
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Unfaithful People

When we think of unfaithfulness we automatically think of a spouse cheating on their spouse. We immediately turn our noses up at infedility but then we go and live our life so unfaithful to Christ. THEN we don't even think that being unfaithful to Christ is as HEAVY as being unfaithful towards a marriage. Isn't that sad? We weigh being unfaithful towards a person as a bigger deal then disobedience to Christ?

So, what has the Lord told you to do? Ok, now-- are you still doing what He told you to do? It's like.. God tells us to do something and then at first we are so excited about it. We are fired up. Then, life happens, you get discouraged, you get a new job, you get busy, you make new friends and then you NO longer have time to do what God told you to do. Then, your life becomes a train wreck and you're begging God, "WHERE ARE YOU?.. help me GOD!" So, are you simply picking Him up and putting Him down as you see fit??

Help me understand, HOW does that work? If you cannot be faithful with SMALL things, what makes you think that God will trust you with ANY more? Then you are begging God for a husband, a new car, a promotion & He is looking at your HEART as it's turned from HIM to worldly, simple things.

Luke 16:10 (TNIV) "Whoever can be trusted with very little can 
also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little 
will also be dishonest with much.

So, you're up here planning this HUGE ministry in your head of all these "people" you want to help but sadly, you aren't doing anything NOW to even remotely show God that you will be faithful with this big vision. You would never give the keys to your brand new car to a 4 year old. You just wouldn't. Why? Because they aren't mature enough and they don't know how to drive. They haven't proven to you that they can PASS the drivers license TEST. So, a WISE person wouldn't give them KEYS. So why do you think GOD would give you KEYS to your own "ministry" when you haven't been faithful with the ministry right in your backyard??? We have GOT to stop being so darn emotionally led and up one day, down the next, serving at church one day, leaving the church the next, moving to a new city because God told you to do it, and the next day moving back home, getting excited about what God told you to do one day, and sleeping with your little boyfriend the next because you're bored. Really sis. REALLY?

What happened to Colossians 3:23? "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." So I ask you, are you working at whatever God told you to do as though you are working onto the Lord than for people? Or are you waiting for some pat on the back from a human to keep you going? Encouragement is nice, but when you're seeking Christ & being led by Him He will ALLOW you to go through a season where you have to encourage yourself in the LORD and the only encouragement you will get will be from the Holy Spirit & scriptures. 

People always ask me, "How do you get speaking engagements?" How did you get a ministry? I respond: Are you serious?? I wasn't seeking no ministry! I wasn't seeking a platform. I would lay on my face for HOURS before GOD. I would preach full sermons to MYSELF in my apartment for hours on a Friday night. Instead of being out clubbing, I was being wrecked my God in my bathroom. I would FAST for weekends with a gallon of water in my bedroom and not moving until God spoke to me.  I would wake up every morning and spend crazy time with God, I would PASS tests privately. I LOVED people that bashed my name.  I FORGAVE whoever for whatever. I became DEPENDENT on the Lord. I obeyed Him in small things. I trusted when I didn't understand. I submitted to my husband. THAT is how I got a MINISTRY. My PRIVATE victories became PUBLIC. So stop trying to go PUBLIC without going PRIVATE. 

And don't do all of the above to "get you a ministry." I did the above because I LOVE God and I wanted to serve Him. Many people are jealous of another person's walk with God but they're just too lazy to get on their face & learn Him for themselves. 

I remember working at Universal Music Group- Island Def Jam  in Marketing and I hated my job. I would rather be working for a church or somewhere where I felt people were saved. I seriously felt like I was the only Christian there and at times we want to run from those jobs (I'm not talking about working at a strip club, but a corporate job, etc) and run to places but GOD is using YOU as the light. I worked 80 hour weeks at that job and I was only paid for 25-40 hours. The Lord told me to go there. He told me to work as though I was working for Him. He told me that if I'm being mistreated (1 peter 2:19) and I endure unfair treatment for His glory.. then HE is pleased with me. He told me to just stick it out. I would get attacked daily in that place and I wanted to get out. I wanted to run. But I couldn't quit. I had to press on AND with a good attitude. I knew that God sent me there to develop me and I KNEW I needed to be there. By the time I left, I saw at least 5-8 people give their lives to Christ including my boss. Not only that, I had developed in patience, long-suffering, joy and love.

It's seriously burns my heart when I meet women (I can talk about them because I am one)-- that say that God told them to do something & they don't DO it. It's actually confusing to me because I didn't know we had an option NOT to obey Him?? I am screaming from the rooftops.. WHO IS STILL DOING WHAT GOD TOLD THEM TO DO??? We cannot AFFORD to stop pressing into Christ. We cannot afford to stop doing the last thing He told us to do. If God told you to be an assistant, BE one and work as though you are working on the the Lord. If the Lord called you to be a manager at a company, ask the Holy Spirit to HELP you lead them properly. If God called you to start an organization right NOW, DO IT. STOP waiting for "somebody" else to do what GOD told you to do. God told YOU to do it & then you got offended & stopped doing the last thing He told you to do. 

You know, you will one day stand before God, not me; so you could possibly care less what I say. But as someone who DAILY is WORKING on LIVING for Christ against the odds, against my feelings, against wanting to quit at times, against it ALL-- I charge you to get back on your FACE before GOD if you've left Him. I cannot QUIT. Neither can YOU. You should CARE about this WALK. It must be your priority. It cannot be about your car, job, not having a man, having a crazy husband or whatever ELSE. Those silly things are distractions!! WE seek and serve GOD because of what CHRIST did for us. He died. He died. He died. He died. He died. He DIED. HE DIED. So what makes you think that your little emotions & feelings don't have to DIE to DO what HE has called you to do? GOD will raise up somebody else to do what you will not do. 

Maybe God is calling you into a season of resting. That's fine too. Resting is obedience. But for some of you, God has told you to do something but life has distracted you & you're NO longer doing it. So let's give ourselves a checkup. You go to the doctor for your annual checkup and some of us need daily checkups with the Holy Spirit. Matter of fact, all of us do. Let's start. Right now. 

Just a few things:

1. You can sign up in the United States for daily inspirational text messages. Text 84464 & write PINKYPROMISE for daily inspiration and after you get a confirmation, text BEDCHECK to the same number. You will get nightly bedchecks! :)

2. If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis" (there's another church that holds service there too). 931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA- in Theatre 6.

3. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:

4. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 13,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join

5. To purchase bracelets, cross rings, my book, tote bags, fabulous shirts, purity rings & all that other good stuff-- go here: Pinky Promise Store. JUST for visiting this blog, I'll give you 10% off! Use the code: JESUS

6. I will be in Detroit up next for a book signing on June 12th. I would love to meet you! See details on my calendar via 

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey 


  1. Wow!! I thank GOD you wrote this and I read it. I am going through this right now. I had lost what GOD called my husband and I to do. We actually just recognized it this last week. this is confirmation!! GOD is using you in a great way!! Be blessed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mrs. Heather are always right on time with whatever it is that I am going through at the moment!!! Over the past year I have appreciated your honesty, your teachings, and all the messages that you have given us from God. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! God Bless you!

  4. Mrs. Heather are always right on time with whatever it is that I am going through at the moment!!! Over the past year I have appreciated your honesty, your teachings, and all the messages that you have given us from God. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! God Bless you!

  5. Oh how I needed this Heather! God bless you. I struggle with giving up or more so wanting to give up when I am working on something that I know God wants me to do but not seeing any results :( And then when that happens I find myself questioning whether or not I heard God right and I end up in my emotions all over again. God placed this on your heart and it was just what i needed. He spoke to me through you tonight and I am thankful.

  6. LORD HAVE MERCY! This pretty much confirms everything! I am a mess! Thank You <3 Rest and obedience starts RIGHT now!

  7. Thank you sis... always on point. I believe God has called me to a season of rest and obedience. It's difficult sometimes because we live in a society where if you're not "busy" you're unproductive. I thank you for the motivation to maximize this season of my life and get back to being faithful to Christ.
    Love you!

  8. Thank you for sharing this with Pinky Promise. This is just what I needed that extra push in the right direction. I promise Christ put this on your heart directly for me (teary eyed). The way Christ works, he is so AWESOME. Woow !

  9. Thank You Heather! I feel that God definitely used you to speak to me today. I know what it is that God called me to do but I've been letting my circumtances and past and current hurts by "randoms" upset, discourage, and distract me. I realize that once I get upset I tend to feel hopeless and just plain give up on my purpose because I am so engrossed in my feelings and pain. It also doesnt help that it seems as if no one is noticing my ministry or even as excited as I am about it. But I agree that God will not bless my ministry if I cannot be faithful to him and only decide work on it and seek God based on whether or not I am feeling "happy" that day. Heather I Thank you so much.. I now know what to do :)

  10. Thanks Heather! Now my prayer time will consist of me asking God, Lord what is it that You called me to do that I'm not doing? I'll really need to be quiet and listen too because there are things I want to do, but there are things God wants me to do- I have to make sure I know the difference.
    When you talked about spending hours before the Lord in prayer and fasting it was a reminder that I really need to do that, even more so during those times where I really feel like I wanna hang out and no one is available (not that He's the last resort); it reminds me I need to be spending time with the truest friend anyway and have Him encourage me, counsel me, love me like friends should. Thanks again for your faithfulness... =)

  11. Mrs. Heather Lindsey for this word from The Lord. I have lost my purpose in a couple of areas in my life due to distractions. The Lord also was getting my attention on well. This post encouraged me alot! Now i have to dig in my word and staythere. Flat on my face before Go an repair our relationship. Like chandra said, this is confirmation!This is a wake up call.

  12. This is the 2nd confirmation I've received that today telling me I need to stay at my job. I wanted to quit so badly because I felt like I was the only Christan there. It felt I was working among snakes. Today the Lord spoke powerfully in todays sermon to me. I'm staying put. My time isn't up there yet. I will be His light. I will be obedient.

  13. I needed this. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. This was a true blessing! I feel like I have disappointed good with some of my choices. Reading your wonderful post has confirm that I need to strengthen my walk with the Lord.

  15. This is my second confirmation that I needed to become focused once more. I was allowing pride to distract me from the caution I received this morning but after repenting and praying I have received this word and I see both for what they are...GOD's love for me! Thank you GOD for using Ms. Heather in this way!

  16. Thankyou Lord for Heather awakening me to continue my goal in NYC I've gotten weary but I will trust God as I have felt a tugging on my spirit to get out my comfort zone and complete this ministry! Praise God !

  17. A healthy Message Heather now we just need to STEP UP and Step Out and be Obedient

  18. Yes. YES! Glory to God, Heather. Glory. Seriously. . . what God is telling me right now to do is to be faithful in the small things and in private. This is also a season of rest for me, despite what my parents want me to do, I'm just working at a restuarant job right now, instead of trying to please them by working and going to school. He is telling me to serve others with the things that I want/need--money, food, help, time, etc.

    He is also telling me to seek him and spend time alone with him, which I have not been faithful about, and he has convicted me about. Funnily enough, this morning the first thing I did was talk with him for about an hour, which I hadn't done in a long time. Heather, sister, if we never meet in this world, I'll be glad to meet ya in the Kingdom. I hope that God blesses you so abundantly that you don't even know what to do with it.:D

  19. Gave me the spiritual "gut punch" that I NEEDED. Thank you.

  20. You have a way with words and I truly thank God for you because you've been able to reach out to me though him. Stay blessed & beautiful Sis. Love you oh so dearly and I hope to meet you soon !

  21. Straight to the point TRUTH!! It's crazy how my best friends and I were on the phone tonight just talking about our lives. About how we are confused on why some things haven't worked out and how we feel lost and then I read this. I thank you for your honest truth, the problem is we have pushed God away and we need to fall on our faces before him FIRST and stop trying to do things on our own. God bless you, this was right on time.

  22. kutullo RamahlareJune 3, 2013 at 1:51 AM

    Wow may God continue using you I'm so moved,and really if Christ died for us why can't we let our emotions and feeling to die for Him so we can be holy as He is.thank you for your moving wonderful message.God bless!!!

  23. This article has BLESSED me in more than one way! Thankyou sister for the encouragement and being an example of what God has called His godly women to be! God bless!

  24. Whew!! Totally wrecked right now. God was so speaking to me thru you. Seriously, God bless you and your ministry!!!

  25. Thanks Sis, for the reality check.

  26. I love this! Faith. Focus. Action.

  27. Timiko Jacqueline MarshallJune 3, 2013 at 7:39 AM

    I read your blog and this is confirmation! I was up at 2am reading Joshua 1-10 I then heard a voice that wasn't God because I know he would never tell me to sin. That is why meditating on Gods word is important! I remember months ago you posted a fb status about Satan knowing our desires and how we should be careful of who's voice we are listening to. That voice wasn't Gods. I thank you for your messages to minister to us and remind us what is important and thanks for keeping me on track at times when I let my emotions lead me. Blessings to your ministry. I am better than I was a year ago! I thank God!

  28. This is definitely confirmation for me! Definitely need to get back into focus! Also, I texted the PINKYPROMISE text to 84464 & recevied no confirmation. Did I do something wrong? Thank you!!!! I love your blog posts! You are a BLESSING! Be Blessed! <3

  29. God has been on me today! I disobeyed Him today by not getting up early to spend time with Him because I was tired. I turned on the TV this morning and saw a message on disobedience by Joyce Meyer. Now, on your blog. I get it, Jesus! Help me to obey!

  30. Heather!! alwayskeepingitreal. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. This was great and very very specific.God spoke to how do people outside the states get these dailies???!!

  32. This is the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me...all glory to God for using you to give me this message

  33. Thank you sooooooo much Heather :) your my role model* I'm only 17 and you inspire me and increase me in my relationship with Jesus :) keep doing what your doing in God. Your great

  34. Hi, im in a marriage that he "saved" but we arent on the same level i dont want to be of the world and he still is he enjoys music i dont. He slept around on me but most people would say fight through it. "it always happens" Why does that have to be the normal? i really feel like God is telling me to depart from it. of coarse everyone is like dont give up marriage is hard and things happen you have to stick through and fight it. Im so confused, would like some advice Heather Lindsey

  35. RIKESHIA PRECIOUS BAXTERJune 26, 2013 at 8:50 PM


  36. I'm new to your blog and I must say it's truly amazing to see how on fire you are for God.

    I've just started two blogs of my own Team Jesus UK and Diary Of A Christian Bride

  37. I can really relate to this article, Heather. But I have a dilemma. So, I did what I believe God told me to do, which was to talk about a chapter in my past and talk about how I rebelled, and came back to Him. I mean, I have to say the way I felt when I was in my disobedience is not the way I feel now! But...I just can't understand. I feel as if it had no meaning, and when I shared it with people like i thought i was supposed to, everyone just stared at me, and even wrote hurtful comments like "get out your feelings". All I
    m trying to say is what do you do after you've done what God asked you to do? How do you remain confident even when you have people who judge you and criticize you?

  38. I really appreciate the message you are sending out to the world! God's plan for you is incomparable to any plan someone else may have had for you or even what you may have had for yourself before you started following God! He is good and I thank him for you.
