Heather. This definitely was for me. Amidst all the trials and tests, I still feel this peace. Each morning, I am rev'ved up and I say to the devil; throw your best shot! I've got GOD by my side. I can't be shaken.
    God bless you.

  28. I really needed this, am not even sure about this life anymore. God help me

  29. WOW! This came right on time. Honestly, this is me. I have been silently mad at God and just this morning I yelled at Him out of frustration *sigh* things are extremely hard for me, like nothing is going right in my life. I pray, fast and spend time with God but so far nothing has changed. I apply for jobs, I keep getting rejected. Honestly it is hard to keep the faith and trust in God when everything is just falling apart.

    1. Anonymous, I absolutely understand.. I am in the same boat.
      I am needing a blessing in my career/ finances. I am out here with a bachelors and masters degree and I cannot seem to land a career. I gradated 3 years ago and I am STRUGGLING, and I do not know what to do. Student loans are piling up and I make just enough to not qualify for government assistance, so they say.
      I am not so silent in my anger/frustration towards God... I feel like HE's given up on me. HE has failed me... and I am disappointed. I try to read articles like this to keep myself encouraged, but just as fast as the encouragement sets in... doubt comes and takes over, just like that. I'm at the point where I'm like, "there's no point in getting my hopes up for no reason, that just makes the disappointment greater each time".
      I just want to be happy... and I don't know how.

    2. Good evening sis...
      Don't, I repeat, don't, let the enemy continue to lie to you like this. Trust me I understand where you're coming from; I'm coming out of a Job season and believe me when I say The Lord God is faithful...! Our adversary is, always has been, and always will be, a LIAR. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Did those dry bones not live again? Was not Christ glorified after the cross? Before Adam could walk, he started off as what? That's right, dust. Something from nothing. God is willing and able, and your prayers have not fallen on deaf ears. To Him be the Glory forever and ever, and I pray right now for your patience and endurance through this dry place before the manifestation of His promises as He leads you into the Promised Land.
      In Jesus, Name, Amen!

  30. I just needed this....
    Thank you so much!

  31. You always have a word for the season. God bless you ma'am.

  32. Thanks Heather. I really cannot figure out how I got to know you but somehow you've been a blessing to me all the way from Nigeria.
    Some minutes ago before I stumbled on this on Facebook, I was crying. I know God is all out for me but it's been hard sticking with El Emeth. . . I had to read Proverbs 3:5-6 again.
    I receive His grace to stay in this Spin Cycle and come out a Beautiful Vessel for His use.
    Thanks for being a blessing.

  33. This was for me.. Just last night I was complaining to God and asking His why? why? why? When is my time for breakthrough? Why did you let this happen? Why are you silent? Please say something....

    But this just gave me hope..

    Thank you..

    God Bless you.

  34. Thank you. .Just finished my morning prayers and was wondering why things haven't changed in my life, then I saw your post.

  35. Really needed to read this as I've been struggling and lazy in some areas.

    Thanks a million!

  36. Needed! Timely. Your obedience is appreciated.

  37. Heather, this article came just at the right time. Sometimes I feel like I'm being punished for being a "good" girl but like you rightly said I am choosing to believe God is preparing me for something great. Thank you for this article, it's an encouragement for the journey I am on right now. I will keep it in mind that God is my Father.

  38. Lets all stay strong...GOD is with us and will see us through it all

  39. It's like you were just in my back ward. I have been feeling discourage lately. I thank God for you sister in Christ.

    Love Deedee

  40. Thanks for those words of comfort

  41. So thankful for this message, so thankful for every person who has commented, so thankful to serve a God who speaks through His servants to give us all encouragement at a time when we need it the most!! "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to STAND" Ephesians 6:12-13, emphasis mine. Praying for all you ladies and for Ms. Lindsey that we will keep being faithful and continue trusting even when our feelings don't wanna cooperate... may God bless and encourage you all! Love, Jen

  42. What an on time word... thanks for sharing Sis.

  43. I am reminded at times like this that God is really mindful of me.... When I stumble on posts like this... Word in season. ..I know God is carefully orchestrating events....I was meant to read this. Thank you Heather for yielding and being a blessing

  44. Thank you and Amen!!! Timely word.

  45. Such a great reminder Heather, thank you! Praise God that He is always working for our good even when we can't see it :)

  46. I hate myself, Idk whats my calling and sometimes when I help others or follow in his footsteps, I have a desire to impress the Godly people even though God may have a different plan......idk anymore....idk
