
Thursday, December 20, 2012

The "Private" Woman

I am in the middle of the final edits of my book but I had to take a break from it and share an area that has been heavy on my heart with my sisters.  As women, we carry so much hurt, pain, rejection and so many other things from our past that we begin to subconsciously charge every other woman that has hurt us in our future. We also charge our husbands, boyfriends and whoever else for the exes. But specifically today, I want to ask you a question.. are you HIDING what God called you to do?
God has birthed a huge ministry in so many of you women but because of your hurt, you’re afraid to open up, to try anything or to step out and do what He called you to do because you’re “private.” It’s ok to keep some things to yourself but I can guarantee that some of you ladies.. have some really encouraging, powerful stories that God LONGS to use! Some of you are so resourceful and are naturally skilled at things like interior design, fashion, cooking, organizing, business and so many other areas! WHAT DO YOU have in your hands? What gifts and talents has God placed in your heart to share with others but you’re keeping your tips, ideas, vision and whatever for yourself? So, it’s all about you and yours right? 

Sis, it’s time to be free. Free to let God use ALL of who you are! Granted, you’re going to meet some not-so-good people out there but we live in a fallen world, so it will happen! You cannot let those FEW people discourage you from DOING all that GOD called YOU TO DO! Can you imagine if I never started Pinky Promise because I “didn’t want anybody to know my business or my past?”  I am not concerned about my past but I'm focused on the FUTURE that God has planned for me! My past has been WASHED away! I have NO shame from what has happen to be because I believe that God uses whatever HAS happen for His glory now because I'm determined to live for Him. How do I know that?

2 Corinthians 5:17 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 85:2
You forgave the iniquity of your people; You, covered all their sin.

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

So it’s clear, that IN CHRIST, we are NEW creations!! With NEW gifts, talents and so many things INSIDE of us!! I challenge you to WAKE up the SLEEPING woman inside of you! Do you KNOW how many women would benefit from your wisdom, ideas, talents and gifts?! If you could ONLY see your potential. You’re so private that you keep all of your gifts hidden and push everyone away because you think they’re out to get you. If you would just let your guard down and tap into who you are in Christ you would find that God placed a beautiful ministry on the inside of you. Don’t you know that when you harden your heart against people, you ALSO harden your heart against CHRIST. Now, I’m not saying that you should just hang out with some of anybody that gossips, talks crazy and refuses to live for Christ. What I AM saying is you have to stop giving every new person you meet the side-eye as you hold your gifts and talents inside of you for “your eyes only.” EVERYBODY IS NOT OUT TO GET YOU. You have got to let go of that idea and be open to the doors that God opens in your life through friendships.

I don't want you to read this blog and then run and start a ministry. I want you to read this blog and then sit at the feet of Jesus and give Him your hurts and cares. The issue is-- we hear things like this and then we run out crippled from our past and then after the high wears off, we begin to slowly start charge new women for the old women that hurt us.. again. You need a true conversion from the inside out. You need to truly give this area to God & LEAVE it there. Then, be intentional in all of your relationships about allowing God to change you from the inside out. So REMEMBER this when you meet new people.. grace them, pray for them, ask God to show you their hearts and REST. Stop looking into everything; assuming that whoever is going to hurt you. As far as your gifts and talents,  start wherever you are-- use social media to share your FAVORITE tips & advice concerning your gifted areas! Start a blog on an area you're SUPER passionate about! You NEVER know how God could use what He places on your heart! Start a Youtube video on how to apply makeup and include how vital it is to be beautiful from the INSIDE out first with Christ! Start a cooking youtube channel and teach ladies HOW to cook! 

How can we continue to ask God to "show us our purpose & ministry" if we refuse to even open up about where we came from and what God has done in our life? Why do you want to start your "ministry?" Why do you want a PLATFORM? So you can pat yourself on the back? Why do you want to be successful in whatever you do? Is God at the forefront of your mind? STOP seeking your "purpose" and start seeking Him. Then, take each day-- day by day. When you place God first... He will show you, "do this, then do that. Go here, then go there." Let's be clear, God places people on top of a platform that could CARE LESS. They care about pleasing Him and not people. If you're so tied up and worried about your past; you'll be controlled by people and not Him. 

Transparency is priceless. It shows others that.. you know.. you aren't perfect but God will take your many imperfections and make you whole. It gives people hope that God can change the "worst" of them. It shows people that you don't have to be perfect in order to come to Christ. It shows people that God can turn your mess into a masterpiece. It shows people that God has not FORGOTTEN about those that seem forgotten.

Stop HIDING. It's time to come out sis. USE what God placed INSIDE of you! 

Fun reminders:

My book is coming out in a few weeks! I cannot WAIT!! More details to follow!

Don't forget if you order any two items from Pinky Promise, you get a cross ring for free! Use the code: CROSSRING via! :)

Have you joined Pinky Promise? It's an AMAZING sisterhood with over 8,000 women that are totally in love with Christ. Pretty amazing. 

God loves you like crazy,

Heather Lindsey 


  1. Thank you Mrs. Lindsey so much! I needed that you are so anointed to God be the glory!'

  2. Wow Sis you couldn't have been talking to me anymore if you had called me by name. I am definitely this woman. I have gotten better about opening up and not blaming present people for past mistakes but I have a long way to go. I have been praying about this a lot lately because being transparent is a whole lot easier said than done.

  3. Great blog! :-) This is an area I've been struggling with for a while now. It's just hard for me to trust anyone or get too close to a person.

  4. Wow beautiful blog! I feel like I can relate in so many ways with being private in areas of my life. This has really shown & challenge me to step out on faith and really take each day to do the things that God called me to do through my talents and gifts he has placed inside of me. Thanks so much Heather for continuing to use what God has called you to do to help inspire & encourage so many women. May God continue to bless you in your ministry:)
    Krysta Jordan

  5. Lindsey, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR!! Thank You... Thank You GOd for Confirming things for me through this. I recieve!! ;)

  6. Thank you for such wise words. Just the words I needed to hear before 2013...

  7. Thank you for this. I am a private person when it comes to talents and giftings. Sometimes I think I'm just scared hence why I downplay what God has placed in my hands. Thanks for encouraging me to stop hiding and share giftings for God's glory. I am good at making jewellery and arty stuff,no one taught me how to do these things but I do them with ease and the results are great. However, i get cold feet and just choose to make stuff for close family and friends and the occasional orders from friends of friends. I will pray, reflect and ask God to use me for His glory. I realise now that by being private, I may have hindered God's ministry in a way. Thanks Heather.

    Love T.K

  8. wow! This is so me! Thanks so much Heather for this passion. It is helping me a lot. But i have one question.. When do u know that its time to step out after a time of sitting at the feet of Jesus and getting healed? Thank you so much for this blog!

  9. Thank you sister! I am encouraged by you. Thank you!! Be blessed!!

  10. Great Blog.. I never thought of my blog and my youtube channels as my ministry until recently.. This just confirmed it. I love sharing and giving advice and at first through my blog, I was always scared that I was going to give all of my hair tips and makeup tricks away that I wasn't going to even have a clientale. I've seen God move through my little random goofy blog posts and he's opened doors that I thought I would never go through. I love it. I'm just wanting God to birth new ideas for me to be able to maximize the moment and to continue to be a blessing to others. When it came to me in 2008 to start a blog and youtube channel I was nervous and scared thinking No one is going to even like to watch me or even be able to fully relate to me, but it happened. It's still growing but I notice the numbers climbing each day. I've never been the type to feel like I don't want her to take my idea but I also know a few people like that.

    Miss Nic

  11. This post is very timely! Awesome words and great encouragement!

  12. I def feel like I needed to hear this, I ahve been through alot of things, things that I have always been ashamed of. If I could use my past an help someone else, to not make the same mistakes I will feel pleased. If I could just mentor someone about certain things it would feel so good, to help someone in that way. I just dont know how an will continue to pray about it.

  13. Yeah sooooo

    You've wrecked me to the core. Ouch. I've been studying a LOT lately between Jesus being my Savior vs Lord. So much confirmation in your post. Whew

    Thank You Dearly Mrs.Lindsey you are truly heaven sent
    Happy Holidays

  14. Wow, I love this. I've read almost all of your blogs... but this one truly has spoken to me. I know exactly what God has been telling me to do but I just needed the reality check. Thanks for your obedience in sharing what He's placed on your heart. God bless you sis!

  15. Great blog post Heather. Can you do most posts on health & fitness, like your DIY smoothies and such.
    Thanks x

  16. Thank You, thank you, thank you! I'm going to work at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls on in South Africa on January 3rd . I've been hesitant on telling people so they wouldn't think i'm bragging, but my journey to this point has definitely been a move of God ALL THE WAY! I can't keep it to myself. My sisters and brothers in Christ need to be inspired. I'm on my way to start my blog and tumblr about the journey.
    Congratulations on Baby Boy Lindsey. Love and the light of Chtist! :-)

    1. Praise God!We all are inspiring each other!!!This is inspiring!!!God bless you!

  17. This is seriously resonating with me more than I can begin to explain. I originally started my blog because I felt that my "niche" was share-able. I wanted to document my own journey and hopefully inspire others along the way! It has grown so much in 4 months!!! I sometimes get slack from others about keeping it (and having one in general) but your post reminds me that I need to share my gift. God is truly working through me to inspire others to live happy and healthy lives. I see it day in and day out and I LOVE IT. Thank you for inspiring me to keep on keepin' on--this is my ministry and purpose and I WILL LET MY LIGHT SHINE. YOU ARE AMAZING-LY inspirational!!! xoxo

  18. SMH, this is so me and didn't think I was doing anything wrong. This ministry is helping me. Thanks

  19. Wow. This is awesome. I definitely feel happiest when I'm answering women's questions and giving them tips about hair care and natural hair.

  20. Thank you for this! God bless you Heather, looking forward to meeting you at PP conference next month!

  21. Wow, amazing! You don't know how much this hit home. It's so beautiful how God uses you to speak to others. Thank you for the encouragement and beautiful words. I will continue to follow my passion.

    xo Jealeyni

  22. I really needed to read this! I have been struggling to move forward from my past and get what God has for me for a while now. After reading this I kow that I can move forward and recieve all of my blessings! Thank you for this Heather!

  23. Praise God!Thank you sister for this reminder and revelation!Your blogs are a blessing, as well as your moment that God has entrusted you with!God bless you!!!

  24. You're such a blessing. So transparent ...all I ask is that you don't forget about the single ladies!! We don't get addressed enough!! Love you sis!!!

  25. Mrs. Lindsey I was led here via FB today for the very first time and I know in my spirit that God is speaking directly to me thru this post. I will be subscribing to you, but I just want to thank you for your boldness; for it will beget more boldness in your followers. This particular blogpost is me... All up and through ;-) but I have been working towards making some changes as God is calling me out to use the gifts He has blessed me with. Fear is not of God, but it is surely doing a number on me. Thank you again... You have no idea how your words have blessed me.

  26. Wow!!! God has spoken to me today through you and your powerful message. God bless you andf may He continue to use you.

  27. Great post! I am generally by nature not so much of a "people's person" but God has placed a desire in my heart to see people saved and living for Him. I pray for you continual blessings. God bless you.

  28. This is so true and I've been working through this myself. I thank God that through Fasting and praying, I've been released from the chains of my past that were preventing me from moving forward. No more shame, no more regrets, no more beating myself up for mistakes. I'm Free! Thank You God. I also posted about transparency on my own blog, I also joined the Pinky Promise Movement and invited some of my own Sisters in Christ to join as well.

    Be Blessed

  29. I really needed this at this moment in my life! Thank you Heather!!!

  30. I'm one of those people. I'm deathly private. Because of shame and I feel like I have to protect myself. I haven't mastered having trust and feeling like I have a refuge in the Lord. For me I just don't want to share sometimes its because I sense that sometimes people just want to know your business to judge you not to receive wisdom or help you. I keep people out of my business primarily because i feel like i don't have a testimony yet. I DON'T have a happy ending. The story is still going and i honestly dont know how this one is going to turn out. Right now, it doesn't look so good... Is that bad if I refuse to share my trial if i'm still going through it? Does that count? If theres no glory to the story then whats the point? How can God get the glory when in the end it just is what it is. Do we wait until he's done? How do you remain trustful when your darkest hour seems to be every hour on the hour?

  31. Hi Heather, what I might say is weird but ehmm bear with me lol:

    In January 2013 I went on a 21 day fast to start of my year, in that fast I asked God to show me his will for me and towards the end of the fast I was lead to your blog (and this particular post). I was encouraged but did not understand why God lead me to this post. By the end of the month the Holy Spirit reminded me of something he planted in my heart when I was 15; writing and poetry. He asked me "what are you doing with you gift of words I gave you?" needless to say I was shocked lol this sort of thing had never happened to me before. So fast forward 4mths later I have a blog I started ( and I want to say THANK YOU for being you; an encourager of people and a champion for the gospel. I am very new to your blog and I am sooo proud to call you a sister in the kingdom. I just had to come back and comment on the exact post that motivated me. May God bless you and keep you

  32. Rikeshia Precious BaxterMay 4, 2013 at 12:15 AM


  33. Heather, I'm so glad I came across this particular subject because it is so close to what's been in my heart lately. God spoke to me & told me to take what's in my hand!--Amen! It's like what am I waiting around for?? I MUST start NOW!! If God approves of what I do, then why should the opinions of other people matter? I think as women, we don't like to admit that we are self-conscious people and still worry about what others may think of us if we do so & so. This great encouragement! God Bless!
