
Friday, September 14, 2012

"God Closing Doors vs. You Opening Them"

You may be in a season where people leave you, job ends, money runs out, things aren’t 100% working out, you’re losing friends or just experiencing loss in general. Gosh, trust me that I understand. I honestly believe I went through that very thing for an entire YEAR. It was the longest year of my life. You really learn who you trust in your darkest hours. I learned that I could lean on and really trust God. He didn’t just become a part of my daily bible ritual—He really became my entire life. I had to cling to Him. It seems like your whole world is caving in and the only One that makes sense is Christ alone. That’s if we decide to turn to Him instead of our circumstances.

I can recall certain situations in life where I tried to stay in a relationship, a job or in a certain place and I just knew deep down that God was closing that door that I desperately kept propped up. I wanted to so badly to stay in those situations—to stay comfortable versus dealing with the fear of the unknown. The fear of being single, the fear of not having enough to pay my bills, the fear of losing loved ones, the fear of not measuring up, the fear of not being good enough or whatever else.  Sometimes, we try to put a comma where God puts a period. Although I shouldn’t have been surprised—God shut those doors. He popped my little pretend-happy bubble. I could have continued to stay in those places and continued those sentences. I could have had a run-on sentence & created an entire storyline.. where God put a period. So, while we’re here—I ask you, do you have any sentences that have continued that you know God ..never intended for you to continue? Most of those sad stories should have never happened. It comes with the territory of ignoring God and living the life we want to live. The heartache, the lies, the abuse, the abortions, the loneliness—you see, God knew these things would come if you stayed around longer then you were supposed to. You couldn’t see those things ahead of time because you were blinded by pretend love, money, status, power, sex, drugs, being comfortable or whatever else. I  DO believe that God does work out things for our good when we live for Him. So don’t beat yourself down if you created an entire storyline.  If you aren’t living for Christ right now, that can change right now. It’s wrapped up in a daily decision to just wake up and live for Him again. God can heal us; no matter how far we’ve fallen away from Him. He longs for your entire heart.

I recall spending the night at my boyfriend’s house when I was single but I would wake up every morning no matter what and would spend hours with God. Sounds weird right? Yeah, one would think that I would start applying what I learned and take my tail home. Anyway,  I continued to spend time with God  & I sat on the guy’s bed and the Lord would show me that I needed to break the relationship off and if I didn’t, it would only get worse. How’s for that? Not long after, we broke up. I was heartbroken but now I understand. God put a period there and it’s not for me to go & try to create some story that should have never been written.  I watched the relationship go downhill. No matter how much I prayed, hoped and wished things would work out or whatever else..The season was over. It was time to move on. Matter of fact, I question the very start of some of my past relationships & situations, those doors were opened by Heather and not Jesus.

You see, those people, jobs, places or whatever else are stumbling blocks. You are tripping over them and falling flat on your face, over and over again. If I placed stumbling blocks in your way as you were walking down the street, you would look at me like I was crazy and walk around them. You would tell me to STOP harassing you and leave you alone. You would say “Heather, clearly I can see that you’re putting huge bricks in my path, I’m not stupid, I’m just going to walk around them—why the heck would I just trip over them and fall flat on my face?”

I believe this question is what all of heaven and the angels ask when we continue in a place where we have stumbling blocks.. and we just keep tripping over them.. over & over again. So, God sends help. He sends blogs, your pastor, your friends, books or whatever else to speak into your heart. Instead, you ignore them and you continue to walk into each block. Doesn’t it sound crazy with that image of me just walking up on you & placing square bricks in your path as you’re walking? You would think I was crazy! Why don’t you feel the same way about satan? And let’s stop blaming him for everything, he sends the stumbling blocks and you have a choice. You don’t have to trip over them. You can trust God & live for HIM in the midst of whatever is going on. Remember that God will give you a way out of every temptation. What temptations are you facing? Sister or Brother, you are NOT alone. ALL of us experience those tests and trials.  I just want to remind you that you don’t need “he” or “it” to make you happy. You really need Christ and if you don’t allow Him to strip you of your idols, you will stay in bondage to those idols forever. Remember that God leads and guides your life. Trust Him, even if your story isn’t playing out the way you intended. He’s with you.

At times, people try to tell me that my life is perfect (and TRUST me, it’s FAR from it!!!!) and that I’ll never understand what they are going through. They say I have the husband, the ministry or whatever else. They see the product of my obedience to Christ but they don’t see the WORK that went into getting where I am today. I just want you to know that I could have a different life story.  Instead of trying to write my own life story, I submitted my life to the One who created me. I have a choice to live for God daily. I could have said “screw this all”—I’m staying with my ex boyfriend, even though God told me to end it. I could have said “Forget reading the bible, this takes too much.” I could have said “Waiting to kiss until my wedding day? PLEASE. I aint waiting that long, I need me some sex.” Do you know that I had a choice in the matter?  I have a choice to write this blog.  I could have said “I’m leaving my marriage at the sign of a first bad argument or whatever else. So please, don’t send me any emails saying that I don’t understand. I was once single, I know and understand the struggles you go through. Where do you think these blogs and my future book is coming from? I’m most passionate about this area of relationships because it’s where I had the most pain. I went through HELL and back as a single. & got serious about my relationship with God and stopped dating randoms & met & married my husband, God’s way. So I challenge you in your own life. YOU HAVE A CHOICE!!!!

....Instead of comparing your life to my life, a pastor, a singer, some reality tv person or whoever else; start comparing yourself to the bible. Take your life and line it up against the bible and use it as a mirror to show you your heart. Let’s not blame anybody else for where we are in life and start taking responsibility for our actions. Granted, you cannot control your life and some of the things that have happened to you but you can control how you respond to them. I want the plan that God has for my life. I don’t want anything outside of it. I want His perfect will so I’ve stopped praying for meaningless, material things and I started praying that my heart would be molded to look like His. So what if I have a couple nice things here & there—what does it mean if my  heart is wicked and hardened towards Him—as a Christian? I just cannot afford it and neither can you. I cannot afford to live this life as a pretend Christ—saying all of these things with my mouth but my heart is so far from Christ. I long to stand before God one day when this is all finished and hear Him say “Well Done my child. Thank you for living for Me & giving me your entire heart.” Oh gosh, it brings tears to my eyes if I lived this whole life and then stood before God and He said that “I never knew you—get away from me as I explained to Him that I preached in His name, wrote books in His name or whatever else.” This is a lot deeper than a blog you’re reading. I believe that God is crying out to you. Crying out to you because He wants to become your first love again. He is so jealous for all of the things and people you place in front of Him. He longs to be first. Please, sister. Brother. Give your entire heart to Him again. Spend time with Him daily and let Him lead you. I can promise you that it won’t be easy but you’ll grow spiritually and the tests & trials will give you endurance and character.

I love you & I’m praying for you.

I am writing this blog as I fly from Dubai to the United States. I was just in Africa for a week spending some time at the orphanage there that we have teamed up with to help support. It was a life changing trip. I will blog about it later and show pictures. I just want to thank everyone who prayed for our team and supported financially. I love you dearly.

Also, my husband just released his first book!! It’s called “So, You Want To be Married?” This book will WRECK you and challenge you as a single or if you’re married. It’s a must read! You can find it here:

Couple usual reminders!
If you want some cute Pinky Promise bracelets, shirts, or journals go here:

If you want to sign up for a local Pinky Promise Group in your area-- go here! There's about 4500 girls in groups all over the world! Pretty awesome! Go here: 

If you want to sign up for the Pinky Promise Conference in Atlanta--I would LOVE to see you! More details are here: 

(Me in Ethiopia a couple days ago at the Raey Orphanage-- these babies were SO precious!)


  1. Bless you Heather and your journey. This blog speaks to my heart, especially today, as I been feeling every single word. I came on here to poor out my heart in a similar way but "hope deferred makes the heart sick." So I thank you for putting words to my heart and giving me hope in knowing I am not alone, I am not failing and it will get better.

    Be Blessed :)

  2. MUST NEEDED!!!! God bless you sis!!! God gave you this message for me!!! A year ago I God closed a lot of doors for me and I'M SOOOO BLESSED that I left that place because I've grown closer to him!! Pray for me that I continue to recklessly pursue him and keep HIM first in every way!!!! <3

    1. I am praying for you sis! Continue to press into Him & trust HIM!!

  3. I really needed to read this! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much heather. I was debating if I should quit two of my jobs. I'm single and I find myself workingbecause it is easier to help me stay out of trouble. These jobs are useless but I need the money so I stayed. God gave you this message and I thank u for being obedient to his will. Thank u. -reneka b.

  5. This is right on time! I believe the Lord has placed deep deep down inside of me what he wants me to do! (Leaving a certain church) But the hardest thing to do is accept it-without questioning if it is really God telling me to leave or if its me telling myself that! All I have been doing is staying faithful to him and trusting him completely in this next journey in life that I am unsure about. I know his plans are far greater that any plans I could sit and write down for myself Bless you for this wonderful blog!! :)

    1. I TOTALLY understand, I had to leave a church too & I KNEW God was leading me out of it. At first, I was like God.. you sure? Then it became SO clear- -it's like the light switch came on & my blinds were taken off! Whew! Proud of you love!

  6. I thank GOD for your obedience Heather. This blog has truly blessed my walk with Christ, strengthened my faith & my hope in where I can go in Him!!! GOD has truly gotten my attention with this blog. I understand this isn't easy but the Christian walk is for those who are willing to please GOD & to see heaven! Eternal blessings to you sis, love you!!!

  7. Heather, can I just tell you how blessed I have been by your blog? This post resonates with me because I had a situation in the past with an ex-boyfriend where I compromised my standards and tried to do things "my way." Then, when things got rough and I was heartbroken, I wanted God to step in and fix it. I realize now that it doesn't work that way! God didn't start that relationship...I did. I have grown in my Christian walk since then, but I truly realize now how much heartache, wasted time, and tears I could have been spared had I just honored God. Thank you for your ministry and testimony!

    1. Amen! Oh the stories I have... you are so right we could save ourselves a lot of time and tears by obeying God in the first place. Well said Elizabeth.

  8. Heather, I thank you for your transparency; it is definitely what drew me to you! This blog is a wakeup call that where I was in life was what I chose for myself. I wasn't happy, I was depressed, ready to just throw life away. This has been a very difficult year, challenging to say the least, but as I post my response I stand here grateful that I chose to follow God. Letting him take the wheel and use me! I say thank you for this post, God Bless you!

    1. Aww! I'm so happy that you decided to choose God. YOU stay in that place no matter what!!!! He is so faithful to us!

  9. "So, God sends help. He sends blogs, your pastor, your friends, books or whatever else to speak into your heart" Indeed, help has come my way through this blog..i can only thank and thank God Almighty for annointing and appointing you to speak directly to me, for allowing the product of your obedience to Him to spread out to me and everyone reading this blog, it is not in vain, this word, indeed this word from the Lord shall not return void....may it accomplish in my life and everyone's life all God wants it to according to Isaiah 55 vs 10-11, in Jesus name, Amen

  10. I sat here tears streaming as I read this... I had a dream the other night that I was driving on unfamiliar territory but at some point I'd come to a familiar place and the only words I said in the dream every time I got to the familiar place were,"I know where I am now!" But then I'd drive off again like going im a circle until I awoke and for days I've been trying to figure out what it meant. I get it, God says stop running, I know what I'm supposed to do but I've been disobedient so I keep going in circles. And I'm so tired, I am saved but there are people and situations I have not let go of and God wants it ALL! THANK YOU GOD BLESS YOU

  11. This blog is a true Blessing. This year has been an up & down battle for me and one of my saddest and depressed years EVER...but my God has not left my side. He has picked me up consistently when I've been down and out. I owe Christ my life. Being stubborn and a sinner doing things on my own accord instead of making God the head of my life to guide me on the right path. I have truly learned valuable lessons this year, but the most important one is giving God my whole heart and not just part of it. May God continue to Bless you and your household Heather, you may hear it often, but these blogs need to continue becuz its Blesses women like me...xoxo

  12. Thank u Heather! This was beautiful! I love you!

  13. Hi Heather,

    I just have a few questions, so please dont take this as anything other than me being curious/seeking. I want to present this in a respectful way.

    Do you really believe your husband is a product of your obedience? I have pondered for some time now and wonder, how you just knew you were supposed to marry him specifically? There are times where I had strong knowings in my spirit and they turned out to be wrong. So, maybe it was deception on my part? I dont understand that at all. To me that seems like there is a specific or ordained person for us all and I just cant process that. That almost sounds like control to me. How is it that some get married so young and others wait but in the process never meet a man? Im really struggling with somethings you present as being the way it should be. Again, I mean no harm and this is just me seeking.
    I firmly believe that we have many options and as long as we remain equally yoked and prayerful who we marry isnt set in stone, if it was what happens if we miss it?

    I hope maybe someday you can shed some light on this all. Maybe in the PP chat room or here. Thanks for everything you do! Love you much!
    Lisa Ranieri

    1. Hey lovely! :)
      I do Q & A monthly so you can always ask your questions there! :) I believe that meeting my husband DOES have something to do with my obedience to God. If I choose to live another kind of life-- dating rappers, thugs, and whoever else, I sure wouldn't be at church & I wouldn't have a chance to meet my now husband. Our steps are ordered by God but that bible is clear--when we reject God over & over again-- He turns our back to our SIN. I honestly believe that if you live for Jesus & trust Him-- we trust His timing. So just continue to do that! He will lead your steps! Praying for you!!

  14. God has truly blessed you with the gift of communication. I look forward to reading your blogs because they truly speak to my heart. Thank you for your using your voice for young women, singles and married couples.

  15. Again confirmation, thank you so much! I had a door close on my face and couldn't understand why God allowed it to happen...after letting my frustrations out, I realize He was protecting me....this literally happened this past week. It's how you respond to the situation, and I need to learn to lean on Him no matter how painful...for He is faithful

  16. This blog is truly a blessing to me!
    I know God speaks to me through this..
    cuz I know..I have opened a door that HE closed before..
    Now I will find that strength to close it again.

    Although its difficult, but my God is MIGHTY!
    And if Im willing and do my best He will provide me strength to go through it!

    LOve you gurl! Next to God and my mom, you are my inspiration. God bless you and your team.

  17. Hey so I can totally relate to you I'm 21 and I was saved when I was 6 I've walked away from the Lord and came back and walked away Again, each
    Time I've gotten deeper and deeper and the enemy destroys me even more then the first time I walks away. Not blaming him for everything because I made the desisions. But I wanted to ask
    I'd u could pray for me, I don't feel the Lord in my life like I use to and I don't believe like I use to, as my faith is barely there and I'm having heart problems at a very young age. Id Love it if you could remembere in prayer!

  18. *Hugs Miss Heather Lindsey* Hello maam. Im actually a current backslider getting back on track into my Bible and a friend of mine put me on to your blog. The first one i read was the one about how worldly music & TV can affect your walk with Christ. And after i read that, it unleashed me from my secular music addiction. Thanks. I support this Blog 100000000%. Peace & Love. God Bless.

  19. Just reading your blog it's been sitting open on my tab since Friday! Literally! I just got around to reading it tonight. RIGHT on time, for me! Earlier today, I closed a door, that God's been telling me to close for quite a while...but I didn't want to ruin the friendship. Crazy! Who was I putting first!? Really! WOW! Anyhow, everything you said - is just so RIGHT on time for me...and confirmation for me. There is POWER in the name of JESUS to BREAK every chain. Anything, that is not of him - WE just have to allow him into our hearts and remove those idols in our lives! I'm glad I stumbled upon your name, on Facebook during the summer! You've been a blessing to me ever since and my friends - who I have shared your info with! Thank you!

  20. This blog post is spot on with what I've been going through in the last two months. When reading this post, I am reminded of Romans 5:1-5, especially verses 3-5: "[W]e also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that the suffering produces perserverance; perseverance, character; and characer, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God had poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Your blog has been such a blessing to me. Thank you!

  21. Hello Heather!
    I love this article and your blog. I was recently introduced to you through a friend and I am thankful to have found you! I love your transparency and I feel as if you are genuine when you share your personal experiences. Thank you! I found you on twitter and am looking forward to purchasing some of your jewelry! LOVE IT! I am recently coming through a series of seasons but I never forgot who GOD is and what HE can do! I am learning more every day and am thankful to have people in my life who are helping me grow God's way :) Thanks for sharing! And congratulations to you and your husband on your pregnancy :)

  22. Thank you Heather for allowing God to work in you and through you! This message was yet another confirmation and encouragement from our daddy! In addition to the word I heard yesterday at my church, God confirmed through your blog the purpose of my marriage to my ex-husband. You see he gave up on our marriage and chose to walk away. At times the enemy tries to tell me that I didn't fight hard enough for my marriage, but he is a liar. It takes two to fight to make a marriage work & I was in a losing battle because I was the only one fighting. But God! He always shut the devil down because I know that God placed my ex-husband in my life to pull mr closer to him! So this blog touched me because at times I still question wether I closed that door or did God. I know that our dad closed it because if I was still married to my ex-hubby, I wouldn't be close to him today. I gave my life over to our daddy & I'm letting him work out the will of my life, I'm just along for the ride!! Thank you Heather & Be blessed!!

  23. Love this blog and all that it stands for! Great post! :-) Off-subject from title, but did you know that Julep Nail Polish has a "Pinky Promise Set"? It's for Breast Cancer, but perhaps you could team up with them to spread the message of 'Pinky Promise', even for a month? :-) The set can be found @ Just thought I'd share. Thanks!

  24. I'm not sure if you'll ever read this or respond..but I've been reading your blogs, statuses, Instagram Pics for weeks now. I really am trying to understand what it means to give my heart to God and to spend time with him. How do I do this?! I really want to know, because I want to get started and 100% committ but I'm stumped!! I don't know how to begin! Please help!

    1. I'm not Heather but. . . Confess to God that you have messed up!!

      And start reading your Bible, begin with Psalm 51. . Read your Bible to understand how you can obey him. . The more you read, the more God will give you insight into little things you can do DAILY to please him!! If you need more help, feel free to email me a!!

  25. Thank you Lord for Heather. This blog only confirms what I've been hearing GOD say to me this past weekend. Keep on writing and living for Christ, Heather. Your labor isn't in vain. May GOD richly bless you in everything you do.

  26. Thank you Heather, This was soo for me. I had a dream you had a baby girl!! :)

  27. Heather I have been reading your blog and it is so inspiring! I am finally in a relationship that is honoring God and moving towards marriage. One thing I would really like your advice and maybe some scripture guidance on is how to deal with getting my boyfriend to accept my past from a Christian standpoint. I am ready to wait now to have sex until marriage but I didn't in past relationships. Now I have my Adam and I feel like I have permanently messed something precious up. I want him to be able to move past that and I am trying to pray about it but any advice you have would be great.

  28. This blog has really given me confirmation on a lot of things and I just needed those tears that I cried reading this and some of the comments. I've been holding onto a job where the employer treats me like nothing. I have no money and I am just so depressed about this situation. I am confirmed that it is OK to let go because I know God has something so much better in store for me. Also with relationship wise I was holding onto someone that I knew wasn't any good for me but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I let go of the best thing that ever happened to me to give someone that was no good for me the benefit of the doubt. I truly know what it means with the saying let it go if it comes back it means so much more because I've never really let anyone go completely and now that I have I realize they were no good for me anyway and I was just keeping an cracked door that needed to be closed never to open it unless I was looking to see how far I've come. I am working on getting closer to god because this year has been the worst year ever and I really realize that without God nothing will go right because you are doing it your way. I've preached this to a friend many times and just to see it confirmed from someone who doesn't know me from a face on the TV screen shows me that I need to practice what I preach and stick to it. When you're down to nothing God is up to something!! I know my big break is coming but everytime I try to take the wheel God is just showing me if I start this I'm going to finish it and I need to let him start something that will last a lifetime and come out the right way. Thank you again for this confirmation!! I know this is what it is because I've never been on your site and that was the first blog I was reading. You have made me cry years of happiness and letting go... You're truly a blessing from above!!

  29. Sis, this is beyond real truth that's beyond loving & thoughtful. I am constantly encouraged by your faithfulness & honesty.

  30. This is the realest post!! Love it.

  31. This blog is truly a blessing. My heart is overflowing with joy! God bless you. Youre providing a great service to His will. Continue blessing us through your blessings.-ENGE

  32. Thanks for sharing...

  33. Hi heather!

    Hope you gon read this.. if not, well than I just got it out. First I wanna say, thanks for all these inspiring blogs you're writing. God truly blesses you to talk to us ladies.

    This is my story:
    And I have messed up big time. I was so on the right way..Journaling, everyday meeting with God. But at some became less attention to God.. I felt lonely and then i opened up one of those doors again.
    And I messed it up..I slept with my ex again...
    And I am broken now that I did.
    I am so lonely....I didnt really wanted sex I just wanted to be with him..he holding me etc.
    But things got outta hand..and now I feel so stupid.
    Cuz I feel I only make things worse...
    I really want someone to love me , but i clung to the wrong one. I dont even want sex...I just don't wanna be alone any more , I think sometimes.
    I know God doesnt want us to be alone neither..He said it in genesis .
    But I know I have to wait on Him..But sometimes Im just soooo aloneee and LONELY ! I cannot describe it.
    Dont know what to do..How can God forgive me soooo many times after I did the same thing over and over again...? All because Im so lonely..Everytime I just go back to that stupid wrong man..
    HOW can GOd forgive me SO many times..I dont understand.
    Im very broken inside.

    Please pray for me....I will continue to keep you in my prayers....
    Love you alot

  34. Great article. *tears*

  35. I truly needed to read this because I been trying to get over my ex boyfriend and it's so hard because I know the lord don't want us to be together.I just have to trust God plan.


  37. Guilty, I was so snatching door out of God's hands as he tried to close them. As they say I had to learn a lot of things the hard way! I am not God, I am supposed to trust Him and let Him tell me like it is, not vice versa!

  38. Hi Heather are you going to get anymore journals in? It says that you are sold out? Thanks

  39. Amazing message. Love it.

  40. Keep up the spirit and attitude you have toward the Lord. I can tell that you love the Lord and his people.

  41. Keep up the good work Heather. I can tell that you love God and his people.

  42. Thank you for your message.
    I am really struggling right now. Moved to a whole 'nother state, trying to get situated - but can't get a job to save my life. I'm a nurse of 10 years, obtaining employment has never been an issue for me. I know it's Him closing these doors but I don't know why! I can't imagine what else He wants me to do - nursing is all I know. I'm not aware of any other "talent" that I possess. I'm stumped & bewildered......i get very angry sometimes. But I know that won't help......but when I look at my kids doing without & bills piling up I just feel like Hes punishing me.
    Like I said, thank you for your insight. This is really a battle.......I'm hoping I come out on the other side.

  43. This was penetrating and something that I needed to hear. This is where I am in life. Thanks for allowing God to use you, you didn't go thru what you went thru for you... it was to help somebody like me.

  44. Hi Heather or anyone else out there that may understand. I know I've been called to the ministry but I'm a victim of CHURCH HURT.... I know God has closed a very important door for me cause im afraid to walk in my ministery. Years ago I came to the lord totally broken and he deliverd me. I was so happy that I was a willing participant in my church when I got into a terrible disagreement with a churh member I got sooo hurt that it caused me to back slide. It took mr 6yrs. To come back to the lord. I want to be active at my new church but im afraid of that happening to me again and I cant afford to loose my way again. So my question is what do I need to do in order to go forward but still guard my heart?

    1. Dear brother or sister,
      I'm sure you know that satan is full of tricks to keep us from doing the Lord's will. What happened to you has happened to many people and some never return to the church, however you have again answered the call of the Lord because you love Him and don't want a life that doesn't please Him. The six years you were away weren't for naught or you wouldn't have returned, and we know the Lord will use a situation we deem negative and turn it into a positive for His namesake.(Rom. 8:28) He is our Redeemer and He will never give up on you. Continue to draw close to Him through prayer and calling on His Holy Spirit to help you and guide you in every situation. Study more concerning the Holy Spirit and the help He offers a believer. Praying before every meeting with another church member is something I do as a practice, and we are compelled to continue to do so. As you know, the only perfect One is Jesus Christ; we as humans are fallible and make many mistakes, but Christ shines through us that when we fall we can rise back up..only better and wiser each time. May God bless you and keep you as you go forward in your ministry. Obviously, you have a heart for God so let it shine always!

  45. Heather, today I was struggling so with the issue of God closing a door on a relationship which only I had opened, when God had me type in just the right keywords to pull up your blog. Our Lord is always ON TIME and to Him, I give the glory and praise! His Spirit spoke through you with such clarity, revealing so much character and strength, which could only come as a result of trials and a deepening relationship with Him. About a year ago when I made the decision to "take up my cross and follow Him", as He asked, it was then that I began to let go of my already fragmented and troubled relationship. But once I realized that God had officially closed the door, the feelings of panic and loneliness came on so strong that I actually believed that I could somehow compromise His decision...and then, just like that, the Lord led me to your blog. And you know what? The vise on my chest has lifted and now I KNOW that I am ready to move on; that trusting Him in everything is the only way. I've learned that the Holy Spirit is the One who is leading me, guiding and comforting me, but you have to ask the Helper to help you walk in the Spirit, because our efforts are not enough to continue to resist the pull of the flesh. God bless you sis and love you dearly!

  46. Thank you for this. God closed the door on a relationship I've been fighting to keep going for a long time. I really needed to read this today. :)

  47. Hey, I appreciated reading this. I have been desperately trying to find God. I am so lost on how to do this. One question I have is that Yes I want to love God but can I love Him equally with my dad and my significant other? How do I come to terms with this? I would really appreciate any help! My email is but I will also keep checking back on this blog! Thank you!

  48. Heather,

    Thank you for this; I know something about holding on to people who really didn't care about me, chasing after jobs that didn't line up with my personal interest. it's like I've lost a lot, but I know that God's deletion really is His protection.
