
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Feeling Discontent With Your Current Season?

Have you ever just checked out on what God has called you to do? Maybe you're so excited about the next "season" in your life that you aren't even there in your mind right now. Maybe you're graduating next May and you have "senioritis." Senioritis is when you're so not in class - you're just going through the motions. You're so tired of being there and you're READY to go. You're so ready to be finished. I can relate as I felt that way my last year of college. I was so ready to move to New York and get my "purpose" started. I kept saying - I'm going to really see my "purpose" when I finally graduate! I'm going to really see what God called me to do! Sadly, I TOTALLY neglected my current season. I was already gone in my head. I had checked out and I was totally missing what God wanted me to do in TODAY.

At times, we can become so focused on our "next" step, or the "new season" or the whatever else that we ignore what God wants us to do right NOW. Guess what, today .. you have PURPOSE. Today actually matters. And, today is preparing you for where God is taking you. What I didn't know as I "rushed" to my next season is that New York was going to be one of the hardest seasons in my LIFE. I was in such a rush to get there that I didn't realize that the next season in my life carried it's own sets of struggles, hardaches, tests and trials.

So, where are you at right now in your life? Are you sick and tired of this season? Maybe you're not as on fire as you were when you first started your job. Maybe you just violate every copy-write law as you write your last paper. Maybe, you're not as on fire and excited about your marriage because you're bored with it. Or, maybe you're engaged and rushing towards the aisle.

Today matters.

Get your emotions together and sit before the Lord. Ask Him to help you to not be lazy, complacent, bored, tired and giving up on where He has placed you. We must stop rushing from one thing to the next - thinking that wherever we are going is going to be better. The grass aint greener in your next season honey! The same you is going to be there. 

Philippians 4:11-13 
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Let's talk about that word contentment.  Philippians 4:11 says in WHATEVER situation, be content. Not happy? - Not encouraged? - Bored? - Wishing you had whatever? - It says in whatever situation that you're in, be content. And, keep reading. It says that you can do all things THROUGH Christ. Not through yourself, through your degree, through your season or through whatever else you think you need in order to be happy. 

I just sense that some of ya'll are so not happy about your current state of your marriage. Maybe, you think your marriage was fun at one point but now, it's become routine. Instead of comparing your husband to another man, focus on what your husband DOES right. Maybe, he is great with the kids, he comes home to you EVERY night, He leads you in bringing the family to church. "Well, Heather - those are things he's supposed to do." I totally understand, but sadly you have too many expectations. Let me explain. Unmet expectations birth frustrations. Instead of focusing on all of your expectations in your marriage, focus on the Lord. Then, you will burn your laundry list of what your husband needs to "be." And allow for the Holy Spirit to work on him & change him. You cannot change that man. You cannot change Him. But, you can work on you. You can let the Holy Spirit change you. Did you know that God created marriage and He can give you the inside scoop on how to make it sweet? So, give your expectations to the Lord. I'm with you on having a godly husband, that comes home to you and loves you like Christ loves the church. There's times where I feel like, "My husband isn't loving me like Christ loves the church!!" Then, the Lord asked me a questions - are you submitting to him as unto the Lord?" Umm.. well. Not really. I believe as women we become perfectionist in telling everyone what they need to do while ignoring the part we play. 

Regardless of your current season, this still holds true -- we need to finish strong and finish what we were supposed to complete or ENDURE where God has placed you (ie. Marriage). Don't allow laziness to rob you from doing what God has called you to do. So, maybe you know you're about to leave a current job for a new job. Is your employer sad that you're leaving or are they pushing you out the door in relief that they don't have to do with your attitude anymore? Maybe, you do your work, but you do it with a heart that's checked out. People can sense that you're doing  your work grudgingly and not as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23 "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."

Many times, we want God to bless where we are going but we aren't being faithful in where we are today.  So, cheers to not letting your emotions & feeling dictate where you are in life. Let's press forward & do what the Lord has called us to do as long as it's called today. 

Just a few things:

1. Find my (4) books (including my NEW book, "The Runaway Bride"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Midtown Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA. 

4. Register for the 2016 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

5. We are headed to London for the Holy Desperation Conference! Join us! 

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 40,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

God loves you like crazy,
Love you all so much!

Heather Lindsey
Family Trip to Maui, Hawaii 


  1. My daughter and I was just talking about this last night! Thanks for the confirmation!!💜

  2. Wooooooooow,Mrs Heather Lindsey God is really using you to speak to me.. This is exactly what I am going through right now and I would like to Thank God for your amazing life.. May The Lord bless you and your family exceedingly and abundantly..

  3. Wow! This is just what I needed to read. I've been feeling so discontent in my marriage. Thanks for this!!

  4. God is using You to Bless Many, Thank you!

  5. I don't live in Atlanta, can i still come to the church when I visit there?

    1. Yes. I do that. I live in Orlando and visit Miami church sometimes

  6. I feel lost at the moment, my heart is so distant and my spirit is bruised. I was said that I wish there was same way I could exchange my spirit with a healthy one. This gives me a little more insight in terms of how I am feeling.

  7. This was so for me as well! I'm so bored and tired of my current season. I'm supposed to be writing my book but I'm no longer interested in it! I know for sure God instructed me to do it but the drive I had is totally gone! I pray that God gives me the will and strength to complete this task for this season in my life! Thanks Heather L

  8. This really spoke to me so much so that I teared up. I'm going through a very rough patch in my marriage as well. I am just not feeling it at all right now. A very good word. Thanks for posting!

  9. Very on time word, my husband has actially left me. I feel so torn on my next step we still communite to co parent but i don't know how else to proceed and pray for his heart to change. I pray and when i speak to him it's like getting smacked in the face

    1. Oh! My dear I will stand with you in prayer that the Lord can bring him back if u want! Be encouraged sister! The lord is with you!
      Thanks pastor Heather

  10. Thank you for being obedient Heather! I really needed to hear this!

  11. Heather, I just talked to God about this yesterday. Thank you for consistently sitting before His feet. You've encouraged me to do the same. Hugs!

  12. This really blessed me! Thank you for sharing! What a heart check!

  13. Heather, Im so confused right now andI totally agree with what you're saying. The only thing is im not married. I have a 1 year with my boyfriend and we been together for 3 years. Things are not the same and i dont know if i should fight for it for the sake of my daughter.

  14. Thank you so much because I needed that. I appreciate you and your ministry. God bless!

  15. Thank you so much because I needed that. I appreciate you and your ministry. God bless!

  16. God bless you! Your words are right on time! Every time I have feel like the Lord has forsaken me he proves me wrong. He is ALWAYS giving me signs and your email was definitely a sign! Thank you so much Heather! I appreciate you and your work! May God continue to bless you.

  17. Thank you, thank you.... I needed to hear that today.
    I've been a single mum for 4 1/2 years ~ my life has been on hold waiting for the next season to come where I get my happily ever after. Yesterday I got a text from a friend as I whinged about lonliness saying to just focus on my daughter in this season - internally I wanted to scream "easy for you to say with your husband, 2 children, dog and white picket fence" - she always is telling me that what I have with my daughter is something she envies. I know why she says it and I thank God that the relationship I have with my 8 year old daughter is what it is, I thank him that she IS my greatest ministry. I sensed in my spirit God telling me as I read this "this season isn't about you, this season is about the child I entrusted to you" - She don't need a daddy when she has Jesus, she doesn't need a white picket fence - our rented property does just fine.... she needs a mumma who stays focused and shows her that despite the difficult days this mumma stays strong and stays connected to Jesus.... because maybe my happily ever after as I dream it wont come, maybe God has a different plan.....but maybe just maybe, my girl is going to be the light that will change this world, all because her mumma helped her build the foundations of Christ for her to stand and grown on.

  18. Thank you for sharing this, I really needed to read this. God is really using you, thank you for being obedient. May God continue to bless your family.

  19. Thank for this, your blog posts are always so powerful and inspiring! I absolutely LOVE your ministry And I hope that MILLIONS more will see your blog and praise God for bringing you to where you are today!
