
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Top FIVE Secret Beauty Tips!!

(One of my real-life sleepovers! There used to be about 30 girls in my 2 bedroom apt!)

Sooooo, I am ALL about sharing my ladies tips!! I LOVE finding new remedies, new shampoos, beauty tips & everything else! So I figured I would share a few of them with my ladies! (and men too! :)) I look at life as a HUGE sleepover with everyone invited, with pure hearts, sharing secrets, tips and encouragement. Although this isn't always "reality" as my husband would say.. I still love my bubble. lol

                                                    My bubble. :)

Tip #1. Wen Shampoo.
 Ok so you know that creepy infomercial that comes out at night?! Yup, that's it. I actually purchased the product and I LOVE it! I noticed a huge difference in my hair RIGHT away. Its a "cleanser" for your hair. It shampoo/conditioner combined and it leaves your hair super soft and manageable. Sometimes, I leave it on overnight and I wake up and wash it out and it's amazingggg! You can purchase it directly from the website or just purchase via amazon. If you go through the website, they will set you up for automatic billing and ship it out to you every other month. I don't like automatic anything so I shut that down. I just order it from amazon. Any "scent" is fine- I use Mint Almond.
Here's the link:

Tip #2 Heutiful Hair Steamer!
Soo, I used to be a blond. I was blond for about 7-8 years until I got married and I decided that I needed a different look! I love my natural hair color but I wanted to restore my healthy hair!! For those of you going "natural" or for those of you that are trying to increase shine, health of your hair and growth..(who doesn't?!) THIS is the product! I came across this page on Facebook and figured I would try it out. I paid about $150 with the steamer, the conditioner, shampoo and the Heutiful headband. It was a GREAT purchase. It's like having my own mini' hair salon in my bathroom. :) I highly recommend!

Tip #3 AMAZING Natural Hair Mask!
If you really know me, you know I LOVE avocado. Since I've gone Vegan (and before!) it's been my "meat" in my meals and such a yummy snack. Who would have thought that you can use it on your hair as a deep conditioner?! It is vital to keep the hair conditioned and moisturized. Conditioners bring the cuticles and the shaft back together, adding lubrication to the shaft of the hair and creating healthier and more vibrant hair. (Who doesn't want that?!)

So do this: Add 1 Avocado, a cup of water, some raw honey, olive oil, 1/2 a banana, an egg some of your current conditioner. (The more riper the banana/avocado, the better!). Leave it on for 20 minutes with a plastic cap, then rise!! I left mine on for about an hour and I was SHOCKED at how soft & shiny my hair was!
Tip #4 The most amazing face lotion: La Mer
Ok, so I usually try to stick to cost  efficient options, but I had to throw this one in. Expensive? Yes. I try not to splurge often, but, when you find a product that actually lives up to its claim it is no longer a splurge in my mind. (well, my hubby doesn't seem to think so, but what do you do?) This is definitely an area that I'm still working on. haha! Anyway! After 1-2 days of use you will see a CHANGE in your skin. It will feel refreshed, it will glow, any wrinkles you had will begin to diminish. I highly recommend this product in the winter though as a "winter" lotion. The 1 oz will cost $135. So if you CAN splurge every now & then, it's def. worth a try! I was a bit hesitent when my girlfriend told me about it so I went to Saks and got samples first to make sure that I would love it! Remember that a little goes a long way, so it should last you a couple months! Other places you can purchase it for cheaper: Ebay,

Tip #5 MAC Bronzing Loose Powder
This is ONE item I will never leave home without!! Do you know how much I love a bronzy-glowing look?! Espectially if I'm super tired? If I'm running out the door, it gives me a natural, warm glow that lasts throughout the day! $23

Other fun tips:
  •  I ALWAYS use baby oil to remove makeup. Then pat it dry with a cotton pad. Quick, easy & inexpensive!
  • Fragrance rises, so spritz it on your ankles or behind your knees to help your scent last longer.
  • Never to rub moisturizer into my face, pat it on. Rubbing actually takes it off your skin and disperses it in different places. Patting it on helps the skin soak it up.
  • Swap your usual black or brown eyeliner for purple because it's a subtle way to make the color of your eyes pop. I use also use purple eye shadow and apply it with a eyeliner brush to my upper lash line.
  • You can use your eyebrows to make dark under eye circles less noticeable. Just tweeze your brows so they're more straight-across than arched. When they're arched you get a complete circle effect (your brows and the dark circles below) and that exaggerates the dark circles, but if your brows are straight across, it breaks up that shape and de-emphasizes the circles
  • I use a primer to make my skin smooth, help my makeup in tact and keep my face looking matte instead of shiny.

Thanks for checking out my tips! Be sure to post any tips if you have some to share! Remember that no matter how many remedies you do to take care of yourself physcially, it means NOTHING if you don't have Christ in the center of your heart. HE is the true meaning of BEAUTY. Without HIM we are nothing. So don't spend hours doing the above..if you haven't spent hours with Him.

Love you all!


  1. Absolutely beautiful post Heather, and great tips. Funny enough I just came across your blog and you totally remind me of myself!! Everything you focus on in your blog is purely what I live out. Christ.Health. Beauty. Fashion. Pearls of wisdom. I dont have a blog yet but thats number one to do starting my new year! I would definitely love to say in contact.


    1. Yes! Let's stay connected! If we're not already facebook/twitter friends--add me! My links are on this page!

  2. Ok, I am attempting to transition to "natural" hair... Of course this is challenging due to being addicted to the "creamy crack" since I was about 10 years old. Do your suggestions support natural hair? I'm looking for products that will smooth my roots and strengthen my hair.

    1. My best friend went natural as well! My hair doesn't require perms BUT I HIGHLY recommend the Hue Steamer to start.. and to find a good hairdresser that can press your hair w/o the need for a perm. Also, I love the Nano Bliss Flat Iron! Swear by it! Hope this helps!

    2. Awesome tips Heather! Yes Tina, they work for natural hair. Also good is applying LOC daily: leave-in, oil (coconut, jojoba, olive), cream hair milk/conditioner (I love the Shea Moisture line)

  3. wow...great tips from start to finish, the last paragraph is particularly touching. It made me stop think because lately I've been very guilty of spending so much time on blogs, you tube and other things beauty related; and I just told myself a few minutes before reading this that I haven't studied not one verse from my bible today so I came to my room with the intention of grabbing my bible but this article took my attention...I think God is missing me now so I better go because He used this to jog me back to reality...thanks for being the vessel he chose and nice meeting you, we shall get better acquainted at a later time but for now I must go study my bible, and try to spend some hours with Him again!

  4. Good tips, thanks for sharing! Do you use any particular line of facial Care products?.... with a face wash, eye cream, anti-wrinkle serum and etc.

  5. Yes! I SWEAR by Murad's skin care line. I purchased the Acne kit at Sephora! Love it!

  6. My skin and scalp are so sensitive that I have never really bothered to use anything other than Olay or 100% natural products. But I did come across a product called Simple that I use on my face & skin, and its great, my face has never been soother. Also I use 100% Lemon Juice on my face as a cleanser and disinfectant. It works great! Lemon juice is also good for your skin if you drink it in luke warm water! I am going to try the Avocado Hair Mask, I will try not to eat all the Avacodo before it makes it into the for the tips.

  7. Thanks for sharing such helpful posts, this is very helpful to all your readers.
