
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Feeling Down?

Have you ever felt like life is purposeless? Or that life is just weighing on you and you feel like there's no way out? You know the scriptures, you know that things are going to get better but at the same time, you're like why God? "I feel trapped in my own life." Have you ever felt like, this test is too big and I don't see the way out. I don't know how God is going to deliver me from this one. If you're feeling this way, I can assure you that this battle has nothing to do your physical environment. The screaming children, the job you hate, the fact that you're tired of being single or broke. This battle is SPIRITUAL. NOT PHYSICAL.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us: "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."

So, although it may seem like it's people, things and your situation that has you frustrated but I want you to know that you're in the midst of a war. A battle. An attack against your walk with the Lord. This is not the time to recite how much you hate your life, or how frustrated you are with everything. This is the time that you need to go to WAR. This is the time where you need to guard your heart more than anything. This is the time where you have to cast down those crazy thoughts and make them submit to God's word. (2 Corinthians 10:5). This is the time where you have to PRESS past your feelings & remind yourself that this season won't last always.

I discussed this in an earlier blog,  and the reality is this, satan has demons assigned to kill, steal and to try to destroy your life (John 10:10). He isn't a one man show. He sends his messengers to tell you lies. He sends his messengers to make you feel defeated. He sends his messengers to make you feel like quitting. Satan doesn't care about YOU! He just wants you OUT of the way so that he can go onto the next Christian & try to destroy THEIR life. He just wants to ruin your marriage so that he can kill your witness.

So, what are you fighting with? 

Physical means? Yelling, screaming, complaining, gossiping, worrying, fearing while comparing your life to everybody else's & wishing that you had it because you think it's better than yours? NO! Those are physical means! You cannot take earthy things to a spiritual battle!

This is what we must take to the battle:

Ephesians 6:10-18 (NLT)
The Whole Armor of God
10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

I believe that it's in those moments where we just stand firm to what we know and we know to be true while PRAYING in the Spirit (tongues) and staying alert and UNDISTRACTED. If we don't spend time with the Lord, we will won't have our sword of the Spirit. Most of us are leaving our swords of the Spirit in the car, waiting for church tomorrow. It's not enough to get an 1 hour word on Sunday. We must be intentional about sitting before the Lord.

I recognize that satan attacks when we feel weak. Or when we are our worst. The bible says he "roars around like a lion, seeking WHO he can destroy. (1 Peter 5:8). I'm reminded of the animal kingdom. The lions usually seek to chase after those animals that are weak, are old, slower or sick. Those animals that don't appear to have a fight in them. Satan is doing the same thing to you. If you feel weak, distracted, sick or not your typical self, I believe that satan is seeking to attack and destroy you.  He's aiming for YOU because you have put your guard down and you have given him an open door in your life.

We have to FIGHT back. So, repent of your sins. Repent for not trusting in the Lord this time. Stop bickering and fighting with your family. Make things right with your spouse. Get your fight back. Get back on your face in prayer. Pray on all occasions. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't go back to your past & what seems comfortable. Press forward. Stop emotionally eating to deal with your portion. Stop texting people from your past to fill this void. This fight is SPIRITUAL.

We win in Christ.
So, now that you recognize the enemies attack. Use it against Him.

James 1:2-4
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

My prayer for you:
Father, in the name of Jesus we bind every spirit that is attacking those people reading these words right now. Satan, you  have NO authority over us. We pray right now that our hearts aren't troubled and that we trust in the Lord. We pray for peace in our homes, on our jobs, in our family, in our marriages. We pray right now for perspective. That we will recognize that these attacks are spiritual and not physical. Lord, give us wisdom on how to deal wisely with our portion. We declare Lord that we are content in  YOU and YOU alone. YOU are our peace, our joy and our strength. Strengthen us as press forward.

You have a purpose, YOU have a plan. This earth needs you to accomplish what God called you to do. Don't give up. There's something on the other side of this all.

Just a few things:

1. Find my (4) books (including my NEW book, "The Runaway Bride"), purity rings, shirts & all that good stuff via!

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Midtown Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA. 

4. Register for the 2016 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year so you don't want to miss out!

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 40,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

God loves you like crazy,
Love you all so much!

Heather Lindsey
Happy 3 months to our Ms. Taylor Milan! :) 


  1. Thanks Heather for allowing God to use you! I needed this :)

  2. I have a question. A guy question for you. If a guy says, he likes you,but wants to be your friend and watch that develop, but we don't have to talk every day. He is just out of a relationship and doesn't want to jump into one right now. What does that mean?

    1. From my experience it means he really isn't interested in pursuing anything with you. He wants to keep all his options open. Most likely you will end up hurt, so you might want to set standards and keep some distance. I know you didn't ask me, but I've gone through that experience before.


      Hey sweetheart, I know the question was not directed to me but I hope my response will help. A man of purpose knows what he wants and will pursue it. You see, he will not risk losing you. Sounds like he is not sold on you; he wants to sit you on a nice little shelf on reserve until he makes up his mind. You are not an option hun and no man of God who is set on pursuing you would make you an option. If you had the money and your favorite pair of shoes (limited edition) finally came in stock and the only pair left was in your size, would you leave it at the store? Would you go to the store every day and stare at it but never purchase it? Would you spend a week’s debating it? Would you let someone else purchase it or would you purchase it?

      The big red flag for me is the fact that he is newly single. If he just got out of a relationship and is not ready to jump into a new one, why is he placing himself in a position where that is exactly what will happen? If I am not ready to drive a car, I would not get in the car and start it. The only thing I would end up doing is wasting gas and wasting my time. He may be looking for a “no strings attach fling.” Sort of like a “friends with benefits” relationship where he gets the benefits of a relationship without all of the responsibilities that comes with it. I’m saying this because I had a guy try to pull the “I just got out of a relationship and I don’t want to jump into a new one” card on me. The whole situation was just so confusing because he wanted us to do relationship oriented things but was not ready for a relationship. So I finally I hopped off the shelf, dusted myself off and decided to continue being single. It was purposeless and a distraction. Are you guys doing what people in relationships are doing? Does it feel like you guys are kind of in a relationship but you’re not too sure? Are you confused?

      God is not an author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) and he would never send you someone that brings confusion. God is a God of purpose, everything that is tied to him has an ultimate purpose and that purpose will bring him glory. I would encourage you to also pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom in this situation and in all situations. Believe it or not, you can go to Christ for everything even boy troubles. He cares about all your issues and questions. Grace and peace sis.

    3. Great advice ladies! I have too dealt with a guy not ready for a relationship but everything we do was like a relationship... it was such a waste of time we are still friends but once I realized it wasn't going anywhere I had to fallback and just enjoy my singleness and so should the lady who asked the question. Be blessed!

    4. Great advice ladies! I have too dealt with a guy not ready for a relationship but everything we do was like a relationship... it was such a waste of time we are still friends but once I realized it wasn't going anywhere I had to fallback and just enjoy my singleness and so should the lady who asked the question. Be blessed!

    5. To the October 31 question. I COMPLETELY agree with anonymous. I had that happen to me and it didn't work out. Save yourself the heart ache, wondering and SET BOUNDARIES. Treat him like a friend and if that is too hard because you are attracted to this person DON'T DO IT at all. The Word says "if your hand, eye causes you to stumble cut it off"

  3. This is so good. Such an awesome reminder that satan is not sleeping, he is always on the prowl so we need to constantly guard our hearts. Thank you for this!

  4. Awesome post! Thank you for sharing this. This was definitely for me! #confirmation

  5. As always Heather, right on time.. I thank God for putting this on your heart tonight. I wish you blogged more but I know how busy you are. I read your old posts at work almost everyday and learn the bible verses. We can't have our bibles inside and its blocked on our work computers.. Surprisingly your site comes up�� Stay blessed hun!

  6. Thank you for posting this! It was definitely for me! #confirmation 🙏 ❤ 😇 👐

  7. As always Heather, right on time.. I thank God for putting this on your heart tonight. I wish you blogged more but I know how busy you are. I read your old posts at work almost everyday and learn the bible verses. We can't have our bibles inside and its blocked on our work computers.. Surprisingly your site comes up.. Stay blessed hun!

  8. Thank you Heather!! This came right on time. God Bless.

  9. Thank you for being obedient to God and sharing this message with us. I needed to be reminded that this not a physical battle, it is a Spiritual one...

  10. Amen. Right on time literaly was in a pool of tears and this showed up in my inbox.

  11. Amen. Right on time literaly was in a pool of tears and this showed up in my inbox.

  12. Blessed me tonight! This is how I was feeling the past few hours! Thanks for the uplift!

  13. Thank you Heather !!! Perfect timing!!

  14. These words....every one of them! Thank you! God knew exactly what I needed to hear at this moment!

  15. I needed this thanks Mrs. Heather! God Bless you!

  16. Seriously, I'm blown away my this blog post and how relevant it is to my current situation. Thank you Heather, I appreciate you

  17. Thank you so much Heather !! The tears just would not stop such perfect timing!!

  18. Thank you so much. I needed this at this very moment!

  19. Thank you so much. I needed this at this very moment!

  20. Wow, wow, wow.....If you ONLY knew how ON time this was...I literally just wrote this in my journal" tired of smiling on the outside when I'm crying on the inside.. Lord please be my strength"..Then I see this post as if the Lord is saying I Hear You, I'm Here with You and I Got You...Thank you, Heather, for your Obedience

  21. Right on time, my situation exactly smh Thank you for allowing God to use you

  22. Right on time, my situation exactly smh Thank you for allowing God to use you

  23. I am so grateful for this, I have been going through some heavy test everyday this week and I was looking for these scpritures, thank you for allowing God to speak through you Heather Lindsey

  24. I am so grateful for this, I have been going through some heavy test everyday this week and I was looking for these scpritures, thank you for allowing God to speak through you Heather Lindsey

  25. I am so grateful for this, I have been going through some heavy test everyday this week and I was looking for these scpritures, thank you for allowing God to speak through you Heather Lindsey

  26. I am so grateful for this, I have been going through some heavy test everyday this week and I was looking for these scpritures, thank you for allowing God to speak through you Heather Lindsey

  27. Needed this! Thank you for your servant heart and for reminding us whose we are!


  28. Thank you for this message Heather, I feel like God is speaking to me, i was feeling low all day and i was in his presence praying for deliverance from it, and your notification popped up, he truly does listen. Thank you for the message. God bless you x

  29. I thank God for using you as a vessel. I needed this right now in my life.

  30. Thank you so much Heather, I really needed this!!!! I was just laying here feeling so defeated and this message scrolled right to me.

  31. May God bless you.This message was meant for me.Just woke up feeling low and depressed but after praying and reading this I feel better.

  32. This was for me, thanks Heather!!

  33. This was needed, thanks Heather!

  34. This was for me, thanks Heather!!

  35. Just what I needed at the very moment I needed it. Thanks!

  36. Thank you Heather! I needed to read this as a reminder to press forward.

  37. Thank you Heather! I needed to read this as a reminder to press forward!

  38. Thank you very much for being "Obedient"! This has surely encouraged me. HE didn't say it would be easy, but that it would be worth it. HE is carrying me & I'm PRESSING forward, in Jesus' name. This season is temporary, yet extremely purposeful. Healing, Deliverance, Wisdom, Order, & Favor is my Prayer for my Kids & I. Our later shall be greater than our past. God is well able... HE is Emannuel! Thanks Again & God Bless!!

  39. Thank you so much heather! I told myself it was over and this changed my perspective. If you only knew...

  40. Traci..... Omg this message was for me, just lost my job today.... Start asking God why are so many bad things happening to me, start think crazy about ending my life. And a young lady from my church sent me your blog today. I feel that this was God speaking to me through you. I. Ant thank you enough for saving my life today Heather. Been crying all day & feeling sorry for myself. But not anymore.... This is spiritual not physically... I got it����������❤️

  41. i needed to hear this so badly tonight. ive been crying all night mad at god because ive been saved seven years now and i feel like im doing everything i can and i still get attacked with anxiety and it ruins everything. i feel like giving up. but i know someday ill be free of it. this is a great message

  42. you are such a yielded vessel, Heather, that God's words just flow through you and touches the heart of those who need at the right time ...including myself. God Bless. Thanks for standing alongside us in prayers.

  43. Thanks a lot Heather. I definitely needed to hear this.

  44. Thank you Heather!!! I definitely needed to hear this.

  45. After all the shedded tears today, the Lord has spoken to me through this blog.
    Thanks for letting God use you, Heather.

  46. God Is So Awesome! Your post has truly blessed me in my absolute time of need. I was just searching and conversing with God for answers to my lack of manifestations in my prayers. A short time later, I opened my email to find your blog, which truly speaks to my heart. It"s an On Time Word from Our On Time Father!
    Thank You, Heather and Stay Blessed!

    (P.S.Ms. Taylor is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!)

  47. This was truly an On Time word for me because I literally was just talking about the majority of what u said in this blog earlier today its amazing to me how God will use someone whom you don't even know to send a word Thank You Heather I know what I must now do

  48. This was seriously right on time. Thank you Heather, and God bless!

  49. This entry could not have come at a better time! Thank you God for your voice in these words.

  50. WOW. I am so encouraged by this message. Thank You so much for your obedience Heather. This cracked me to the core. Thank you Jesus for the straightforward words of wisdom that is so needed, especially NOW in this Season. WOW.

    Hidden-In-Him :D


  51. Thank you. Oh my
    I am going to pray right now. I pray I will not be overwhelmed. Thank you Jesus! I pray to stay submitted to God and stay wrapped in his protection and peace.

  52. Amen! I have been feeling like this all October and I am ready to fight again & keep it that way!

  53. Thank you for this exactly what I needed to hear I'm going through some serious financial troubles and they've gotten me really depressed. And feeling miserable. I've even gone thin stressing.

  54. It means you shouldn't wait around. If he liked you he would want to be with you. No matter the reason, in the end it's an excuse. Why wait around for someone u may like when there's someone waiting to love you.

  55. Thank you Heather, may God continue to bless you so you can be an inspiration and motivation to women everywhere.

  56. Praise GOD, for vessels such as yourself. Always on time and standing in the GAP. Bless you all my sisters!

  57. I can't seem to get suicidal feelings out of my mind. I'm trying to hang in there and be strong, but my life is harder than what I ever imagined. I get tired of being in a rut with no signs of positive change. I remember going to the mall and bookstore yesterday and watching everyone go about living their lives, and feeling like I was looking in from the outside. Sometimes it hurts a lot!

    1. Hello. I've been there with the suicidal thoughts. I am currently in a tough time myself. You don't know what to do and you are just tired of everything. I pray that God helps and guides you through this time. Like Heather said, you are here for a purpose. God loves you.

  58. The holy spirit told me to open your blog and read this, no word of a lie. It has ministered to my heart. It was good medicine. Thank you for your obedience.

  59. The holy spirit told me to open your blog this morning and read the first post, no word of a lie. It has more than ministered to me, it was like i took a dose of medicine. Thank you so much for your obedience.

  60. Please how do I get your books. I live in Nigeria and I have tried using the link but it keeps telling me to fill fields for those staying in the US. How do I get your books?

  61. Please how do I get your books? I live in Nigeria, I have tried using the links provided but it keeps telling me to fill fields for those living in the US. How do I get your books?

  62. Definitely an on time word. Glory to God. Keep being obedient Heather

  63. Thanks Heather. I will not give up.

  64. I don't like asking this because so many Christians have different views and I don't want to cloud my judgment. But I've been reading your post for about 6 months now & I trust you. How exactly do we speak in tongues? Is it a gift to be earned, asked for? I so desperately want to know how.

  65. Thank you for this!! God uses you in a great way!!

  66. In tears bc this is so for me. My heart is aching and I feel so lost. The enemy keeps attacking my 10 year son. I pray and fast and still the intense battles. I am so numb right now.

  67. On time work thank you for your encouraging words

  68. I am so grateful for this word and your ministry. Thank you so nuch! Go green!!

  69. Thank you for these words. I really needed to hear this right now

  70. Recently I just got a relationship with this guys I felt like God was telling me that he was distraction so I broke it off. I prayed and asked God to send me a husband someone who loves him and what's to chance God with me. So I started to be just wait on the lord. Recently I met this guy and I thought God truly answered my prayers but it was so quick and that made me think it was a trick of the enemy. He was so nice we prayed together talked on the phone about God, we would go to church together. We even had a lot of the same things in common. It's like our whole life was our everyday walk and talked was surrounded by God and that's what I loved about it. It was just perfect but I stared getting this feeling that it can't be right what is I was outside of gods will. I liked him so much and he liked me to but both of us started having the same feeling. What if we was outside of gods will! We prayed together asking God was this his will but we didn't get answer. But I found peace in it all I made up in my mind that I was going to give it to I prayed about it and felt a peace with God But he called and told me that he don't think that it's meant for us to talk and it broke my heart. I want him to just leave me alone so I can get over him but it's so hard what do I do? He still having this feeling and thoughts but he still talking to me and it hard because I still like him and he still likes me but it's like what do we do?

    1. It's hard to say. Like I heard earlier. God speaks to people in different ways and you have to find out how he speaks to you. Be patient with him his timing is not our timing. If u are at peace with it, but he is not, then it sounds like it's not meant for you. He has CLEARLY told you this. So don't set yourself up to be hurt when he has already told u he doesn't believe ya'll are suppose to talk. Anything that happens from here on out he can always say, we'll I told you, but you CHOOSE to stay. People may be great people, but that doesn't mean they are meant to be in your life forever. The devil hears your prayers too. And he will distract you and make you THINK it is from God. Be patient. Like my mmmmm i'mma always say, if it's good it'll keep.

  71. Time to go to WAR.
    Thanks for sharing!

  72. I don't even know where to begin. I've been trying to understand my life for some time now. The things I want and pray for never succeed. I'm a believer but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I believe that God's plan for my life is greater than my own but I can't help but feel defeated at life challenges. The things I want the most aren't/don't happen for me. I am currently at war. They devil is attacking me from every angle and I feel like I'm on the brink of breaking and giving up on everything. I'm a 35yo single woman with no kids. The clock is ticking and I have no prospects. I pray about it and someone comes along but they never last. Even if they are God-fearing men. They don't last. It's hard not to think I'm the problem and there's some wrong with me. I pray for strength and guidance all the time but I'm always an emotional wreck. Please someone help me to learn to walk by faith and not fear or dwell on what's not happening in my life. I feel so hopeless and useless all the time...

  73. Hi Heather! I thank God for you and I pray that he may continue to bless you in abundance forever! I am a baby in the Lord and I recently had to leave my church of three years because of false doctrine, lack of integrity, manipulation, etc. I thought church was supposed to be a safe place and I gave it my all for three years of my life just to see at the end that not everyone who claims to know the Lord really knows Him. I thank God for you because in this time of "limbo" where I'm still searching for the right church home - your preachings and your blogs and your videos motivate me to continue in this walk. After all, it's not Gods fault that there are some less than lovely humans out there lol. I'm praying that I find a home here in my state & a group of real lovers of the Lord, but in the meantime thank you for feeding me :) I wish I could just move to ATL and make the GO my home lol. God bless the Lindsey's, I pray that your reward in heaven may be a BIG one!

  74. Thank you for your blog, I always re-read it, always! It couldn't have come at a better time, when a young woman like me is adapting to life on her own, with no financial security nor parents, however it's God sent Women like you Mrs Heather that remind us that it's okay to admit you are human and have feelings too, that it's okay to share what you're feeling with your creator. I feel like I have reached a point where nothing seems to be going right in my life. I have drifted away from God and have no plan on how I will get back, I've become so comfortable with my lifestyle that it brings nothing but constant sadness to me. However I have this sense of determination to come outed whatever it is that's holding me back. Thank you! Thank you. God bless you and your family Mrs Lindsey. Thanks I'm all the way in SA. Hope to have pinky promise this side one day.
