
Monday, January 6, 2014

The Titus 2 Woman: The Keeper of her Home

Can I be totally honest with you? My heart is broken with this generation of women. I'm not saying this as though I'm placing myself higher than anyone because I trust me, I don't think I'm better than anyone. My heart is broken as I sit in my quiet time before the Lord and then get up & live in this world. Women roll their eyes at submission as though I'm telling them that they are doormats, they are rebellious towards God as a single & then they get married & dominate their husbands. They complain their entire single life without appreciating that temporary season while chasing every man they see with two legs and a job. They refuse to learn how to cook, clean and they walk around with hair wraps on their head screaming "that man betta love me for me cuz if he doesn't then he doesn't deserve me." Well, sista- this is probably why you're single. Although this blog isn't about that subject, a wife is the crown of her husband and he's probably overlooking you with your house shoes, hair wrap, sweats and beautiful spirit and no matter how you flip it, men are visual creatures. (I will talk more about this in my book to single women coming out in July 2014)

I want to talk about the Titus 2 woman. I want to talk about her attributes. I want you to take a mirror and look into your heart and ask yourself: "Am I striving to be this woman, or am I lazy?" I'm going to clear the air about some areas & why you feel the way you do. Let's get started.

Titus 2:

3 Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. 4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children,

  • I want you to search your heart. It's so easy for us to slander other people with our words, all in the name of: "you hear about this & that? Yeah, Imma' pray for her." But you aren't planning on praying for her. You enjoyed talking about her. It felt good to put someone down as you put yourself up on a pedestal. If you were serious about praying for her, you would sit before God as if it was YOUR issue and you would talk to HER about it and not everybody else. Why do we feel like we can put our wicked hearts on every person's life? It's fine to talk about people until the rumor is about you.
  • Are you willing to sit down and talk to an older woman that really loves Jesus and submits to her husband? I honestly don't encourage you to talk to any o'le woman that has been divorced 4x and she has marriage and relationship advice for you. I encourage you to talk to a woman that loves Jesus, is submitted to her husband and is seasoned in training her children up in the way of Christ. There should be some FRUIT on her tree before you go skipping around & taking her advice.

 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

  • I love this part because it's actually my favorite part. "To work in their homes." The King James Version says the woman is the "keeper of her home." As a keeper of her home, I want you to imagine her as the goalie at a soccer game. Her eyes are on the entire field watching what is happening. She is anticipating the tests that are coming her way and she's ready to capture the ball when it comes her way. She refuses to let anything "hit" the net and if she has to throw herself down & sacrifice herself, she will make sure that net is protected. Well, this is what a woman is to do in her home. 
  • As a wife, I don't play just "anybody" come up in my home unless I have total peace about them. I guard my home and our relationships like a hawk. I make sure that whoever is connected with our family recognizes that we love Jesus, we believe in submission, we believe in honoring our marriage, we don't curse in here, we have standards and we won't bend those standards to please anyone. If there's someone who tries to come into our safe place called our home and I feel like they are crushing on me or my husband, I shut down the relationship. I don't have time for a silly woman or a silly man to come & try to ruin my marriage. And it's not insecurity, it's wisdom. A wise woman is a KEEPER of her home. Remember that there's no such thing as JEALOUSY in a marriage. How can it be? You are ONE flesh. It's ONE body. You have full rights to each other & you are righteous in your desire for protecting your marriage. 
  • And I'm not saying I don't let people that don't believe in my home, because we do allow certain people into our home & we love on them. But the minute division or drama tries to be brought to our steps, we shut it down. 
  • I make sure the atmosphere of my home is warm & cozy. People that walk in always say, "It feels so warm & cozy here." God's presence dwells in our home and I stay on my face in prayer before God for my husbands & son's sins. I don't have time to let satan come in & ruin my family! He's LOOKING for a door into my HOUSE and I REFUSE to give him one!
  • I recognize that bad company corrupts character (1 cor 15:33) and that this fight is spiritual. So, what spirits are people carrying into your house that are trying to transfer onto you?! You hang out with a woman who is divorced, hates men, is bitter and ONLY complains about how terrible marriage + men are.. you will soon begin to give your husband the side-eye. 

6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. 7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. 8 Teach the truth so that your teaching can’t be criticized. Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us.

  • What type of example are you to others?! The streets are watching and they are wondering if you are really living for Jesus or is it just a "persona" that you put on as you continue to live for yourself. I remember calling into my local bank's 1800 fraud number because someone used my credit card for some internet dating site. I called & I said, I'm very married and happy-- there must be a mistake! Can someone please refund the money back to my card? The woman said sure, what's your name? I said, "Heather Lindsey" -- and she said OMG! I love you! I read your blog! Now, what if I got on the phone and started cussing and cutting up? I would have TOTALLY ruined my WITNESS. There's been so many times where I run into people that follow our ministry and I get tested in this area. Even with this being said, we shouldn't fear their opinions more than we fear God. We must WANT to love others and reflect the seriousness of the GOSPEL!

9 Slaves must always obey their masters and do their best to please them. They must not talk back 10 or steal, but must show themselves to be entirely trustworthy and good. Then they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive in every way.

  • Ok, granted-- you aren't a slave, but how do you treat your boss, your husband? Are you constantly talking back to your man and talking AT him instead of talking TO him? Ya'll know how we do it. We are just so controlling and we think we know everything. But God is screaming out to you, "babygirl-- if you would just submit, me and your husband will protect you. But you keep removing your protection with that mouth of yours." And most of you don't have a problem talking back to your boss, because you respect him or her. Even if you don't you would never show it. My question stands: why do we respect our bosses more than we do our spouses?
  • I don't know about YOU but, I want to make teaching about GOD our SAVIOR attractive in EVERYWAY! Are you serious?!?! Jesus DIED for me. He DIED. He saved me, He healed my broken heart. He healed my fearful heart. He loved me when I hated me, He reminded me of my value. He showed me my worth, He kept me. He provided for me. He loved me. You better believe I'm going to be a walking BILLBOARD for Jesus Christ and be totally free from people's opinions! Do you know that people will TALK about you & your love for Jesus? Saying, "It doesn't take all that, you think you're better than me." Actually, this isn't true. Your life convicts them and they aren't ready to change yet. So instead of supporting you, bitterness grows in their heart. So, what do you do? Keep loving them & LIVING this thing. Be patient (like the earlier scriptures) and show them that Jesus wants their entire life. 

11 For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, 13 while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. 14 He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.

  • The word "devotion" stuck out to me in this scripture. WHAT or WHO are you devoted to on a regular basis? Whatever we give our time, energy and attention to on a regular basis is WHO we are devoted to. 
  • Can I be transparent with you? I struggled greatly putting my PHONE down. I'm still working on this but I love to be connected & posting encouraging things! One day, God told me to put my phone down because I give it way more attention than I do Him. He was jealous over my PHONE. Are you serious? Lord, you ain't gotta compete with Verizon. You have my FULL attention whenever, however & right now. I don't want to be humbled & not have a phone, so let me go ahead & repent & ask God to help me. 
  • Verse 14 says that Jesus gave His LIFE to free us from every sin. Every sin, every soul tie, every broken heart, every hurt, every pain, homosexuality, fornication & everything else! You don't have to be bound by your sin. Jesus took care of the sin factor when He went to the cross. Now, let's renew our minds & get on our face before God and take on a new way of thinking. If you refuse to spend time with God daily, you won't think like Him. You will think like your boss, your whoever and your whatever. In Christ, we have a new LANGUAGE. We are totally wrecked & changed from the inside OUT. 

I pray that you heard my heart on this message. My prayer to my sisters is that you start wherever you are in life. If you don't know how to cook, go on Pintrest & get some ideas. Start cooking for your friends & family. Be intentional about learning what foods work best for your body. Clean up your house! If you're too busy-- get a maid to come & help you out every now & then. Start disciplining yourself NOW so when you get married, there's an easier transition. If you're married, ask God to unclutter your heart & to help you in this journey to be a woman after His heart. Put your phone down, turn off the garbage on TV & sit quietly before Him. He's calling you back to Him woman of God.

And, please read my husband's blog titled" "Lead Her"-- as it will shed light from a males perspective!

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey

Few things:

Just a few things:

1. I  opened up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think fashionable, fabulous purity rings, cross bracelets, journals, statement necklaces & so much more  for women! Check it out via

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts: AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 17,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:

7. We are hosting a Marriage Retreat in August & so far, about 80 couples have signed up!! We would LOVE to meet you! Join us via under events!


  1. I appreciate this post. I think what struck me most about your post was the fact that you guard your home. And if you notice someone that is trying to ruin the peace of your home, you shut it down immediately. That is very much like my own mother. I'm currently going through a period where God cut off a friendship because it is disturbing the peace in "my home" aka my spiritual life, and I'm having a hard time coming to terms with this. I guess it's one thing to cut things out of your life, and another thing having peace in your heart about it. Right now I'm not having a lot of peace. I'm very much confused and saddened actually. I was wondering if you had advice or scriptural insight as to what I should next?

  2. Wow...this is so powerful... As a married woman I am soooo convicted..God was definitely speaking to me. Especially the part pertaining to watching how we speak to our husbands and that protection is lifted when we disrespect them. I am convicted.. But even more challenged and changed to get on my face before God for my family and my household and plead for God to wreck me to make me the wife and mother I need to be! Thank you Heather for your obedience.. Please, please write a book for married women!, I know so many women in my family and church who need this!, Gosh, I am so thankful to God for this! I feel like I am turning over a new leaf in my marriage.. Thank you Heather, thank you so much,

  3. WOW! I've only read the first few paragraphs and already feel convicted, but I'm so thankful to see it. I'm single,living with my auntie and uncle and they always trying to show me things to cook. I'm always like "I know how to cook, I just don't" . I come up with a million excuses on why I just don't feel like it. Then they say "what are you going to do when you husband wants to eat this". My response is always "I'll cross that bridge when I get there." Now I realize how selfish I've been in praying to God for my husband, but I'm not even doing the basic such as learning more about cooking and taking care of my space... Thank you Lord for using Heather to share this with me today... #TimeToWork

  4. God bless you and your family! Very, very good word!

  5. This truly blessed me. When I got married it was after I had fallen pregnant out of wedlock. I feel as though I did not follow Gods plan in my life then. Now that I am married I struggle because the man is not what I desired. I married a random. And married because I was pregnant. He is however proving to be a good man but I struggle every day.. Your ministry continually convicts me and teaches me how to handle things each and every day. Please continue ro minister to us married women.

  6. Your post always seem to bless me in some way! God Bless you for everything that he is doing for you and your family ��

  7. Great post! I needed to hear it, right on time.

  8. God bless!!!! I was waiting for another post from you and I can't wait for your book for single women!

  9. Your words have wrecked me and challenged me once again. Thank you for allowing God to use you. God bless you ♥

  10. Thank you for your post! As a college student, I am working everyday to put God first in my thoughts and in everything I do :)

  11. I love you Heather :)

  12. Thank you so much…xX…God bless you…ur blog inspires me to be a better woMan…xX

  13. thank you heather for calling my attention to this chapter and this issue. I am one of the girls who cringes at the word #submissive. but since my friend introduced me to your blog and IG profile., I'm slowly and by reading God's words seeing areas in my life where I need to change. I want to bring to your attention teenage girls and hating themselves. I believe you can do a lot of good if you could just talk to them. I stumbled on some profiles on IG of 13 year old saying things like they don't know Wat they have to live for. Wat on dark can cause so much damage to a 13 year old who hasn't done anything in their life. it's so sad and heartbreaking. what do you think of this. I'm sorry to disturb you with this. but I see you as a mentor not only for myself but many women. thank you.

  14. Heather your blogs are so life-changing for me! I am growing as a wife and mother daily.

  15. What a beautiful and necessary message. I'm in total agreement with you. People don't realize what a big problem it is to have women leave the home. Our desire to do so and to usurp men was part of the curse (Gen.3:16) and is something we need to battle against, not accept as a cultural norm. Thank you very much for sharing this powerful post!

  16. wow, wow, wow!! this post was awesome!!! Thank you so much Heather!! Your posts always open my eyes to things in God's Word as well as in the Christian walk that i hadn't previously realized or come across!! One part that rocked me the most, was where you said "God's presence dwells in our home and I stay on my face in prayer before God for my husbands & son's sins." soooo powerful!! The role of a wife is sooo beautiful!! Also the tasks and purposes that God outlines for her are crucial and imperative for a successful marriage and family and the ministries that flow from both of these. Thanks so much again love!! God bless you and your family and all the amazing women of God that are empowered by your ministry!!

  17. Thank you so much for this post Heather. I just recently gave my life to Christ and have a few questions that I would like to ask you. Do you have an email that I could contact you with?

  18. Great post. I agree with Bre Venable. I am single living with my aunt who is an amazing cook. She is always encouraging me to be in the kitchen more and I put it to the side bc I don't "LOVE or even LIKE" to cook but I will do it on occasion. She also says "what are you going to do when you get married" and my answer is always "then I will cook". This message was so perfect and ontime bc I just recently began courting and if I want to be the Titus 2 woman then I need to fully submit myself to the lessons and instructions that are being presented. Thank you.

  19. I'm so glad that you confirmed for other married women like ourselves that there is no such thing as "jealousy" in a marriage. So many women have a feeling that something is just not right... but don't act on it for the fear that their spouse may think that she is invading his privacy. There is no privacy when it comes to marriage. We are ONE!! Thanks again girl! Your amazing! Can't wait to see you in July at the conference! :)

  20. I've always loved reading your blog, but I've never left any comments. This one, however, REALLY stood out to me. I'm in the same boat as two of the other people who commented above. I'm single, in my early 20s, living with my grandparents and sometimes my grandma, auntie or my mom will ask "When are you gonna cook something?" or they'll say "If you don't cook now, what are you gonna do when you get married?" I'll just say, "hopefully, I'll marry a chef." Although I've prayed on and off for a couple of years for boyfriend who will one day be my husband, I haven't put in much practice for the future as a wife on my end. From now on, I will continue growing in my walk with Christ, start cooking, and making sure my appearance is in check. Thank you Heather for this post!

  21. Really challenging....everyday I get scared wondering if I can be the woman and wife God would have me be....not yet married though
