
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"What About Me?"

Ever wondered, "What About Me" God? It seems like you are working your butt off at school, work, doing the right thing in relationships, but you still end up getting the short end of the stick? Maybe you do all of the work and your co-worker gets promoted. Maybe, you are living for Jesus but you don't feel like your prayers are getting answered. Maybe, you're getting sick & tired of living for Jesus because you don't see any results.

Can I illustrate something for you? I want you to go & get a cup and fill it with dirt. Then, go and plant a basil seed in the cup, water it and place it next to the window. Then, walk by the cup every single day and see if you see basil. Weeks may go by & you still may not see anything. Do you get mad at the plant and stop watering it? Do you take the cup and throw it away because you feel like the seed isn't producing? 

Well, that is what most of you are doing with your life. You kick and scream at the cup, throw it down, smash it and you stop watering the seed that is in your heart.  You stop reading the bible, you start watching more garbage TV, you start hangin' out with that man because you're bored, you start hanging with rebellious, messy women and you open back up that pornography. I mean, a little won't hurt, right? You never give the GOOD seeds that are planted in your heart TIME to grow. 

I'm reminded of: 
Psalm 1

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do.

So, are you like that tree that is planted by the rivers of water, or do you uproot your seed every few minutes? Some of us refuse to be patient while jumping from one thing to the next! And we must ask ourselves another question. 

Why do I do what I do?
  • Is my motive for being celibate to "get me a husband" or is it because I want to truly honor God with my entire life, be holy as He is holy & truly live for Him?
  • Is my motive for working hard getting promoted so I can fill my void of being an overachiever or do I work as though I am working onto the Lord? Longing for Him to use you at your job as THAT is the current ministry He has given you! 
  • Is my motive for being submitted to my husband getting him to do what I really want him to do? So, I will cook-- as long as you perform my love language. I will tell you that you look nice because I want you to touch me. I will perform your love language ONLY because I want you to do mine, NOT because my LOVE for you is unconditional. Matter of fact, I am bitter and mad when you don't do what I want you to do for me.
  • Is my motive for living for Jesus because I want His hand & not His heart? I want what I think God can do for me. So, I will obey bits & pieces of what God tells me to do & choose Him like I'm selecting items off of a menu. You see, I don't really want to die to myself for real, I just want the "good life." 
Ask yourself, do you really love Jesus and want to live for Him or is this life about you & your selfish ways? And maybe, just maybe, God closes certain doors because you continue to bust through doors that you aren't supposed to go through and He would rather you be UNCOMFORTABLE for a season that uncomfortable for a LIFETIME.  

It's time for us to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them onto Christ.. but for real. And then make a DAILY decision that we are going to stay in this place of true, authentic, unconditional love. 

1 Corinthians 13 tells us: that love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

So, are you losing faith in God's timing? Are you patient with others as you want God to be patient with you? Constantly complaining about everything you think God is not doing in your life? Are you kicking your plant around because it hasn't sprouted? Have you given it time to even grow..

Start with getting back to your first love. Go SPEND TIME WITH HIM.  I wonder how many times the ANSWER to our prayers and the QUESTIONS we have for the day was actually found in the bible passage & the words from the Holy Spirit that we didn't read that morning. 

Lets focus on what God IS doing in your life. 
1. He saved you. 
So, keep your eyes on heaven and NOT on earth.

The end. 

Just a few things:

1. I  opened up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think fashionable, fabulous purity rings, cross bracelets, journals, statement necklaces & so much more  for women! Check it out via

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts: AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 21,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join

7. We are hosting a Marriage Retreat in August & a Single Retreat in October & so far, both events are almost sold out! We would LOVE to meet you! Join us via under events!

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey

I taught a message on "What About Me" last week in South Carolina. Check out a short clip here. 


  1. Wow wow wow Heather, this message is exceptionally timely for me! God actually chastised me using a similar analogy you shared in your blog, and reading this is confirmation to me that I NEED to patiently wait and trust in Him. Thank you for obeying the Spirit by sharing this message.

  2. This was confirmation on so many levels! Thank you Heather for your obedience to share with so many women and people in genearl of the life learned experiences youve witness with God.

  3. Thank you so much Heather! Just this morning I was so mad at God because my basil didn't seem to be growing. God bless you for helping me recognize my error.

  4. I am struggling so much in this area Heather. How do I trust? Its like the closer I get to Christ the harder it gets to stay close to Him. How do you trust when you are the only one ( in your circle) who it seems like God has forgotten? I've been rejected by men my entire life starting with my earthly father and I often feel rejected by God as well. I hear it all the time "just trust Him" but its not easy. Even when it comes to helping me overcome feelings of rejection, depression, suicide, and giving me to strength to let certain things go I feel like He leaves me to do it alone. Im not strong enough. Please help me.

    1. Hey! I dont know you but i felt like i should share this with you. I understand how you feel regarding being rejected. I also have been rejected and used by men. I also have been through alot more things as well that could tear me down and make me lose my spirit. I did go to counseling for about 8 months and that changed my life for the better God has not forgotten you sis. I believe god gives the hardest struggles to his strongest soilders. You are intelligent, beautiful, wise, a fighter, a believer, a walking testimony. Sis, everyone has their own struggle but god is watching over you. He is protecting you so thats why were rejected from man. Just keep praying and know that you were worth the ultimate sacrifice. You are very strong. You have made it this far and things will get better. Just keep believing in god and yourself. ��������

    2. You are sharing the exact words that have been in my heart and trust me, just the fact that you at able to reach out and say that you need help proves that you are strong enough...We have the power to choose to be victims or victors...Faith is not easy and even the closest to Jesus Himself had their doubts....Immerse yourself in praise and worship and Faith it until you make may not feelconnected but ask God to cleanse you of eeverything that is not of Him....I am praying for you and sending you all the hugs I can from where I am...

  5. I so needed this right now. Thank you Heather for letting the Lord use you.

  6. CONFIRMATION! Oh thank you sweet Jesus. YOU are ALWAYS on time. I LOVE YOU!

  7. I hear you Heather. I honestly struggle with anger and it gets so bad sometimes I don't even want to talk to God. I know that I am seeking God and not things, but because I have such a deep desire for for marriage and love I feel like over the years I keep getting the same result. I feel like I should be so far ahead of where I am now. It is so embarassing to see other ppl advance ahead of me. Don't get me wrong I love God and know that he is crazy faithful, but when it comes to one area of my life I get so frustrated and angry. I keep trying to give itto God, but it's hard

    1. Hi sis! I just want to encourage you this morning. I am struggling with the same thing and God lead me to a book called "The Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyers. A scripture stuck out to me and its Deuteronomy 30:11 and it says "For this commandment which I command you today is not too hard for you, and not too far off." Right there God is telling us He wouldn't ask us to do anything that is impossible to do or that He wouldn't give us the strength to do. The reason its hard is because you keep professing from your mouth and rehearsing in your mind that its too hard. You shape your mindset and the atmosphere with your words. So start saying "There is nothing too hard for me bc i can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Watch it become easier. You can do it!

  8. Thank you so much Heather for posting this. Earlier today my flesh was kicking and screaming at God because I haven't got a new job and have been applying like crazy. The Holy Spirit reminded me that God's timing is perfect and he does and has heard my prayers. Your blog was confrimation for me and a great reminder to check my motives and my heart. Thanks Again.

    1. You and me both girl.i believe Heather has opened our eyes on how we are feeling and our motives

  9. Thank you Heather for this timely message. I often find myself asking God this question or "When is it going to be my turn?". I've been living for God most of my life (I'm 23) and I know not to pray/do things as if I'm making a bargain with God but honestly, I'm tired of being single. I've never had a boyfriend. Came close once or twice though. But I do desire to be married and have a family one day. Sometimes it's hard not to be jealous when I see friends, church family, etc. getting into relationships, getting engaged, and married. I just have to keep praying for patience and being the woman God called me to be. Thank you again. God bless.

    1. Hey girl, im 30 all of my 'friends' are married. Rarely do i fret about that.. When i look back over my life I'm grateful that i didn't marry young as there were so many things i needed to know about myself, things i know i did well and achieved because I was single... So wait on the Lord and ask him to do his work on you in this season and in his time you will find the perfect partner, and you will understand whybiybdidnt happen when you wanted.. For God knows exactly what we need and when... All the best sis and keep your faith

  10. Thanks Heather for the kick in the butt that I needed!

  11. Thanks so much Heather, i have been trusting God for this one thing for so long now and many times i have questioned His seems as if its never gonna happen but i know not to give up.i will continue to hold on to Him, even though its painful while waiting

  12. This is very difficult for me to sit back and accept. I've done and keep doing everything I can possibly do to please God and seek His Kingdom. I've prayed, fasted & prayed, believed and recieved (in the spirit). And yet I'm still waiting on God. I'm scared I'm gonna lose my faith, and I don't want that because I've been there, and it's a very dark place. If I go there I don't think I'll make it out this time. I feel I'm being given way more than I can handle.

    1. Living life outside of God's will isn't worth it. He's still growing you in these areas that you prayed about. Yes, it seems like everyone is reaping what you want but just know their blessing has nothing to do with yours. God isn't running out of blessings to give and your friends and family getting it before you doesn't make your blessing void. It's not always about you. You want your husband to be right for you. You want the right career with the right boss. This is preparation on various ends. It's not just about you. Keep believing. These hard times show you how to pray. Cause let's be real, we pray a little less and the prayers get shorter sometimes when things are going well and we take it for granted. Don't forget you asked for God's will and you laid down your own. Yes, she wants to give you the desires of your heart, but His will still will be done in HIS timing.

  13. I was asking myself this very question a few days ago.. Been unemployed for the past 6 months and I've prayed every prayer to find a good job for over 1 year before i eventually quit my job late last year but nothing is happening not even as call for interviews. A thought crossed my mind, that maybe my focus is on the wrong thing , I might be praying hard just for the job, what about the one who is the CEO of all jobs? Back to basics. Thanks Heather for this post..

    1. This happened to me. I was out of a job for exactly 1 year to the day. I was going crazy trying to find a job. That's when I realized God wanted that time with me. He wanted to work on me and spend time with me. At that time, I didn't have the stress of a job that I complained about daily and dreaded going to. Once I stopped worrying about getting a job, God blessed me with one. And within 3 months of being at my new job, I was promoted. Spend this time asking God what he'd have you do.

  14. Beautiful word! Bless you heather thank you god for your unconditional love x

  15. This is REAL MEAT!!!

    Very well said Heather and well received too.

    God bless you...xx

  16. Hello Heather,
    I was wondering if I could send you a mail.I have some issues I would like to ask your opinion about,but I don't want to put it all out here.thank you.

  17. I love how everyone encouraged each other!

  18. I keep on reading this time and again, thank you Lord for placing Heather in our lives. God will abundantly bless you and your family keep that flowing.
