
Monday, February 4, 2013

"Your Price Tag"

So, what's your price tag? Don't look at me like you don't have one. A price tag is the amount that a person will pay for YOU to get you to drop your standards. It doesn't have to be money either honey as you look down on women that strip or prostitute themselves to men. It could be comfort from loneliness, it could be a fine man, it could be a "bad boy," a man that serves in church, the desire to no longer be single because your clock is ticking, it could be the fear of losing friends so you go out & get drunk with them and you know it ain't right. It could be attention from a man that works in a certain occupation- like a pastor, athlete, lawyer or whatever else. It could be spending your entire check on a purse so when you hang around certain girls-- they will approve of you.

Who can get you to CHANGE their standards??? Who or what can do just that "one" thing that takes you from lifting your hands on Sunday morning to falling into sin??? And let's be clear honey, you didn't fall into that sin-- you walked right into it. You say you love Jesus.. and it just makes you frustrated at how you keep ended up in that bed, overspending or waking up from that hang-over. Why is it that you go from singing "I surrender all" on Sundays to "Put a ring on it" by Beyonce on Monday?

Let's be clear, NO person on this entire earth should be able to CHANGE your STANDARDS. No MAN. No WOMAN. No JOB. No NOTHING. If you aren't fully persuaded that you're strong enough to have standards in your relationships and friendships then you should pull away for a season until you're more persuaded by God than you are a human. Because what will happen is this: Your friends and your little boyfriend will determine your life. They will determine when you have sex, when you party, when you drink, when you do whatever else. All the while, you really don't wan to do these things. You KNOW it's wrong but deep down... you just don't know how to stop. You don't know how to tell anyone NO in fear of rejection. Then, you will get into a car accident and die and stand before God. He will say: Why didn't you do what I called you to do? And you will bow your head.. and say.. "But.. I didn't want to displease anyone." Christ will look at you with tears in His eyes & say.. "My daughter, you made those people, things your god. When they called, you answered. When they told you to do this, you did it. When they told you to do that- you obeyed. When I called you-- you ignored Me, rejected my instructions and with deep sorrow.. I have to say... get away from Me. I never KNEW you." (Matthew 7:23).

I sense such an urgency in the body of Christ. We are being pushed around by the wind by those we spend our time with. We have forgotten about God and replaced Him with the opinions of this silly world. We have devalued our worth and opened up our hearts to silly music and TV shows that have set our standards FOR us. It should bring great CONVICTION to you to listen to certain music. It should bring great CONVICTION to you if you hang out with certain girls. If it doesn't- I pray that you sit before the Lord and ask Him to break your heart for what breaks His heart. The danger in no longer being convicted of your lifestyle is this: Your heart has been hardened to sin & you've turned away from God. You've turned your heart from Him to the shows, the men, the job, the approval, that whatever else. You still go to church on Sunday, get your emotional fix and leave feeling approved that you did your "good" deed for the day. Then, you don't touch your bible again until you get in your car on Sunday and head to church. It is a sign that you NO long BELONG to Him because you no longer CARE. And.. you call yourself a Christian.

So.. what makes you think attending church is going to make you righteous?? Although you confess God as your Savior; your LIFE demonstrates that your heart belongs to Satan. Yes, I said it. Satan. You like his music. You like his sons. You like his places to go (clubs, strip clubs). You like his daughters. You like his hate. You like his unforgiveness. You like his homosexuality. You like his pornography. You like his clothes. You like his adultery. You like his gossip. You like his shacking up. You like his sex outside of marriage. If you really believed in your heart that Jesus was Lord you would HATE the sin you once LOVED. You would intentionally PURSUE GOD and STOP pursuing SIN!! This doesn't mean you're perfect- it just means that you refuse to pull your pants down for that random man! It just means you turn that stupid music off when you're tempted to bounce to it. You turn off the TV and sit at the feet of Christ and repent DAILY!! You're intentionally PURSING GOD DAILY!!!

Sis, I'm crying out to you. Crying out that you let go of whoever is pushing you around. Let go of the distractions. Let go of whatever is causing you to STUMBLE.  If you only knew the destination of the sin that you're in.. you would never entertain it. You would run from it. You would hate it. Satan never shows you the end.. he only entices you with what you can see, hear, touch & feel...

As you read this-- understand that you cannot wait for your feelings to agree with the decision to live for God. You have to do what you know is RIGHT and your feelings with CATCH up. So, pick up the phone and shut it down, cut it off-- do what you have to do. You cannot afford to live a life outside of Christ ANYMORE. Read my blog on "How to Spend time with God"-- start there. Find a local church that preaches the word of God, pure and uncut. Obey God quickly with what He tells you to do. You seriously HAVE to start SOMEONE. Start right NOW. When you make a decision to live for Christ, HE will HELP you and MEET you right there.

I am praying for you & agreeing with YOU.

If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis" (there's another church that holds service there too). 931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

You can find my new book here: called "Pink Lips & Empty Hearts."

God loves you like crazy,

Heather Lindsey


  1. I have no doubt in my mind that God laid this message in your heart, specifically for a time as this. I thank God for confirming the convictions I had again and again and now in the form of these words. Thank you and God bless.

  2. Love this post. One of my favourites out of many. So many things have been a stumble and I made the decision to stop them since then my relationship with God is sooooo much more better. Reading His word and spending time in His presence is so refreshing and I feel so much closer to Him just bye removing the sinful things in my life that is displeasing to me. I'm sure you understand that feeling right? I wanted to know what type of music do you listen to? Including something you would like to dance too? I have non christian music on my ipod and praise and worship cd's which is hillsong (my church I attend) any praise and worship artists you can recommend?

    1. Hey Loresha,

      You can look up the following:

      New Life Worship
      Bethel Live
      Elevation Worship
      Generation Unleashed
      Gateway worship....just to name a few

      As far as praise & worship artists (the ones I listed above are more praise & worship bands than they are 'artists') here are a few:

      Kari Jobe
      Chris Tomlin
      Israel Houghton
      Kim Walker-Smith
      Micah Stampley
      Vickie Yohe
      William McDowell
      Meredith Andrews...just to name a few.

      Hope this helps alittle

    2. Hi Loresha,

      Im not sure what age bracket you fall into, but here is a small list of praise & worship bands, as well as praise & worship artists. Hope this tiny little list helps.

      Gateway worship
      Bethel Live
      Jesus Culture
      Elevation Worship
      Generation Unleashed
      Israel Houghton
      Kari Jobe
      Kim Walker-Smith
      Chris Tomlin
      Vickie Yohe
      Eddie James
      Meredith Andrews
      William McDowell
      Micah Stampley
      .... just to name a few.

    3. Im 23 turning 24 in a few months. That helps alot thank you, will look them up

    4. I really enjoy listening to artists like Fred Hammond, Yolanda Adams, Cece Winans, Donnie McClurkin, Mary Mary and Ashmont Hill to name a few.

    5. Loresha, here's a list of what I would consider 'less mainstream' Christian artists/bands that I've discovered over the past year via YouTube (where their music can be found). Their music is Gospel-centered, solid, intimate, & honest. I know that this music wil bless you & draw you into our King's sweet presence! If you want to know specific song titles, please email me at & I'll send them to you! God bless sis! Enjoy! :-)
      -All Sons & Daughters
      -Bethel Worship
      -Bryan & Katie Torwalt
      -Cory Asbury
      -John Mark McMillan
      -Laura Hackett
      -Red Mountain Churh
      -United Pursuit Band
      -Vertical Church Band
      -Will Reagan & United Pursuit Band

  3. Thanking the Lord for confirming His Word. When the Holy Spirit comes He raises a standard and we get corrected and convicted. Thanks for allowing God to use you!

  4. This blog couldn't have come at a better time wow thanks :)
    I have a question, I'm currently in varsity and living with my two friends in an apartment and this friendship just doesnt glorify God at all and it has been a stumbling block in my life and I've been holding onto this friendship for fear of loneliness and rejection. I know that its time to distance myself but how do I do that when we're living together?

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      I have been there and bought that t-shirt when it comes to holding on to friendships because you are afraid to be alone. God will absolutely meet you in your loneliness and be the best friend you can have. It is harder when you are living with someone but perhaps you can get involved with a Christian organization on your campus they usually have weekly Bible Studies and fun social gathering like bowling or pizza and cards. Campus Crusade for Christ, Intervarsity, and Impact are three I know of.

      I would recommend distancing yourself slowly and when you all do hang out suggest game nights, dinner at the apartment something fun and innocent:) Then hopefully once the semester is over you will have made new God-fearing friends and move into an apartment with them.

      Praying for you,


  5. Awesome I made the right decision when I let my ex go last year. We were living in sin and I know it was wrong sleeping with him and didn't know how to get out because that sin felt great. I finally got out and feel so free. I knew each time I was not pleasing God but kept doing it because I wanted to please him and that was wrong. Love your blobs because everytime I feel like I made the wrong decision when I start to feel lonely, your blogs help me realize that I made the right decision and also the word of God.

  6. Soaked in tears...I bless Jesus for you Heather!

  7. I bumped into your blog a week ago and I check religiously for new posts - I know how busy you are but it feels so good to see other young, successful, beautiful people living for God - without compromise. This God is so amazing. You really helped me a lot with your "spending time with God blog". I'm a new person. The pressure to hook up/ get married is washed away and I'm reminded that He completes me, not a man/marriage. Thank you and God bless you <3 p

  8. My God, my God!!! If this isn't conformation of the past thirteen months of my life. God literally pulled me out of some of the very situations you speak about. So, I can learn and know without a doubt who I am and whose I am. I was the person who wanted to please everybody no matter the cost. All I can say is...but God. Nobody can fix it like he can. He completes me and makes me whole.

  9. This post helped me to cut off a friendship that has long been toxic. Right on time isn't enough to discribe this post.

  10. I love this post!! I'm so thankful to our heavenly father speaking through you!!!

  11. Perfect timing Heather!!! I cannot thank you enough for letting the Holy Spirit direct you to share His Word. I too, love you like crazy and I pray for your and Cornelius's ministries all of the time. Thanks again.

  12. good one Heather! i tottally agree! GOD bless you. Adesuwa from Nigeria

  13. I took my phone...saw the million* songs I had on it and I knew I had to delete them!! delete that song about love making..delete that song of how money gets you somewhere and mostly delete that song you have absolutely no idea what it says! !!! live what you think and feel and I knew i had to stop thinking and feeling about how "he puts it down" but about how JESUS Raises me UP...and just like that the first song I thought of was shackles Mary Mary!!!! I just wanna praise him

  14. I just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday because he wanted to do things that didn't honor God's law, so the timing for this couldn't have been better. Thank you and God bless you!

  15. Hello Heather,

    First of all , thank you for your divine inspiration!

    I recently walked back into sin after 4 years of becoming a born again virgin. I feel so gulity...God has convicted me and has shown me that I was "saving" myself not out of love of Him, but fear of stds and pregnancy. I know that God has forgiven me. But how do i move forward. I do not feel pure anymore, I feel soo...I don't know washed up and used up. Ironically my price was him "respecting my body and wishes" *side eye*. I wish I could take that time back,I don't know how to go forward. Can I consider myself a born again virgin? Can I consider myself celebate still? How do continue to want to court and tell men what? I don't know what to do or where to go. Please I could use some encouragement.

  16. WOW!!! This was for me. It's funny how God is trying to save my soul and make me whole and I keep doing what pleases satan. I know the right thing to do I just continue with my foolishness but I don't want to die and hear those words depart from me. I must take a stand starting today. I already know what will happen once I surrender today. My life will automatically start looking up! Thanks Heather

  17. To anonymous who went back into sin...I can identify somewhat with what your feeling. I too went back into sexual sin after years of "saving myself" . The guilt and shame overtook me and I got very depressed. I was reaping what I had sown and satan was keeping me in condemnation. God wants you just as much as you need Him. All you have to do is repent and run to the one who forgives all sin. I got a revelation of love and grace like never before. Though it gets hard sometimes I realize that this situation has made me wiser and stronger. Do not be condemned. Continue to seek Him and He will restore you and renew you. Your sin is as far as the east is from the west. He loves you the same as he did before you comitted that sin. Receive forgiveness by faith, renew your mind with His word, and continue to seek His face. He loves you like crazy :-)

    1. Amen! = )) This is relative to my life issues now.Thank you!About to take it one dat at a time and spend time with the ultimate lover of my soul, Jesus. God bless you all and I am grateful & thankful for your divine inspiration Heather.Praying for you all!

  18. My best friend introduced me to this blog and I love what you're doing! I love that pinky promise is catching on in colleges because it means you're really reaching girls at an age when society tells us that we should be going wild- and you're helping make it 'cool' not to. I'm newly married and just started a blog about it, if anyone could check it out I'd appreciate it!

  19. Rikeshia Precious BaxterMay 4, 2013 at 12:28 AM

