
Friday, September 9, 2016

"The Pruning Process"

I have this small garden outside of our home and I'm super excited about it because the idea of picking vegetables from my own garden simply makes my heart explode with happiness. lol 
Nonetheless, as I was planting the garden, Logan (My 3 year old) came outside to help me. He was so excited to help that he THREW a handful of carrot seeds into the garden. The goal was to space out the carrots so that they would grow properly. I tried to space out the carrot seeds as much as I could in the midst of him throwing the seeds everywhere, but it looks like I missed a few during harvest time. Carrots have a way of growing wildly if you aren't careful. And, if I can be honest, I would water the carrots and my other fruits and veggies but I simply forgot to pull up some of the carrots so it would be easier for the others to grow (Even though my mother warned me! :)). I looked up months later and found that the growth of my carrots have been stunted because too many carrots tried to grow in a small space. 

I should have pulled up the carrots to make room for the others to grow. 

Cluttered carrots

And, spiritually, we should allow for the Holy Spirit to prune us so that we can grow and mature into the person that He has called us to be. 

Prune you. 

The definition of "prune" is: trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.

And, some of you have some dead relationships, dead mindsets, dead jobs, dead whatever else that the Lord needs to PRUNE you of so that the proper relationships, mindsets, jobs and whatever else can grow in your life! Do you know that the other carrots CHOKED each other and they only grew to be about 1/2 inch long? 
THIS is what happens when you spiritually surround yourself with people that reject Christ! 

1 Corinthians 15:33 says that: "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

What does corrupt mean? 
to cause (someone or something) to become dishonest, immoral, etc

So, there's a cause and a effect ACTION of hanging out with friends that are influencing you away from Jesus. There's a cause and effect ACTION of dating someone that you know is pushing you away from Christ! There's a cause and effect ACTION to disobeying the Lord! 

In my carrots, it resulted in super tiny carrots that I simply tossed in the garbage. I have no use for them.  


There was a lone carrot that grew to be super big and it was planted away from the other carrots. It had ROOM to grow and it grew into it's full potential. 

So, if you're feeling ALONE, or lonely because it seems like things, people, jobs or whatever else is being stripped from your life, I want you to know that you're in good company. You see, at times, God HAS to strip us from ungodly influences but it is ONLY for a season. It's so that you can grow strong and build a FOUNDATION of trusting in HIM alone. I know it's hard, I know you don't understand, I know it seems lonely at times but God is STILL working IN YOU as you seek to PLEASE Him. 

Matthew 7:25 says "Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock." 

Honey, your foundation is being built on Christ and when the tests come to beat against your house, it will NOT collapse, because it's being built on bedrock. So, who cares who talks about you? Who cares who leaves you, or rejects you? Humans are as frail as breath and we cannot place our trust in them, but in the Lord! (Isaiah 2:22). Our focus must be on the Lord and not who comes or goes. 

Have you ever had that friendship that just got really weird of out of nowhere? You're like, I cannot put my finger on it but something just doesn't seem right.. Then, you're torn because you're a christian but you sense a seperation. I have experienced these things before in my own life and I have come to the conclusion that we have seasonal friendships and relationships. So, instead of getting upset about every person that comes & goes - just thank God for the season that they were in your life. If you feel led to reach out, hash things out as the Lord leads you to restore, please do so! I have learned that some friendships in the past have slowly drifted apart because there was a fork in the road. They were going in one direction, me another. Does it make them bad or me bad? No, it's simple, everyone ain't going where you're going. Most times, you won't understand the pruning process until years later, but thank God we are connected to the One who prunes. Now, I have my best friend, Delan. We've been friends for 17 years and she's not going anywhere! If there's a weird separation, I'm calling her and we are hashing it out because I know that she's a God-friend. Know the difference between the two! 

Regardless of what pruning is going on in your own life, get busy about serving the Lord. Go home and cancel your hang out's with your friends and sit with a jug of water and turn off your cell phone. It's important that you know the voice of the Lord so that you can understand what is happening when you're being pruned!  Spend the day with the Lord and pour your heart out to Him! Volunteer to help a single mother in need with her children or cleaning up her house. Serve in your local church. Be faithful with where the Lord has placed you and don't let your feelings push you around. 

Remember that as you GIVE up your old life and take up life God's way - it's going to COST you something. It's easy to sin. It's easy to revert back to your old life with no standards. It's HARD to press past your flesh and tell God yes when the entire world is screaming "no!" 

Matthew 10:39 says, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it."

So, don't let your heart be troubled if people are saying that "you've changed, or you think you're too good for us, or whatever else." You are right. You're changing. You're becoming less like you and more like Christ. 

Know that there's millions of carrots planted all over the world that are intentional about serving Jesus regardless of what they are going through. Harvest season is coming if you would simply remain planted and trusting in the Lord no matter what. It will all be worth it. 

Hang in there. Eternity is always at hand.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (5) books (including my NEW book, "The Purpose Room"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  3600 Snapfinger Rd Lithonia, GA 30038

4. Register for the 2017 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

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God loves you like crazy,
Love always,



  1. Such a timely message. I feel very alone during this pruning process. But I will seek the Lord about what He has in store. Thank you

    1. Just keep on pressing forward. I myself am in a pruning process, some days are good and some are bad but at the end of the day I trust God! He will surely come through when the time is right. All we need to do is keep submitting, saying no to our flesh and yes to our spirit.

    2. Thank you soooo much for this timely, encouraging Word! To God be the Glory 💖

  2. Wonderful blog, this is my current situation....I lost my job a week after baptism for "unjust" causes as stated by the unemployment office and have been in the wilderness/isolation for about 3 months and now God is leading me out of the wilderness and I'm moving to North Carolina from Delaware 7 hours away...people dont even text me anymore! Stick with it God has literally poured into me through this time and his voice leads me ! Don't give up

    1. I feel like I must share my story with you. I lost my job at a caregiving facility in early 2014. I was fired because a much older woman told lies about me. I cried, talked about them and felt very violated. But it reached a point where I realised that God knew what he was doing. He healed me slowly and gave me an amazing job.
      Fast forward to 2016, I was searching for something on the internet when I came accross my former boss's name.
      Turns out that a few months after I was fired, the place was shut down and everyone was investigated for elderly abuse. My former boss faces 30 years in prison. I don't rejoice in their misfortune even one bit, but I see what God was protecting me from.
      Hold on sister. Hold on.

    2. God moved you just in time before the investigation. Just image if you would have stayed and been in the mist of that situation, it would have hender you from getting your present job. Look how God moves and works. GLORY!

    3. That's awesome that you're being patient and allowing God to pour into you, and it's something that I happened to read this post, I live in N.C., what part of N.C. are you moving to?

  3. 💟💟💟💟💟💟

  4. Love how you break it down with simplicity. Awesomeness

  5. Thank God for confirmation!! He's so faithful! Thank you Lord for endurance

  6. Very timely message, God bless you Heather!

  7. Wow, I love this post...exactly what I needed to hear. God must be trying to speak to me! Most recently I just ended a friendship with my best friend of over 13 years. Ever since I became a Christian 4 years things have been rocky between us (she's a non believer) and I just felt bad because I thought maybe it was my fault. Maybe I'm just a bad friend. But she always had some kind of issue with me and we could never see eye to eye on things, but we kept being friends just because it was comfortable and we liked hanging out together. a few weeks ago she started acting very weird, accusing me of things, saying she feels like I've changed and we're not on the same boat. I was hurt at first but after praying about it, I knew what the Lord was telling me. It was time to end that friendship and find more Godly women to surround myself with. It hurt saying goodbye because at times I do miss her friendship, but I know this pruning is for good and will produce a more fruitful life in me. Hopefully God will lead me to some Godly female friends because I am starting to feel lonely today. She was kind of my only close friend. But I know God won't let me down. He will provide!

    1. Christina I know how you feel. My clos st friend is a Christian woman but she doesn't really support or understand my calling when it comes to dating God's way. She said something recently that let me know there needs to be a separation and I can see that God is allowing it. I still love her and her family dearly but I can't be influenced by her or anybody else during this season. I feel lonely and ALONE at times but God is a God of recompense. He will send us godly friends!
      Much love to you, sis!

    2. Omg Christina, you and I are in the same boat. My friend and I have been friends for 13 years as well. Since being a born again Christian now for 2 years things just recently got weird and detached out of no where. But looking back its been happening I just chose to ignore it. The straw that broke the camels back was that this last incident occured in church, it was unnecessary and shocking to say the least. I wanted to talk to some Godly counsel without talking about her because I still love her as my dear friend and dont want others to think differently about our friendship. To say the least Ive come to realize its the pruning process and this message couldnt have come at a more appropriate time. Heather said make sure their your God friends and know the difference. A scripture that came to my mind when I meditated on this matter was Matt 10:34 when Jesus says "Do not think I came to bring peace..." Im so happy you shared your story Christine, I could so relate. I pray we can find other Christian sisters in Christ to replace our old lives. God Bless you!!

  8. Thank you, Heather. This message was much needed.. I love you dearly! xoxo

  9. This message was on time, thank you

  10. Amen! Amen! Amen! It hurts! It hurts it's hurts! but...God is good! God is good! God is good!...thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  11. This is so on time for me. I've recently moved to a new place to start a grad program in the midst of my husband wanting to separate. I've been feeling alone and emotional. Thank you for reminding me that God has placed me here in this season for a divine purpose and reason. Right now it feels difficult but I know the pruning will bring forth Godly results.

  12. Yes, when you know what God has called you to do, it doesn't hurt as much (lol) when people you were tight with fall off. That is so true about the weirdness that happens even with people you consider to be "wise counsel." It's so important to know God for yourself. We are all on our journey, maximize each season and move as God leads. On point!!

  13. Wow! I love the Holy Spirit! I was just talking about this last night ... we have got to stop trying to revive old friendships and relationships! So timely Heather!

  14. This is so timely. I've been in this process for the last few years, moved to a new city, relationships lost, but I know it's for my good! Thank you Jesus

  15. God bless you woman of God. This blog confirmed exactly what God revealed to me. I had fo move on from my former best friend of 17 years. I knew this was God's doing because I've had peace about the situation plus she didn't try ro convince me to stay her friend. I ended our friendship on a positive note so God will be pleased and deleted all emails and texts so I can move forward. Can't heal if you're dwelling on the past. Stay in God's presence because He does speak to and through you. Let Him continue to use you for his glory!!!

  16. Wow.. all I can is "God is always on time!" Recently broke away from my "best friend" who is not saved, and cut off a budding relationship with someone who turned out to be an unbeliever. God in His infinite mercy gave me revelation about them both, and peace to let them go. Holy Spirit is Awesome! God bless you Heather, and continually use you to speak into the lives and hearts of His people in Jesus name. Amen!

  17. Thank you Heather for letting the Holy Spirit use you ! This message was right on time for me... it's exactly what I'm going thru right now .

  18. When I tell you "There is a God". I have been battling this feeling of loneliness for the past few weeks. I've prayed and God has provided. I still felt lonely and like something was not right. I prayed on it and today I came across your post. I understand now why I feel so lonely! He is pruning me. The friends I had I called my sisters none of speak! The ones that do " barely". I do feel like I want to talk to a friend,but God is preparing me. Your blog came at the perfect timing!!!!

  19. Nice. Lol it's like you and God had a discussion about me huh!!!!! You are so right. I can't live among the thornes if I want to grow. I must place myself in the most suitable soil to be thoroughly nurtured with the right nutrients. Love the encouragement. Please don't stop we are listening/reading. God truly loves us like Crazy.

  20. In my case, it was family Heather who had been weighing me down and preventing me from moving forward. It is so timely and I believe your message is from God as yesterday I had another heated argument with my mum who keeps putting me down for all my life.. Recently my sister mocked me for my faith and my mum sided with her. She refuses to see the wrong but rather support my brother and her. I came home heavy hearted and crying. Rejected, dejected and all alone. My husband and I have been in a hard season for last 8 months and we have seen the true colours of many people. My husband literally begged me to seperate myself from them but I kept going back thinking I am being forgiving only to end up being hurt again. But your post affirmed what I felt led in my prayer time. Time to let go and move on....I am being pruned!, i don't know why i am going through all that I am but I know now there is a bigger purpose. Thank You Heather!!! Thank you Lord for this precious woman of God!

  21. friend



  23. Thank you Heather. You have been a constant blessing. Really waiting for when you will be in Nigeria, hopefully we'll finally meet

  24. Prunning..... It's a struggle process but very much Wirth it
    I love this post.... Hits right were it s sour

  25. Phew! This message is timely for me. God bless you ma.

  26. Thank you heather de message came ryt on tym....i thank God for using u n i thank u also for obeying

  27. Love this!

    Thanks Heather.

  28. I am so SURE that God uses you and your life to minister directly to me. I am growing through this exact thing. I'm experiencing a weird separation with one of my closest friends and she is a Christian woman. I just had so called friends disappoint me greatly and I realize God is at work. I feel lonely some days but I keep relying on God being a God of recompense.
    Anyways, I thank God for using you.

  29. This blog is exactly what I am experiencing right now. God pruning me and taking away people that are causing me to stumble. Thank you Ms. Heather.

  30. Awww man, if this is not right on time! Thank you Jesus for this and healthy for sharing! !

  31. Thank you for your messages,they're really blessings lives. God richly bless you Ma'am

  32. This message was very powerful and very needed at thus time in my life.

  33. Yes Lord! I needed this. God is on time with confirmation.

  34. This message was for me and it was right on time. Thank you Lord! I needed to hear this more than anything right now. If feels like you were talking about me, to me, and through me. Thank you Heather 💓 God bless you, your family and ministry.

  35. This message has definitely helped me to understand where I am at. Thank you Heather you have helped me so much with your powerful insightful messages.
