
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"Use Me God!"

Have you ever cried out to the Lord and said, "Holy Spirit, USE ME! Send me to NATIONS, LORD! I desire for you to use every part of me for your glory!"

I have definitely been there. I remember crying out to the Lord one day with all of my heart, GOD! With tears in my eyes, I begged him, LORD, SEND ME TO NATIONS! I want NATIONS to know your NAME! I want PEOPLE to come into the saving knowledge of WHO YOU ARE!!!! Oh Lord, send ME so that nations may come into the knowledge of who you are. Lord, SEND labourers into the field, for the harvest is great!" As I cried out to him, I was sitting under the powerful presence of the Lord. I was literally soaking in His presence. I was laid out on my face. Completely surrendered in that moment. Worship music was playing gently in the background. My prayer room was barely lit and there was nothing like the peace that came from the Holy Spirit in that moment.

I came up from my prayer time feeling so refreshed. So encouraged. So excited about those nations knowing Jesus. That's all that mattered.

Then, a few days later, I came across a woman that I knew had been talking badly about me. She didn't know that I knew, but I knew. I forgave her (so I thought in my heart) and it was one of those things where I didn't really know her, but I wasn't crazy about her. (based on the fact that I knew she was being messy lol) She can stay right over there with her gossiping self and I will pray for her. (as I rationalized and thought in my mind) Those thoughts only dropped into my mind when I saw her here & there. I personally didn't even know her name. Nonetheless, as I came across her that day, I silently rolled my eyes in my HEART. Not on my face, but in my heart as she introduced herself to me. I wouldn't publically roll my eyes, because you know, that's not the right "Christian thing to do."

As SOON as I started to speak to her, these two scriptures appeared in my mind:

Romans 12:9 - Don't pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 
Jeremiah 17:10 - The Lord searches the heart and He examines secret motives. 

Then, I heard the Holy Spirit say: "Heather, you are praying for nations and I am sending you to the nation of the United States. This woman is a part of that nation. Be faithful in all things."

Immediately, I was convicted.

I wasn't in that barely lit room, basking in the presence of the Lord on my face. I didn't hear Bethel in the background playing music. I was in a very public place. No bells. No whistles. And, it sure wasn't convenient to love the girl that I know bashed me.

Did I really think that I could choose what nations that I want to tell about Jesus?? In knowing that this fight is SPIRITUAL and not physical, I shouldn't have even been mad at HER but the spirit that was operating in her. We need to get mad at the devil, not humans. He is the one behind all of this hate!

You see, it's HERE where your FAITH is being tested. It's THERE on your job, at the gym, in the car, or in the classroom where you're being TESTED! It is THERE where the things that you've cried out to God at church, at the altar, in your prayer room or wherever else get the OPPORTUNITY to develop.

What are we waiting for in becoming more like Jesus?? Are we waiting for a stage or a big ministry to tell us that we matter or that we are worth something? No! REAL, true ministry is happening when NOBODY else is looking! Real, true ministry is happening PRIVATELY. When nobody else is watching you to tell you how great you are. It's in the booth, in the back in the corner where you are CRYING out - YES to God when you can sneak and do something that you have no business doing! It's SECRETLY saying YES to Jesus when you want to roll your eyes, ignore someone, hurt someone who has hurt you or just quit all together.

And, the more you say Yes to Jesus and you pass those tests, the more we become like Him. I don't know about you but I want to be His hands and feet. I want to know Him like never before. I want my entire life to be surrendered to  Him and not for show but for real. I want to sense His heart beating next to mine. I want to love like He loves. I want the Holy Spirit to absolutely possess my very SPIRIT and to lead me to Jesus daily.

This means what?

That I may get tested a lot. There's alot in us that doesn't look like Him and these tests burn the bad stuff out.

1 Peter 1:7 
So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:3-5
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Being tested isn't a bad thing. It shows you your heart. For me, it showed me that I wanted nations to be saved but I couldn't' even love my own sister in my own community right next to me. Those nations that need to be saved come with a full set of issues. Of hurts. Of pains. Of "special personalities" and what I call "Jesus' special people." lol :)

Know that when you desire to be used by the Lord, it won't always be easy, convenient or even seem significant. But, IT matters. If we've done it to the "least" of them, we've done it to Jesus (Matthew 25:40)

So, when we pray, Lord, SEND ME! Use Me! Let's really mean it and do whatever He is telling us to do. And, before He tells you to start this huge ministry or go do missions, He is telling us to be faithful right now, in our community and exactly where we are. Let's be faithful in ALL things.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 50,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

6. We are headed on a Revival Tour to Kenya, Nigeria, London and Capetown. Register here: 

God loves you like crazy,
Love always,

Heather Lindsey


  1. Thank you for sharing!This is very Timely.I believe God is pruning me this season for what he has in store for me in the future.God bless you Heather.Continue to inspire.

  2. Praise the Lord for this msg ...
    Its truly a confirmation for my life today ! .. Thank you Heather! May the lord keep Blessing you and your Ministry!

  3. Thanks for sharing heather, I'm open to being faithful and real in this season without the mic and stage!!! character is who a person is when nobody is watching!

  4. Thank u soo sooo much Heather for this. This was so timely for me today because I went on a trip earlier today with a mother and I had a grudge in my heart towards her because she said something in which my spirit didn't agree with. But earlier this morning before we went out I had asked the Lord to use me to minister grace, love and kindness with anyone I come into contact with. After reading this blog post of yours, I got convicted not to be mad with this lady because it was the enemy trying to use her to rob of my peace by trying to create fear in my heart. But i choose not to give in to the accusations or assumptions from the devil about my life through using this woman. Rather I will stand firm in the word of God that I have a covenant of peace with the Lord and I shall be used in the very land that He positioned me to be at, to show love, grace, mercy and forgiveness to others; including to this lady. So thank you very much for this.

  5. Wow!! Your convictions about the woman who was talking about you convicted me. It caused me think about the person who was trying to destroy me and I realized that I hadn't completely forgiven her. Thank you for sharing. Love is a choice. That's why we must be aware of every thought and take captive every thought that doesn't glorify God and cast them down...... Also your personal prayer made me wonder if you were in my quiet time with God. My spirit lit up reading it. Lol. This was for me.

  6. Thank you for sharing...this moment in time in my life God is showing me Me!!! He's developing my character and I'm listening and learning. I needed to read this as it helps me to understand that everything we do should line up with Christ even when we don't feel like loving others or even if they bad mouth us. Thank you for being such a blessing to us!!!

  7. Ugh...I needed this lol. I've been asking Him to use me, to be His hands and feet, give me patience and give me my desire back and all this stuff but I've been getting tested SO much, first I get a nice message from my sister who is unsaved that I help her to believe THEN the very next day she insults my beliefs and I give in and we fight...then my mom who always encourages my walk and says she loves my preaching insults me and calls me judgmental because of the fight and condemns me...THEN I get blessed with a brand new car (God is so good and is STILL good!) and 4 days after someone smashes out my back windshield to steal my license plate paper! THEN I find out I'm not covered for windshields even though I have full coverage because the windshield is less than my deductible and I don't get paid for another 2 weeks and just started a new job (Thank God it pays good enough to take care of the windshield)...THank you for this because I asked Him what the lesson was and I also know it is to remain faithful and joyful in HIM no matter of my HAPPENINGS. God is STILL good! David moment, UGH at this craziness! But He is ALWAYS GOOD! lol God bless you Heather!

  8. Awesome word, be encouraged sis. May God continue to shine his light upon you. I pray His light forever be shown within you! Congrats on all you do.

  9. Wow!! An on time word. I literally JUST got up from being on my face before the lord, and during prayer I asked God to use me for his glory in any way, shape or form and then I come across this. So thankful for your message!! XoXo

  10. Wow, that was right on time. Thanks so much big sister,I have just found out my calling is to be a teacher and to serve in missions with children; and even in Kenya, Africa with children. I had a vision a couple of years ago and the Lord just confirmed this is apart of my calling and passion to work with children. Lately, I have been getting hit week after week with tests..sometimes I feel inadequate and just plain crazy for how imbalanced my life has been since I recommited my life to the Lord this early February. I'll be like it seems I am the only one being tested this way while most other believers around me or just enjoying life with no problems or obstacles.Nevertheless this encouraged me so much, that I am not alone and won't be the first nor the last to go through this process of pruning. I see so many people entering ministry early or doing things prematurely and it makes me think Lord when? (when will I get the chance to see great things done by you through me..) but I am reminded to not rush and enjoy right now and realize everyday the way I live my life is a testimony to who Jesus is and like you said being faithful in everything is what matters the most (or when no one is present or looking).

  11. Such an on time Word!
    In this season of preparation for full-time ministry I constantly want to be reminded of those "small foxes" that prevent me from growing in grace.
    Thanks for the reminder ❤️

  12. Thank you for sharing this powerful message to all of us I am in progress of knowing god and become closer to him thanks heather I love you ❤️😘 sister
