
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wow! What a busy week!

So sorry that I haven't posted anything in about a week. I was in New York for work for a full week. I had such a blast! Although I was there for work and I worked my TAIL off everyday, I was able to sneak in attending my best friend's baby shower, a few dinners and shopping trips (I love NYC sample sales!) with friends. Out of all the places that I've traveled I still stand by the fact that I think that NYC has the BEST shopping.

Some of the girls from the shower! One of my dearest friends is 8 months pregnant in Purple! She looks great!

I landed at midnight last night and I had to turn around and take my husband to the airport at 6AM! Crazy, right? He's on his way to Dubai and Africa to share Jesus.
          (the group of men that are going with my hubby- at the airport)

 Reminds me of Mark 16:15 "which tells us to go into ALL the Earth & preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all." I get convicted when I read that scripture because it says ALL. All includes those that are forgotten, broken, of other religions, the downcast, the "rich", the "poor" the ones that you think are better "than" you based on some worldly reason, it also includes those that you think are "below" you. It just challenges me because sometimes I would like to think that I'm humble, but I'm really not. I am constantly working on this area. Sometimes, I get so busy it becomes a distraction that I'm ripping and running here & there and not slowing down. Sometimes I don't "feel like slowing" down and talking to someone. I'm tired, way too wrapped up in "me" or whatever other reason. I recall this past week, I was in Philadelphia and I saw a man asking for donors to support a fundraiser for the land in some random country. I was in a rush to get my smoothie, go to the bathroom and was planning to meet a friend. So I grabbed my smoothie and started to walk past the young man I passed. The Lord told me to stop. So I asked the young man to give me the real deal about what he's doing. I ended up giving him some cash I had on me. NOT because I believed in his project, but because GOD told me to stop and do it. I could have easily brushed it off, rushing off here & there but I'm so tired of saying I REALLY love God but refuse to obey Him when He instructs me. Outside of that..So many people are broken, sad, depressed and down. We can tend to get so wrapped up in our life that we forget that we are made to glorify HIM. It's never about US. It's always about HIM. Not your job, your career, gettin' you a husband, that house or six figure salary. Everything comes out of Him. So SLOW down, obey Him immediately and remember that when you confess your undying love for Jesus Christ on twitter and facebook, it's gonna get tested. So pass it.

When I was on the plane at about 30,000 feet in the air, I looked down on earth. It's amazing to me that there's SO many people but God STILL knows me by my name. The hairs on our head our numbered and no matter what is going on in my life, I feel like God's eyes are directly on me. His LOVE amazes me. It challenges me. Sometimes, out of nowhere, His love just surrounds and overwhelms me. His presence is so refreshing. Even just typing this makes me want to bow down & worship Him. Just remember that no matter what you're going through, God is with you. He hears you, He Loves you, He will NEVER leave you or forsake you. Even if everybody else leaves you, HE still remains. So don't worry about your life. It's cupped in His beautiful hands. He's with you.

So thanks for letting me vent my thoughts. Make sure you're praying for my hubby and the men traveling to Dubai and Africa. Also, follow my hubby's blog as he blogs the entire experience.

Love you all,


  1. I was teaching a youth group about spreading the Gospel of Chirst and one of them asked me, "What about people in other countries who live in distant villages who will probably never heard about God, does God hold them accountable?" First I was blown away by his question, second I had a simple response, I said "God loves us ALL so much that He will make sure everyone has an opportunity to hear the WOrd of God and know Him." It is always a joy to hear about saints going on missions trips to spread the Gospel. I pray I am able to take a missions trip one day.

  2. Glory to God sis!! I know God will open those doors! May God continue to bless and keep you and Make His face shine upon you!
