
Monday, April 16, 2012

Join the *Journal Challenge*

I've learned that spending time with God daily will eliminate most of your problems. Does it mean that your problems disappear? Heck no. They will still be there as John 16:33 says "I have told you these things so that in ME you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble! But take heart!! I have overcome the world"-- INSTEAD your perspective is gonna CHANGE. The MORE time you spend with GOD-- the more PEACE, joy, understanding and clarity you will have! Tests are designed to GROW you up-- the issue is, we keep running from them or "going around that mountain" for 40 years and it turns into a temptation. You don't have to accept every test that comes your way. Last year, I went through HELL ( I blogged about it here). 2011 was the worst year of my life. I lost three people close to me due to death. My husband & I stepped out into ministry. We lost a ton of "pretend friends." I had a CHOICE to make last year. God told me to get my tail up & DO what HE was telling me to do!! I continued to press on & tell my emotions to shut up. I KNEW what God called my husband and I to do and I wasn't gonna let no silent season make me THROW away what I KNEW to be true. 
So yeah, the tests came. But you better believe I passed them. I was "tempted" to get weary but I stayed on my face before GOD. I got crazy close to Him during that season. I knew He loved me. I knew that I wasn't "cursed." I knew that I belonged to HIM. I also knew that I needed to GROW up in some areas. ...

Then, 2012 hit. Since DAY 1 God has been OVERWHELMING my husband & I .. with ideas.. visions.. Pinky Promise.. the Oath.. speaking engagements.. crazy open doors.. and most importantly being USED as a vehicle to share Christ. I NEEDED to go through what I went through last year. Being a Christan aint all peaches & roses. So yes, you may go through some hell but don't get mad at the only one who can help you. Are you serious??! Jesus was BEAT & hung on a CROSS. There was nothing pretty about that. So you need to leave that church that tells you if you get TESTED that it's ONLY because of your disobedience. Let's all be clear-- there is a DESTINATION to sin outside of Christ. Along that destination of disobedience is judgement if you continue to ignore God. But.. at any point, you can turn your whole heart to Jesus & stand before HIM brand new, holy, like you've never sinned. (colossians 1:22-23). So, I was living for God.. with all of my heart & got hit up. (like Job's story). GOD wanted my heart through that season and you BETTER believe HE has it. I learned to trust HIM like no other. I needed that season for this season my husband & I are in. I miss my loved ones but you better believe I'm doing what THEY couldn't do here on this earth-- and that's sharing CHRIST. And those "pretend friends"-- a REAL friend, sticks CLOSER than a brother (proverbs 18:24). So am I sweating them? No! I love & forgive them from a  distance but I aint rocking' with them. They were unqualified to join me in this season. It just is.. what it is.

I am a much better Heather after 2011. I carry the SAME joy & the SAME attitude of thankfulness towards Christ. He's my entire life. I'm so thankful for Him. So honored to belong to Him.

I started this journal challenge because I realize that at times, we have a hard time spending time with God daily.  BUT if we had a flight to Hawaii every morning at 5am that was an all expense paid trip.. we would be at the airport on time. We would MAKE time to pack.. & check in on time. Let's make SPENDING time with GOD a priority.

How amazing is it.. that hundreds of us.. will journal & write our "day" that we're on. This aint for show'-- it's us, spending time with God daily & letting Him change us from the inside out. Writing the day on your journal is ONLY for accountability.
So, what will you need?

A Journal! (this is mine! You can get it at my Pinky Promise Store (  (I like pretty journals) lol
Notecards! I swear by notecards! I use these often as it does something to your brain as you write down the scriptures. Then, I meditate on them throughout the day. So write out the scriptures longhand-- based on what God places on your heart to study & to meditate on.

Here's an example of how you'll start your journal. I always start mine with "Dear Daddy"-- and be sure to write the CONSISTENT day. The point of this journal challenge is to get you to be consistent in spending time with God daily. So day 1, day 2, day 50, day 56.. etc.

This is my favorite bible. The Life Application Bible- NLT version. I purchased it from a Lifeway Christian store. It's a GREAT study bible that breaks stuff down.

Ok, so now that you have all of the materials-- you may ask-- HOW do I journal?!? What do I say??! As I blogged before with "How to Spend Time With God"  - so be SURE to read that entire blog if you're joining this challenge. But to answer your question-- I look at my journal like my diary to God. I just pour out whats in my heart. I thank Him for being God-- I tell Him I love Him. I tell Him whats going on in my life & my struggles. PRIOR to this-- I put on worship music, sing out to Him & pray (as I said, be sure to read my blog)-- doing those things will help UNCLUTTER your mind from all the stuff going on in your head. I write what God shows me about the scriptures on my journal & whatever else. Remember-- you have to treat your relationship with GOD like a RELATIONSHIP. Except He already knows you.. He created YOU. But He still wants to hear from YOU.  After I write to God.. I just get QUIET. Sometimes, He shares things with me.. sometimes-- I just sit & enjoy His presence & hear nothing.. I just meditate on WHO HE is.

So the challenge starts WHENEVER you read these words. You could be reading this a month after todays date.. but I challenge you to get started in TODAY. Today is day 2  of being consistent for me. I'm excited. Just the time I spent with God today.. was so beautiful, so amazing. I'm thankful for this accountability challenge.

Before I close out.. know that satan is gonna attack you. You'll be sleepy, too busy, or whatever else. Remember that you'll desire WHAT you give your attention too. So shut your phone off, Facebook & the TV. No distractions. 

Let's go!!!!!!

God loves YOU like CRAZY!

Heather Lindsey


  1. First let me say thank you! Lots of people have tips about how to talk to God, how to pray, but no one is as personal and shows what they actually do! I'd love to join this challenge. Tonight is night one for me. Last year was my first time actually feeling like God wanted me to get closer to Him, and the voice was loud and clear. So I think this would be an awesome way to spend time with God.

    XO Kelley

  2. Thank you, this is absolutely a perfect way to become more focused in this relationship with my "daddy"! Thank you Heather, you have been a blessing in my life!!! I will be more than happy to begin this journal challenge! =). Sheila

  3. starting my day 1

  4. I just started reading your blog yesterday and i am already taking the steps I need to, to get to the place where God so desperately wants me to be!! I am going to the store tomorrow to purchase a journal and note cards so I can begin!!! May God continue to bless you as you bless others...thank you!

  5. I appreciate your post! Such a great confirmation! I've been journaling for 5 months now consistently. Your post helps me to keep striving through God's help & staying connected with Him.

  6. I shall journal on my laptop :)....I hope & pray we all stay consistent :)

    1. I am so happy that I am not the only one who is going to journal on my laptop

  7. Replies
    1. Hi beth! Read the above! The instructions are there! You start today.

  8. I'm a guy and read your blog faithfully! I definitely plan to take this challenge.

  9. Wow!!!!!!!! I read this last night and started this morning.. by the end of my journal entry I was almost in tears <3 thank u for this challenge, sometimes I feel like i ramble when I pray but when i wrote everything just started coming to me and all the things I wanted to say to my Abba just came out and I feel like I finally have shared my heart with him and this is only day 1!!! Thanks :)

  10. I dedicate my early morning daily for my time with God. I will add the journal challenge to my mornings. Starting today.. Thank you for sharing this wonderful way to stay close to our Lord and savior :-)

  11. I'm in! Thanks Heather!

  12. This is pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing it. I started doing my own modified version of Goldie Taylor's 21 day journey yesterday ( One of the things that I wanted to do on my journey was to start journaling. I'm a bit slow getting to it because school and work kicked my butt yesterday. But your blog has definitely offered some great information to help me get started, and most importantly, STAY CONSISTENT!


  13. starting my day 1 today, thanks for your transparency!

  14. Tears... Flowing tears. This challenge is just what I needed.. Such confirmation and conviction. Facebook, TV and so other many tags consume or time, bt time with HIM is so important. Heather, thank you so much for your ministry. You have been such a blessing to me and my friends, my marriage and my family. May God continue to bless you, your ministry and your message. Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Starting my challenge today, ready for just me and HIM.

    1. I totally agree!!! 100% we are to be consumed by God!!!

  15. I sooooooooo love this! Am starting tomorrow am! I thank God for creating u and using u to help others in a practical sense!

  16. Amen!! This was a wonderful and motivating blog!! I am inspired to accept the "Journal Challenge!" Today will be my Day 1. Thank you for your words of inspiration and encouragement! It is so important to spend time with Christ.

  17. I have a random question. I remember someone saying that journaling is demonic. I can't say I agree with that...but I just want your opinion. I think the person who made this claim was trying to say it's important to open your mouth and talk to God not just write. Please tell me what you think. I trust your opinion. Thx

    1. lol there is NOTHING wrong with journaling! Don't believe everything you hear. Test every spirit. Both talking & writing to God is communication. Some people are horrible with verbal communication but they can write it down--and get it out. That's OK. I do recommend BOTH. Now if you're journaling to satan-- that's demonic, but we're journaling to our Lord & Savior, Jesus.

  18. Hi my name is Molly and i am a 14 year old 8th grade girl who is obsessed with Christ!! About 2 years ago me and a couple of my close friends started a devotion / prayer group at break everyday called "The Circle" which started out with 4 of us and has now grown to where we have between 20 and 30 people who regularly attend. I have sort of take a leadership role in "The Circle" with my friend Lauren. We both read a scripture to start it off then listen to prayer request and i then pray for the goup as we bow in reverance to God and obeying what he has comanded of us in Matt. 28:19-20 & Acts 1:8. Rejoicing about what he tells us in Matt. 18:20 which says "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there also am i in the midst of them." At the beginning of this year we tried adding a morning session of "The Circle" that was going well but only lasted a week because i was informed by the administration at my school that we could no longer continue the morning session because of the lack of supervision but that we could continue the one at break. When i recieved this news i was 1st greatful that we were able to continue " The Circle" at break but at the same time i questioned God " why would you let something so small and meaningless ruin something that was flourishing and glorifying you?" I later realized that God has a plan for us and that the morning session must not have been a part of his plan. Most recently though i started a devotion before youth for 7th and 8th grade girls called "Purified" which has gotten off to a rocky start but i know that God will do wth that time what he wants. I do ask of anyone who reads this to pray that "The Circle" and "Purified" will grow and develop into something so much bigger than all of us. Also i hope if you only get one thing out of my testimony that it is this: No matter how young, old, or busy you are you can find the time and courage to take up your cross DAILY and follow him by being like him. And trust me i know a busy schedule i participate in band, bowling, bible drills, powerlifting(yes i said it), soccer, track, student council, BETA club, FCA, instrumental ensemble, choir, and i take private lessons for oboe and piano. I am saying this all to say that God has blessed me with many various talents but also a voice which i use to proclaim my love for him and feet which i use to follow behind him closely with. And i know as well as anyone else that i am not perfect and that nothing i have accomplished or started for him would be possible without him. And by the way Heather i love your blog and i just want to say thanks for being such a great role model for girls my age and most importantly for pointing out what we need to hear and know about Christ!!! :) By the way i have accepted your challange and i have been journaling in every class and then i pray and reflect on what i wrote because i REFUSE to go through the motions of this world!!!

    1. WOW Molly! Praise GOD!!!! I love the fire you have for God at such a young age! Continue to let God use you honey. GOD searches this EARTH for those that seek Him & desire His heart. So continue to stalk Jesus & run Him down! hahah! I'm crazy proud of you & I'm here if you need me. I appreciate that you took the time to pour out.. and I am totally praying for you! <3 xo Heather

    2. Molly, you are an inspiration, keep it up!!! :-)


  19. Wow wow wow basically in tears! Love u Heather that's all I can say right now......I'm starting the challenge in the morning once I get my journal thank u sis!

  20. AMen, I'm so in! I've been doing this INCONSISTENTLY for a long while now. I love the fact the this challenge holds us accountable while allowing us to realize the benefits. I definitely want to spend as much time with God as possible, and I know I could be doing more. I pray that we all continue seeking and spending time with the Lord, as we join in one accord on this challenge. Please keep me in prayer concerning many different things, but most importantly obeying God's call. Love you much Heather. God bless you.

  21. joy (sweetsoulchild)April 19, 2012 at 4:14 AM

    hi Heather,
    I don't usually leave comments on blogs as I tend to ramble on but I was sent your blog on Saturday, read the whole archive in one night. and was greatly blessed!
    not so much that I haven't heard many of the things you shared before; more like they strongly confirmed a lot of what God had been speaking to me. it was a real blessing how you put things and I haven't stopped sharing your blog its like God has given you a gift of interpretation to my friends what he laid in my heart. I have also gained so much insight and clarity on fuzzy topics. just that week I was starting to wonder if my standards were too high and similar to you, I remember thinking 'id be married now if I wasn't so fussy' n the Holy Spirit was quick to remind me id probably be divorced or separated by now too. the amount of times I felt my blood pumping as I read your blog and recognised similar struggles, lessons and victories. you sure have joined my great cloud of witnesses.
    ok enough rambling I better say what I really wanted to.
    on Sunday I started afresh on my journal with slight frustration after neglecting my journal for a whole week. it read
    "Lord, why do I find this journalling thing so hard?? I know its something I need to do more often but there just doesn't seem to be enough time - even when I'm doing nothing"
    I realised that even though id been journaling on and off for a couple years it only started cos I heard someone in passing saying it helped. Its not something that comes naturally for us Africans, and honestly most times I feel ridiculous writing in it and I really didn't know how to do it right so asked God to teach me if he wanted me to carry on.
    that was Sunday. you wrote this blog on Monday. for me.
    thank you for listening to God, going through the testing year and allowing God to use you as a blessing.
    the Lord keep you and continue to work in and through you.
    Much love and blessings from Ireland!.

    1. Wow! Thanks for taking the time to write this! I appreciate YOU & all of your kind words. Really. I'm praying for you honey. Love you!

  22. Hey beautiful sis, Thanks for accepting my friend request, its nice knowing you from your blog & Facebook, you've greatly inSpired me, oh my !!!!!!! i read your story and was blown away how God is faithful and merciful to us all who had the same situation like yours, hmmmmmmmmmmm mine was a hot messs i mean hotty messs, i've had a rocky life since i was 15 up until 17-18 to be precise, but left the old way since then & i decided never to be invovled in any relationship, but i get caught up in hot past torment & i didn't get peace of mind till i open up to my earthly dad about it, aftermaths he prayed for me & i felt much better, although i had prayed to my Heavenly Father the moment i got into the mess, a church girl singing in a choir with a mess imagine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! each time i reflect and remember how God brought me back from my sinnful way and adopt me into His family, to have learnt that i felt like a jewel, a queen.
    He's promises gave me an assurance that He is always with me, through the counsel of the wise and meeting Godly believers like you on this, i feel inspired to be what God truly has designed for me to become, & am happy to met you on time. Thanks for all your insight, inspiring articles & i will continue to read from your blog, God bless you richly, i hope to hear from you soon. Many Blessings. FUNMI

  23. Hey Heather I wanted to ask ur opinion on something!! Ok so I just heard about one of my friends friends getting beat up for praying before eatting her lunch!! She and my friend pray everyday before eatting their lunch and one of the girls that sits at their table had enough and beat the girl up! The girl who beat her up was afraid of my friend because she is does powerlifting like me! If she wasn't then she probally would have been beat up also not to mention that I probally would as well if I weren't a powerlifter! The girl who beat my friends friend up got put in alternative school but is now back at the school what should I do to help this situation out? I am already praying for this situation and I ask you do the same!! This make me so mad!! Idk what else to do is there anything else to do? What's your opinion Heather?

    1. I would go to a teacher or a authority at that school in addition to prayer. Someone should be notified. Praying for her to stay strong.

  24. We are not personal friends, but GOD always sends beautiful friends or people to my path to show me the true meaning of beauty from the inside out and to guide me to grow closer to HIM as that is my desire. You are right about the distractions of Facebook, TV and feeling sleepy. I have recently been experiencing those exact things going on in my life now more than ever since I have decided to buckle down on my relationship with GOD. Keep me in prayer and I thank GOD for you and Cornelius' ministry as I move towards divorce and fulfilling GOD's purpose in my life. GOD Bless You!

    1. I'm praying for you love. <3 Stay encouraged & close to God!

    2. I want to join the challenge, but I don't know how. Do I need to like the Facebook page, or send an e-mail?

    3. No- you just join right where you are! No need to send anything-- just start spending time with God! :)

  25. Hi,I am a 17 year old girl. I am going to be going to college in two months. I thank God that I found your blog. It is very inspirational, and I am super excited to begin with my journal. You are doing amazing things for him and will be well rewarded in heaven. God Bless You.

  26. Oh woow oh woow! May God truly bless you sister Heather!
    It was only by God's grace that a sister in Christ and two others that I've recently met shared and told me about this as I truly desire to draw near to God this year and everyday of my life and not just spend time with God once in a while or once a week but on a daily basis cos it is only HIM that keeps us going and we NEED in our lives in order to live everyday according to His will! So I've just done reading this blog, going to read the other blog 'How To Spend Time With God'. I hope you are doing great with your everyday time spending with God and you are drawing closer to Him, growing in your understanding and knowledge of Him, Jesus and His great love, and be focused on Him in His presence. I will try start tomorrow by God's grace and get my Day 1 done :D I thank God for using you to do this and I pray for His will to be done in your life in Jesus' name!

    Keep Representing!



  27. I started spending time with God every morning about a week ago & it has been amazing to say the least. I stumbled upon your blog and I'm inspired , motivated and encouraged to join the journal challenge. ( today was my first day ) and it felt sooooooooo good. Thank you Heather and I pray that God will continue to bless you even as you continue to be a blessing and a source of inspiration. :D

  28. Let me first begin by saying thank you (Heather Lindsey) my accountability partner! Today is day one of my journal challenge. I have been through so much in my life but nothing greater than my savior's, Jesus Christ, perfect sacrifice; it was all character building and through it all i am still thankful for that. I too had to realize through my storm who to get close to and through my silent season I still held on and believed on God's unchanging hand. And now His presence, favor, grace and faithfulness is beginning to matriculate in my life through my faithfulness and my willingness to die to this world and live for Him, through Him. It is time to bring integrity back into style; GOD is looking for people that are longing, thirsting for Him to be the LIGHT and SALT of this world and show what HE can do through us! This is a great process and i am elated to be on board along with being a Pinky Promise Leader (New Orleans). MAY GOD BLESS THE HEARERS AND DOERS OF HIS WORD. AMEN :o)

  29. Morning Heather. I know this is a bit off topic for the Journal Challenge but I was getting my "youtube worship" on at work this morning and ran into a couple of songs and I had a thought....If you ever need a theme song for the No Randoms, Pinky Promise I think one of these could very well be sitting...LOL. I have no clue how to embed these as active links so you will have to copy and paste.

    That Jesus Love

    I Choose Jesus

    Have a wonderful and blessed day today my sister!


  30. Heather- Before reading your blog, I just got a journal. So in order to be part of the movement do I need to purchase your journal? Is there an order which you are advising everyone to read? Last, how can I join the Atlanta group?

    1. Of course NOT! Just get any journal~ I was just sharing my journal! :) You can join the Atlanta Group by going to :)

  31. Thank you! A friend posted your blog on fb and as soon as I started reading I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to continue. THIS is what God wants me to do. God has used you to bring me back to my commitment in my passionate love relationship with him.

  32. After reading this blog, i felt and still feel encourage. i am starting mine today. Thank you .

  33. it's been day 4 for me today, I love it. The best time for me at dawn or sometimes between 3am. Am always refreshed. Writing memory verses on index cards has been super rewarding I am in love with my daddy. The more I seek Him the more I find Him, the more I find Him, the more I love him. Soooo sweet

  34. It has been day 4 for me already and I love it. Writing bible verses on index cards has been super rewarding for me. Best times are at dawn or 3am when the hubby and daughter are sleeping. Uninterrupted time with God is sooo precious and sweet. Like the song, the more I seek you the more I find you, the more I find you the more a love you. Awww so awesome. Thank you big sis. Love you you are such an inspiration and an awesome mentor.

  35. I love your blog! I found it roaming on another friend's Facebook wall and I haven't been able to stop reading or sharing. Thank you for letting God use you. I love the realness of your message! I have accepted the journal challenge, and I am experiencing such a renewal in my spirit. I found that I was so overwhelmed with school these past four years at college that I would only read my word at church or when I was going through. But I want to make it a point to have quiet time with God on a daily basis. It really sets the tone for my day. Shame is that when I was younger my family had devotions in the morning (really early because my dad was in the Army) but when I went to college I didn't carry it on. Now that I have been making a point to talk to God first thing, it has made a tremendous change in my day! I love your other blogs as well, especially your discussion on randoms. What an eye-opener! Thank you so much for sharing!

  36. So awesome - I'm starting this challenge TODAY! Thanks for the reminder to make a point of spending time with God every single day.

  37. This is amazing,i am so inspired after reading this blog i just came across i would love to be apart of this Journal challenege. WOW im in ALL. What an idea and a way to express a relationship with God. Thank you soo much for your inspiring way of thought. I checked out your blog 15 minutes ago and i Love your blog already. So interesting and i will continue checking daily.

  38. Heather, I am so thankful to 'my daddy' that I have come across your touch on so many topics that I can truly relate to. Although I have been delivered form some of my past issues (I am nowhere near all) I can still read what u have to share and agree, understand and continue my walk in the right direction. The first blog I read was "Where is my ADAM?" That blog completely outlined the way my current relationship worked out. I always knew he was the one but God still had him in is Deep Sleep....when we broke up over the summer, that is when my Adam woke up. I really like you blog, b/c u can really put into words what I have been feeling and thinking. I think the journal idea is the best anyone can ever do. Everyone always say 'dear diary' but what can ur diary do for you? it cant respond to any of life's cant even listen....but when u write to thats POWER!!! he hears our every cry and feels our hearts inner most desires.....he is our provider, healer, comforter and friend! I am glad u are allowing God to use you and live out your purpose to share his word and save HIS ppl by bringing them out of refuge! You as many other Christians are doing the work Jesus did while He was here on earth, but only GREATER (John 14:12). You are now saving dying souls and bringing them back to life. Thank you for accepting the call and touching the lives of some many soon to be powerful and already Virtuous Women of God! Thank you for encouraging women to keep going, seek God and the purpose He has called us to. I look forward to seeing what God inspires you to write about next. We will chat soon!

  39. Hey Heather.. what is the time limit on journaling and spending time with God? For instance.. what is too short?

    1. No one can tell you how much time you need to spend with God. You have to develop that relationship for yourself and the closer you get to Him the more you'll want to spend time with him!

    2. Agreed! There's no time limit. Its like a relationship you have with a friend! You just hang out! You don't watch the time! Enjoy God!

  40. Lovely.. I'm gonna start today!!! I used to journal but not consistently.Tanxxx. Very good job

  41. Hi Heather,
    I have been so wrapped up in your blog for the past year, and it got me through my last year of college so powerfully, so thank you. But I want to know, how do I start receiving the scriptures? I'm not so versed in the Bible, and I don't know that God will say, "Kelsey, turn to Exodus 1:3" Where is a good place to start? Or how do you decide that? I NEED HELP

    1. Hey love!
      Start studying areas you struggle with-- for example, if you're struggling with trusting God, look up all the scriptures on trusting God and meditate on those & get books & study it out. I just go & read whatever God leads me to read OR I do a particular study.


  42. Im dealing with a horrible break up of three years my health(Diabetes) being a single mother and I feel depressed everyday I cant seem to get the breakup out of my mind do you have any suggestions? Everyday thats all I think about I cry day & night asking myself what did I do wrong. Can you help me

    1. Hi
      You did nothing wrong it's Gods plan for your life he is leading you to where you need to be not to where you want to be!!! I know it hurts and it may be all you can think of but believe it or not you will be thanking him for this blessing one day and be so full in your spirit you can not be moved by no man! Live in Gods word journal your feelings rely on Gods words and cast your fears upon him he loves you like no other can or ever will. You are in my prayers
      Mom of 11 and wife of an amazing man I was a heart broken miserable single mom of 4 and God took it all away. He made me dance again when all I wanted to do was sleep.
      I believe in you now let's believe in him and show the world he is all that matters

  43. Im 22 years old going to school at the University of Toledo (from cleveland) and i stumbled onto your instagram page a few days ago which led me here!! You are such a beautiful person and it must of been God working because i so needed these blogs and words! I have gotten so lost in this world and been looking for direction, and like a breath of fresh air i have found it! Thank so much. May God continue to bless you

  44. You are truly amazing. Have you ever been to Pensacola?

  45. You are truly amazing. Have you ever been to Pensacola?

  46. So I was going to say "I don't do journals" but I think I'm going to have to start this journal. Thanks for saying "yes" to God's will for your life. I will buy a journal tomorrow by God's grace!

  47. I love this! I've been keeping a journal for almost a month now. Its been such a blessing and its made me even more comfortable with being confident about my writing. It really does make a difference when you write down your honest truths with God. Thanks so much for sharing!

  48. I've started my journal. I'm on day 3 now. A good friend sent me the link for your blog because she felt that we could both benefit from the things you post.I started reading your posts 3 days ago, and I have been so encouraged and motivated to spend more and more time with God. I thank him for you and using you to help me and others.

  49. Hi Heather,

    its hard to see a more real blog(if that's correct English). i got to ur blog, thru various links. i can truly say i was blown away.

    thank you so much! hope to keep reading more. God Bless u and ur family.

    from 9ja.

  50. So excited about starting my journal challenge! It's been a rough year but as the end comes i'm starting to see more changes in my life. My season is coming to a close and it's really affecting my life. I really appreciate your motivation, encouragement, blogs, words of wisdom, etc... They really help and i know many women feel the same. Thank you for allowing God to use you to be a blessing to others!

  51. Heather you the bomb... Jesus surely did USE you and all I can do is smile:)

  52. Heather,
    You are truely amazing! I'm so thankful for this blog and that God is using you to reach out to girls like me! Your posts help me keep moving forward to getting to know my God! Thank you and I'm praying for you and Cornelius's ministry!

  53. Wow I am enjoying your blogs Heather I also enjoy the website. I have always loved journaling & I needed to get back on track however I wanna have quiet time with God & @ 5:00 is when my hubby leaves for work & I know that should be when I get up & have devotion & meditation with Him I just need to do it cause all that God has, have, & still is doing for me.

  54. I have started and restarted this challenge at least 3 times and re-reading this blog helped me realize the things that keep hindering me, like my flesh and I have to commit to spend time with God because I notice (and others notice) the difference in me between when I am spending time and when I am not. When I am snappy or in a bad mood my mother is famous for asking me "Did you pray today?" or "Are you still doing your devotions in the morning?"

  55. Hi. OMG I was feeling kind of down yesterday and I was thinking of starting a journal. I am feeling so much better today and after reading this you have just confirmed that I should start my journal. I have just written my first journal entry to GOD. Thank you so much Heather for sharing your journey with GOD with us.

  56. On Saturday, less than a week ago I started journaling (before I dug up this post) and it has been amazing all God has spoken to me and revealed to me in this short space of time, excited about the rest of my journaling journey. But like you correctly said - the devil has tried to attack.

  57. I read your post about a week ago. your blog was recommended to me by a friend and I started the journaling challenge that same night. I haven't been quite regular and although it's been 6days I have done 3 days. however I am improving and I just spent the most amazing time with God and HIM talking to me and knowing that he is here with me and I can just open up to HIM is so wonderful. thank you so much for allowing HIM to use you and share. Blessings to you and your family.

  58. Wow! Thank you Heather, my name is Ashely and i just recently followed you. Thanks for the reminder. I started journaling to God 2yrs ago entitled my "Journey w/ Papa God" and then i just got carried away with all the busyness going around last yr of my folks becoming ledrs in the Pastoral leadership & its just bn hard. Every blig i've read just like todays one has ministered to my heart. Funny how God works; God woke me up early this morning n all i did was 'excuse me' take a bath & grab out my 'journal' lol for obce in the longest & just chose this blog to read . It is now 4:36a Hawaii time && i know the Spirit of remembrance is tugging on my heart to spend time with the Lord. I am 25yrs old. Pls keep me in ur prayers. I just want to say that i am God Oroud of what you are doing with your ministry. Thank you for ALL That u do & continue to do for the Kingdom of God. U bless my ♥ i hope to make it out to the Singles conference in Oct =) God Bless!♥

  59. Heather I have a question about the journal challenge, I do bible plans on the YouVersion app.. but I was wondering since you said in the how to spend your time blog that we should read the New Testament.. Do I read that and take a pause from the Bible plans or ?

  60. Never too late to start the journal challenge. Thank you for allowing God to use you Heather, and for pouring out your heart.

  61. After reading this post, I started the journal challenge on 1st September 2014 and have not looked back. It has literally transformed my relationship with God...a complete 360 degree transformation!! Yes!! :-) Each day is exciting, even with its challenges, the meaning of life is more clear, I'm better understanding "ME" and my heart is continuously full. Communicating with God is now natural and effortless. Absolutely love the time I get to spend with Him xoxo

  62. Lol! am reading this many years later hehe, I have been blessed through and through. I love your passion for God Heather. after reading almost all of your blogs today, i feel challenged like i havent done enough, like am not where i should be, i have taken in all you said and am starting on the Journal challenge, the quiet time and the rest.., keep preaching Jesus and May God take you from one level to the other. blessings.

  63. Day 1 truly a blessing to be apart of this new journey ...
