
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


You're probably coming to this blog to see if you're "allowed" to get a tattoo. I had a blog on here. WITH all the scriptures-- backing up the difference between the law and the faith that we now live by in Jesus Christ. I have found that blogs like "Can I get a Tattoo"-- divides us Christians, sadly. There WILL be differences of opinion in the church about what is right or wrong. Paul says (Romans 14:1-17) that we are not to quarrel about issues that are matters of opinion. Differences should not be feared or avoided but accepted and handled with love. We cannot expect everyone, even the best possible church to agree on every subject. Though sharing ideas we can come to a fuller understanding of what the Bible teaches. We should accept, listen and respect others. Differences of opinion need not to cause division. They can be a source of learning and richness in our relationships. In addition, while the church must be uncompromising in its stand against activities that are expressly forbidden by Scripture (adultery, homosexuality, murder, theft) it should not create additional rules & regulations.. and give them equal standing with what God wants us to do. Things like tattoos, piercings & getting your hair cut.

My heart breaks for the body of Christ. It's so darn divided. It's so broken. I long for it to be one. I LONG to look like CHRIST. And you better believe that I won't have a part in dividing us Christians anymore with topics like can you get a tattoo. It's so small.. compared to what Jesus did for you on the Cross. HE WIPED your slate clean and MADE you whole! He died so that YOU may live!! So, after discussing with my hubby, we believed that it was best to remove this blog. I won't address questions like this anymore. I encourage you to do your own study.. and let God lead, guide & convict you. His ways are perfect. SOME topics.. aren't worth causing any more confusion in the body..  & this was one of them.

Romans 14:14 "I know and am convinced on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ that no food, in and of itself is wrong to eat. But if someone believes its wrong, then for that person its wrong. And if another believer is distressed by what to eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don't let your eating RUIN someone for whom Christ died. Then you will not be criticized for doing something you believe is good. For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink but of living a life of goodness & peace and JOY in the HOLY SPIRIT. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God and others will approve of you too. So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up. "

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GOD loves you like CRAZY! 

(Me & my king in New Orleans! :))


  1. I most definitely appreciate this post! I grateful for people who seek God, His word, and apply it in it's correct context when dealing with such controversal topics. I will keep you, your husband,and your ministries lifed in all are tackling some major issues we face in the body of Christ and Satan is not happy!! Again, thank you!

    1. Praise God! ;-) You're super encouraging! God bless you honey!

    2. Dear Heather may I PLEASE ask that you personally email me the original blog PLEASE! A year ago, God placed a vision in my heart as it relates to my future and this year it was actually shown to me in a dream. Yesterday during my morning meditation, an image of a tattoo came to me, while praying. I am 24 with no tattoos and have heard different scriptures regarding attaining them. I would only get one with great meaning and this particular revelation would be a reminder of faith that He is going to do what He promised me despite what the circumstances are currently. After praying, I carried out my day and asked God to lead me if this is something He would approved of. When I woke up and checked Twitter, your blog "Can I get a tattoo" popped up? I know that was NO coincidence! However time didnt permit me to read the entire blog yestetday.I am not looking for your permission one way or another, but would love your insight. Can you please email me the original blog? I believe it would help me.Thanks Jasmine-

    3. Dear Heather may I PLEASE ask that you personally email me the original blog PLEASE! A year ago, God placed a vision in my heart as it relates to my future and this year it was actually shown to me in a dream. Yesterday during my morning meditation, an image of a tattoo came to me, while praying. I am 24 with no tattoos and have heard different scriptures regarding attaining them. I would only get one with great meaning and this particular revelation would be a reminder of faith that He is going to do what He promised me despite what the circumstances are currently. After praying, I carried out my day and asked God to lead me if this is something He would approved of. When I woke up and checked Twitter, your blog "Can I get a tattoo" popped up? I know that was NO coincidence! However time didnt permit me to read the entire blog yestetday.I am not looking for your permission one way or another, but would love your insight. Can you please email me the original blog? I believe it would help me.Thanks Jasmine-

    4. Dear Heather may I PLEASE ask that you personally email me the original blog PLEASE! A year ago, God placed a vision in my heart as it relates to my future and this year it was actually shown to me in a dream. Yesterday during my morning meditation, an image of a tattoo came to me, while praying. I am 24 with no tattoos and have heard different scriptures regarding attaining them. I would only get one with great meaning and this particular revelation would be a reminder of faith that He is going to do what He promised me despite what the circumstances are currently. After praying, I carried out my day and asked God to lead me if this is something He would approved of. When I woke up and checked Twitter, your blog "Can I get a tattoo" popped up? I know that was NO coincidence! However time didnt permit me to read the entire blog yestetday.I am not looking for your permission one way or another, but would love your insight. Can you please email me the original blog? I believe it would help me.Thanks Jasmine-

  2. Hey...good in regards to the question in the title, Can I get a TATTOO?, I don't see where that was actually addressed? Were you just pointing out not getting hung up trying to live out every law in the flesh? I just really want clarity on what the stance is here. Are you saying to let the Spirit of God lead you on whether or not to get a tattoo?

    1. Hey love- I said, "to Pray about it, and let God lead you"-- whatever you do, should glorify God. So, when I wanted my tattoo, I prayed about it-- asked myself about my motive, purpose.. and had peace about it. I won't tell you to get one or to not get one, it's not about keeping laws but you have to do what God leads YOU to do. xo

    2. So proud of you for boldly holding up the banner for Christ, especially when being mocked and ridiculed. Keep pressing forward. God bless you!

  3. ok so you went all the way in with this post!! so glad there was a LOT of MEAT in here. I love how you break down the types of laws there are. This is rightly dividing the word of God; I appreciate you sis for posting difficult topics in the faith. Keep it coming. Also how do I start a pinky promise group in my town?

    1. Hello! :)
      Yeah, I knew I had to break it down because if not-- I would get angry emails lol. It's super easy to start a group in your area-- just go to and click on groups-- then orientation and then then create a group!! xoxo

  4. Wow my sister and I have been contemplating this topic for years. Thank God you have written a blog on it!!! May God continue to bless you and lead you. You are ministering to millions of us.

  5. Wow. What a powerful blog. Very eye opening. I love how God is using you to touch us. I'm truly inspired!

  6. Hiiiii Heather (waving)
    Thanks soooo much I've really been anticipating this post. Because I have tattoos that I got prior to being saved, and it was a topic that I really was concerned about. And of course being new in my walk everyone has an opinion. But I know I can't follow the doctrines of Rev. Sister and Dr.Mister. Only the Word of God with the Holy Spirits guidance. So thank you again. This truly blessed me.

    1. Heyyyy honey! :)
      I'm SO glad that God made these things clear to you!! That's what this blog is for-- to clear up some stuff like guilt & condemnation! Bless you sis!

  7. Heather I appreciate you for the way you are not conforming to the god this world foists on us.I love that you don't try to be politically correct but speak truth.we need that as a generation because our preachers have become motivational speakers,coddling us with the watered down politically correct and non offensive 'word' sometimes your truth isn't comfortable but it makes me ponder on how I am living.Thank you.God bless always.

    1. Praise God! Yeah, That whole watered down stuff drives me up the wall!! I'm like JUST PREACH TO ME! TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO CHANGE! TELL ME WHERE I'M WRONG!! haha! I like growth, so I love these kinds of topics! Bless you!

  8. Thank you soooo much for writing this! My husband and I have been having conversations trying to figure this whole thing out, but you really made sense. I can't wait until he gets home so we can go over this post together. Thank you for always standing up for God, I know I want to be on that level but I'm still working on not being a "people-pleaser," but I know that God will use my personality in the exact way He sees fit. Again, thank you and your husband for giving the Word!

    1. Praise God! And keep standing up for God! You're going to get a TON of people that disagree & hate you for it-- then, you learn to get free from people. It's almost like getting free from people requires people hating you & you not caring but caring that you're pleasing God. lol You'll be fine. God is faithful to help you!

  9. Thanks for breaking down the different types of laws during that time. I knew that we were no longer under the law but for my own historical references it was nice to have a starting point to begin research :)

  10. This post is worth a second read! I love it and plan to share it.
    Last year I decided to grow out my natural hair, just because I wanted to. My permed hair was long and I did not have the patience to transitioned so in February of this year I did the big chop. So I was bald l0l. I don't live with my parents, when I went home for a visit about two months later, a pastor went off on me & said I should have stayed in Tampa instead of coming here because I was wrong for cutting my hair, and he did not need me there to cause his church members to sin. He said don't I know the Bible is against women cutting their hair. I was so shock & hurt at the way he spoke to, I laughed about it. My bestie was angry, but I got over it because I was at peace with what I did, and I was aware of what scripture says & the context it was used in. Some people even treated me differently and stop talking to me over it o_O. Till this day it is funny to me.
    Like you said there's about 600 laws, if you're going to enforce one you might as well live by the others but it will by no means save or justify you.
    -Tara, I love Christ working through you!

    1. WOW! That's CRAZY!!! Whew. I'm glad you had peace about it & went forward with it! God judges a man's heart-- while we look at the external man. Continue to be BOLD for Christ lovely!! It's SO worth it!!

  11. Excellent blog post Heather! Thank you for your time and efforts. It's much appreciated.

    Do know that for every bit of hate/negativity that you receive, there are tons of us praying for you, Cornelius and your ministry. Thank you for answering the Lords call on your life.

    Praise be to HIM!

    1. lol Praise God! People hated Jesus..and I preach what He preached.. so people don't like that! I guess they want me to preach feel-good messages that tell them it's ok for them to live in their sin & beat themselves down with law. Never that. :) xoxo

  12. I totally love this Heather. Thank you for clarity on this issue. MAKES COMPLETE SENSE TO ME! :)

  13. Heather I have 3 tattoo's, all were engraved before my relationship with Christ. I will say it also depends on your level of conviction and purpose/motive for getting one as well. The law does not save us, but the reason God gave the law is because the hearts of his people were far from him. God was trying get his people to live Holy as he is holy, they had the formality of his law but not the heart. When Christ came he fulfilled the law and his teachings deal with exactly what the israelites were missing (faith and a pure heart for God). At one point after I had gotten saved, I thought about going to get another tattoo, and the spirit of God spoke heavily to me and said "do not go back into bondage." Bondage is the carnal mindset of the lost, the unsaved, those who do things ignorantly because they're blind. Getting tattoos were never God's idea, it was a practice that the israelites learned while in Egypt...where alot of false god worship took place. When God saves you and delivers you from the Egyptian meantality of carnal and fleshly activities and desires, we should never desire to go back and do as they did. He reminded me that as a new creature in him old things are passed away, all things are become new, therefore my actions, and words, must reflect that of a new creature. When Christ saves you and sanctifies you, you are cleansed from the inside out, your desires become his desires. So to me the question became, if God created you in his image, fearfully and wonderfully, as he sees fit....why would we go and make cuttings into our flesh when his original standard said not to do it (regardless of why he said it, the point is....he said not to do it)? When God truely has your heart, you don't want to disobey any part of his word...if we are to follow Christ, his teachings, and his examples then we should examine his life. Did he get tattoos? The Holy Spirit will bring things back to our rememberance so why tattoo sayings, words, or even scriptures on us? His word should be hidden in our heart, his spirit will remind us of his word even in the toughest of times...that was my conviction and I am grateful because looking at the pattern of this world, tattoos are beyond overrated and addictive. We as believers should not follow the patterns of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of our mind. There are worldly songs that glorify sin and engaging in godless activities that is contrary to the God's word....why are we gaining a tolerance for such things when the word clearly tells us to turn away from the former things? Just saying. Great Insight though.

    1. Sounds like you're convicted because of your former tattoos and what they represented. I could even argue in Revelation 19 that Jesus had "markings" or a tattoo on his thigh. I encourage you to go study it. Let's not create huge theologies based on your past.

    2. I read a quote once in a devotional that I reflect on when I start to make my experiences a law. It reminds me of Romans 14:6. "Do not make your experience a principle, let God be as original with others as he was with you." Amen. God is much bigger than our rules. And he deals with all of us differently. One law remains, as Heather said, Love others and Love God....done and done. :-)

  14. Thank you for the clarity through scripture (key point!) That you have provided in this post! I have spoken to people with full sleeve tattoos who are discouraged and put off on the whole church scene because some Christians judge and are not accepting of them on Sunday mornings. Clearly those who cling to the law are lacking in the grace and love that Christ commanded us to show each other. We may be denying someone who desperately needs Christ the opprotunity to know Him more by treating our churches as display cases for "perfect" people instead of a repair shop for sinners. Thank you again for all of your study and the responsible way you declare God's word and not just your opinion. Bless you sister!

  15. Hi Heather! I'm brand new to your blog, movement, ministry, etc. but I just wanted to tell you to keep doing what youre doing. God rewards faithfulness and the negativity is just confirmation that God is moving in your life!

    In regards to this post, I completely agree with everything you said here. We've actually been studying this topic in bible study at church and reached the same conclusions as you. If you love God you will live for Him! You don't need the law to tell you what to do that's why you have the Holy Spirit!

    Many thanks to you and your husband for being obedient to God and sharing your wonderful ministry with all of us!


    1. Praise God! It's awesome to see someone else really studying this stuff out for themselves vs. letting the world tell them what to do. I appreciate your kind words & encouragement! xoxo

  16. I still think your wrong the bible says we are wonderfully and beautifully made so if God wanted us to have tattoos he would of made us born with tattoos plus the bible say the body is a temple of the lord. However I feel it's something that has been blown waaaay out of porprtion.

    1. Sounds like it's your conviction. But it kinda sounds like.. if God didn't want your hair trimmed.. why would He allow it to grow?

    2. Ha! That's so true. If God wanted us to shave, why does he allow hair to grow, even in places where we don't want it to grow? I know some people who are against shaving their legs, underarms, etc. I don't see any problem with it, but it's really the motive behind everything that makes it 'right' or 'wrong'.

  17. This is really good! Continue to let God use you! I think this is a really good message to those growing in Christ that think the Christian walk is all about whether I do this law or that law, can check this off and check that off, instead of an actual REAL relationship with Christ where the Holy Spirit leads and guides you. Just like in any relationship/friendship you want to please the other person when you genuinely care about them and love them. Same is the way when walking with Christ. Continuing to pray for you and your husband! Take care!

  18. Oh Lord... I LOVE this post. I LOVE your integrity and transparency Heather. You are such a wonderful woman. I appreciate you writing this blog, if I had to write a blogpost like this, I'll definitely do THE SAME.
    I wanted to get a tatoo a few years ago... God whispered no in my spirit. I know why. I won't tell anyone to go get one or not to get one... i'd tell them the same... PRAY ABOUT IT and ask GOD. Only His Spirit leads you to the truth.
    I thank you again for this blog and I will share it cause i'm so tired of people judging and thinking they are BETTER than we poor sinners. God bless you !

    1. Praise God for you letting God lead your life! :) Continue to let Him do so! He loves you like crazy!

  19. I love this post! More people need to preach about the freedom we have in Christ and the wonderful conviction of the Holy Spirit. Too often in Church they make people feel guilty instead of teaching them how to have a relationship with Christ that will evoke internal conviction so we will externally change. I think people need to also understand that just because their tattoo is about God doesn't mean the Holy Spirit is leading you to do it OR that it is Glorifying God.

    Thank you for continuing to be a great teacher and don't get discouraged by people that are mad at what you say. I was reading Mathew 7:6 and thought of you. Stay encouraged!

    1. Preach it now! You're going in! haha!

      Thanks for your encouragement! I don't get discouraged when people send hate mail. I've learned to expect it. So many people hated Jesus when He preached & so many others in the bible. Why would I expect anything different? I just want to live for Him & please Him.. I refuse to try to please humans. lol Appreciate you!

  20. Thanks for this breakdown of the laws. I had one point of clarification. What type of law does homosexuality go against?

    1. Remember, there's two laws-- love God with all of your heart, soul, mind & strength & love our neighbor as ourselves & if we love God-- then we won't continue in sin-- and God has made it clear throughout the ENTIRE bible (old & new) that homosexuality is a sin and that man & woman are to reproduce & marry. I encourage you to read & do a study on homosexuality for yourself.

  21. Hello lady Lindsey.I am so blessed to see how devoted you are equipping saints everywhere even when we disagree.We will all never agree on the same things but it is God's will for us to still have one thing in common & that is JESUS Christ & him crucified. I truly pray that you continue to not be afraid of sharing God's truth especially in a world where very few like being told what to do.Be blessed queen.

  22. I LOVE this post. Not just because of the topic of discussion, but because in many blogs, the writer DOES try to persuade the reader into THEIR way of thinking... where as you, you CLEARLY speak on how you prayed, read, talked to other Christians and consulted your Spiritual leader - your husband (I <3 that by the way) - before you opened up your laptop... lol.
    Many people forget about the RELATIONSHIP part when dealing with those things that are "questionably" right or wrong. You should live by what YOUR OWN convictions are; that would only be recognized by personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, because He would tell you when you're wrong, or "going backwards", for lack of a better term.
    This doesn't mean just because you don't feel convicted, doesn't mean it's a good thing for you personally. The Bible says that all things are permissable, but not all things are EXPEDIENT. Like you said, no one would probably ever see the tattoo you have, but had you gotten big, bold letters from collar bone to collar bone... well now, how would many people receive you??? Especially Christians... smh... My lawd. LOL... But really, it all depends on your reasoning (like you said), where, how and does this work for YOU in your lifestyle??? This is where the prayer would come into play.
    Again, this blog was VERY informational... whew! Yes, it was a mouthful, but necessary to not just explain, but cover you, so it doesn't seem as if you are just giving your own opinions and working off personal experiences. Thank you for clarity, for your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and for caring enough to teach, encourage and guide those who may need it.

    Love ya (and not just cause I'm supposed to... LOL)

    P.S. Sorry... I tend to talk a lot... =/ lol

    1. lol Praise God! And yes, I totally understand everything that you are saying! All of my blogs are purposed to PUSH people TO CHRIST & forces them to develop a relationship & KNOW Christ for themselves! :) Love you too honey! xo

  23. What wonderful post! I really enjoyed reading it, I love when you back up what you have to say with SCRIPTURES while also applying knowledge. I would really like to read about your opinion on KJV vs. NIV. I never knew that people were actually anti-NIV but now I hear it more and more. Even in my Pinky P group! In reading your blogs you have encouraged people to get a bible they can understand... when people tell me my NLT is wrong, I don't feel convicted just confused lol. I know your busy but I was just curious =) thank you! Love you!

    1. I don't read the NIV. But I do study with the NLT, King James Bible, Dakes Bible & AMP bible- I like to cross-reference scriptures! :) That may help you!

    2. umm im curious is the NIV Bible bad ?

    3. It's been said that the NIV leaves some scriptures out here & there.

  24. I stumbled upon your blog through instagram and I have to say that I am so happy to hear you and your husbands messages the last two nights I've been in tears at the revelations that I have received from listening to you both! God bless you and keep giving us awesome words from God!

    1. Wow! Praise God! God Bless you honey! Continue to pour that heart out to God! He loves you so very much!

  25. Ha... You're now starting to turn Southern! Only Southern preachers are this long-winded!!! :) A friend of mine has a GREAT tattoo of three crosses on a hill with a Scripture. It was colorful and a half-sleeve which means it encompasses the whole upper arm. Every time it is seen it is a witness and a chance to witness because see... he was in the military for over 20 years and did three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were not allowed to blatantly witness to the people there, however... if they were asked a question they were allowed to answer the question. Often times he was asked... what does that tattoo mean? He could tell them. Would I get one? No. I hate needles and what with that requiring needles... mamma didn't raise a fool! But I remember when you first posted that picture and I saw your ring finger... I almost changed my mind. The significance of this is incredible really and if it weren't for that whole needle thing... I'd do it. :) It isn't about getting a tattoo but it's about does that tattoo glorify our Savior! If it does... knock yourself out and God bless you. If it doesn't... don't be a bonehead and pick something else to spend your money on!

    1. hahahha! Peter! I HAD to explain this & break it down with proof of scripture so people didn't think I made some stuff up. hahah!

  26. This post screamed out FREEDOM . . Love it!

  27. Did that hurt? (I know side note but I am curious) such as small area that is good work! I like it.

    1. lol! Yes! It hurt! But was brief & worth it. I love it!

  28. His can I find a pinky promise group in my area? I live I Phoenix AZ

    1. Hey! Yes!! Via! Click on groups, then watch the orientation & search groups! There's a Pinky Promise AZ! :) Welcome!!

  29. Well said Heather ♥ I've learned a lot. & the way you respond to comments are admirable.

  30. I love this!! I was called a hypocrite because I supported chick fil a and their "conservative" stand on marriage, currently I am in the middle of a divorce. I have prayed about the restoration of my marriage, I have given it completely to God. I have complete faith that My God can change the heart of my husband and my marriage can be restored, IF ITS IN HIS WILL. Eventhough God hates divorce, he hates a man covering himself with anger, he gives the saved "an out" if your spouse is not a believer or has committed adultery. I think people get so caught up in picking and choosing which parts on the bible to use when its convienient. I will have to admit I've done it as well. But now I strive daily to make sure that ALL that I do I committ to God and give him the GlORY.

    1. Sorry to hear about your divorce. I'm praying for you. I pray that you're restored & that peace overwhelms your heart.

  31. Question, what if people are getting tattoos of crosses, Jesus, scripture, etc just to validate getting a tattoo? Especially when you know, not judging, but KNOW their hearts are not sold out to Christ. What is your viewpoint on that.

    1. As you can see-- we cannot win our way into heaven by keeping a law. God is looking at our HEARTS, so if they aren't living for Christ, we should be more concerned about that.

    2. i like this answer!

  32. Hi Heather! A friend sent me this recording of Dr. Michael Youseff. He talks about living by law vs. living by the Holy Spirit. I pray it will be a blessing to you and others.

  33. Thank you for this post. I am one of those women you were talking about who is convicted by wearing pants an I am often judged for it. If I used that same judgement towards others about their dress, I would be criticized. Like you stated, you must do what the Lord tells your heart to do. I have the upmost respect for you for studying this topic in depth and telling your readers to seek God for decisions they need to make. May God continue to bless you and keep you!

    1. Isn't that crazy?!?!??! YOU LOVE GOD with all of your heart & you live for Him. .. you just don't wear pants! As if your pants can get you in or out of heaven. It's crazy to me! Continue to press into Christ honey. xoxo

  34. This is such a wonderful post and so well-informed! Thank you for posting this!

  35. Well said! Thank God for this post and for you allowing Him to use you. So much is taken out of context, and most times Christians HAVEN'T read the Word for themselves but go off of what they are told. Thank you for encouraging relationships with Christ and for learning the Word for ourselves. It's SO important for us as believers. I'm definitely sharing this. xo

    1. EXACTLY!!!!!! Whew. Drives me up the wall. If Christians would STUDY this stuff-- they would SEE it. THat's why I made 90% of this blog-- about scriptures. lol

  36. You look like Oprah!
    I love how you got your tattoo in the script font. Very fancy.

    1. hahha! How do I look like Oprah? I'm 5'8, 125, light skinned, green eyes with long hair? hahah!

  37. Great post as usual even though I have no tattoos I understand where you are coming from,. But where can I find your post about homosexuality:-)

    1. On the post below-- I barely mentioned it. I haven't don't a blog on homosexuality.

  38. YEEEESSSSS! Thank you for this message, Heather! So many people get caught up in legalism instead of focusing on their relationship with God, and allowing that relationship to lead them in other areas of life. Also, we are so often so quick to try to condemn and judge others based what we "should" and "should not" do.

    1. Exactly. Even the comments that I've deleted are.. "do's & don't" & earning God.. like the Pharisees-- I'm so done with responding to crazy responses when I explained law & faith above!! Shoooot! lol

  39. This is me after reading your post: "OOOOHHHHHHHH okay....why didn't I realize that before?" really Heather this cleared up a lot and i'm inspired to share some of this. Praise God! :D

    1. lol! Sometimes, we just need to just see things a certain way for the "light" to turn on! Trust me! I'm the same way!! lol Hugs!

  40. Thanks for posting. I truly feel you'really a GOD sent. You touch upon areas that most won't touch upon. But I truly appreciate your ministry.

  41. Amen Heather! :-)
    I totally agree, but referring to homosexuality within Leviticus (Old Testament & part of the law) makes it look as if we're now "free" & can now be homo- or it may confuse those who just gave their lives to the Lord and all of this could be new.
    Yes they are to search, study, and read for themselves, but maybe Romans 1:24-28 will be a better reference to point out that yes we're still suppose to abide by heterosexuality even after Christ paid the price.
    ~Love you Sis. & God Bless :-)

    1. Hey love, as I noted above, if we LOVE GOD FIRST-- we won't SIN and homosexuality is a clear sin. I didn't hide that above! I never said they are free to have sex with a man if they are a man. Let's be honest, if they are gay, they SURE don't need freedom from me to do it, they will do it with or without a these scriptures. I also noted that when we love God, we marry HIS way & do things HIS way. If one has a real relationship with Jesus, they won't STAY in homosexuality. If they don't.. they will live according to their carnal nature. This blog wasn't about homosexuals but the law/faith & having a relationship with Christ. Our focus should be CHRIST. If it's CHRIST, we won't be homosexual. Period. Thanks for commenting. Love ya too!

  42. Can I ask a question? Must one repent their sins to someone other than God to receive full forgiveness?

    1. When we confess our sins to God, we are remaining in the light. We can confess our sins to God alone to be righteous. When we confess our "sins one to another" its for accountability. Do you have someone you can be accountable to in regards to whatever area you are struggling in? We don't have a priest-type relationship where we have to go to a priest to be saved & confess our sins. We can go to Jesus alone & pour our hearts & be whole.

    2. Accountable far as what? I am re-learning and I want to make sure I am walking right. My sin makes me sad, I have repented but don't feel like I am forgiven.

    3. totally right sister Heather, God is the only one who is able to wash away every sins while they are repent!
      if you did something wrong to som1 else Bible says also that you have to reconcile with that person before you come to give the offering and, Bible also says that even in your walk with someone else, make sure to arrange with the person before you come to the judge.

  43. Ah man, wish you would have kept the other information. Or may you put it in a different blog? I was just studying my relationship with Christ and how He fulfilled the law and those scriptures and insight helped my study. :)

  44. Really encouraging. Keep your strength and joy in the Lord. :)

  45. omg, I have been thinking about getting a tatto for a year now and you literally took my thoughts and just put everything in the right context, how I've been feeling and looking for scriptures to give me that encouragement that my decision is okay as long as it glorifies God. You are truly a blessing! This has to be one of my favourite posts. God bless you!

  46. heatherr love pleasee i wasnt able to read your previous blog on tattos although this makes absolute sence please please please can you mail it to me? also heather iv noticed you take time to respond to your bloggers or friends on instagram,twitter nd facebook it makes me think highly of you, you handle the most little things that seem like they dont matter very inspire me cuz i wanna do something like this when i'm donw with school.i love you. GOD BLESS YOU!

  47. Heather,

    I was really looking forward to this post. I just returned from a trip abroad, so I wasn't able to read it. I understand your decision to take it down in an effort to make a point about the senseless division these topics cause, but it you are still willing I would love to read over your post and use that as ground for my own study.

    You can email me at:


  48. Hi Heather,
    I was also looking forward to reading the blog on tattoos but I didn't get to it in time. If you don't mind, will you email it to me at: If not, I completely understand. Thanks.

  49. Heather! Please email me the deleted post too please.

  50. Hello Heather,
    I also would like to read the original post. My email is: I'd like to thank you in advance for your blog and the opportunity to read this posting.

    Best regards,

  51. heather love...i wasnt able to read the previous blog on tattoos please please please can you email it to me? @: thank you soo muchh for being a blessing!

  52. Heather, I think its amazing the way God is working thru you to minister to the world. I absolutely love your blogs and how real you are. I got to this blog after you removed the original piece :( if at all possible, would you be able to email it to me at ? Keep these words that God gives you coming, they are blessing your readers more than you know!

  53. Hi Heather,
    First I want to say that I discovered your blog about a week ago and I can't stop reading it! You have a lot of Godly wisdom to share with others and I appreciate your openess.

    I just absolutely love the purpose of your tattoo. I have two that I got when I was 20 and 24 (29 yrs old now). They really have no purpose but to show off in a swimsuit ;-). For years I've thought about getting another one but I haven't been lead to anything with a purpose or place on my body to get one, so I think I am done with tattoos. I agree that if you pray about it, and if God leads you to get one, then you will have peace in your heart about it. God Bless!


  54. Hi Heather, I know I'm late, but I was hoping I, too, could receive the original blog post as this is a topic I have discussed before and would like to know your thoughts. Thanks so much!!!

  55. Hi Heather.

    I never got to read the original blog. However, I do admire your sensitiveness to the spirit of God. I think that the body of Christ needs to wake up. The word UNITY has been ringing in my ears and my spirit for a while now. One day I actually cried for a long time; God gave me a taste of how His heart is breaking and the next thing I knew I was in my room HOWLING and crying and I couldn't control it. It's sad when trivial issues divide His body, who is supposed to be UNIFIED. We're supposed to be One Lord, One faith, one baptism.

    We also have to understand that God may say it's okay for one person to do something but not another. For example, just because He may tell me to get up at 12AM and at 6AM and pray all throughout the day, doesn't mean that I should push this on any other believer. The reason that he may tell me to do this is because I was called to become an intercessor/prayer warrior, and I will need more discipline. It's kind of like going to college. Not everyone is going to be in the same major, and even though all of the majors will have to take the basics (history, biology, etc), they are some classes in the curriculum that a biology major will have to take that a business major won't have to take and vice versa. Each one of us have a different calling, and God requires difference from each and every one of us.

    I will continue to keep you, your husband, and your ministries in prayer. I admire people like you who stick to the word of God and don't try to sugarcoat things. It's time out for us bickering over denominations, hair color, and false nails and time to go and save some SOULS! :)

  56. Could you please send it to me as well? Thank you in advance!!

  57. I would like to read the original.

  58. Heya Heather. for the past few months or so its been placed in my heart to get a specific tattoo its significant to my journey. I saw your blog but decided to read it after meditating on it all. im back now and its gone loool. I dont know if you can email it to me please at

  59. Hi Heather, Very Interesting read.. I have a tattoo that God told me put. One day during prayer he said to me : "you have a stubborn spirit and I'm gonna put a mark on you." Soon after that i got this strong urge to put a tattoo. i didn't know what to put. On a drive home, the holy spirit said to me "LOVE HONOR OBEY GOD" this was repeated to me several times. I brushed it off for a while, until the day i came face to with the Glory of God and he asked me THREE times "where is my commitment?" -- that was a confirmation right there. i put the tattoo. 5 Chinese symbols meaning "LOVE HONOR OBEY GOD"---

  60. Hi Heather. Very interesting read.
    I have a tattoo that God told me to put. One day in prayer,God said to me "You have a stubborn spirit and i'm gonna put a mark on you"
    Soon after i got this strong urge to put a tattoo, i didn't know what to put. During a drive home one day, the holy spirit said to me "LOVE HONOR OBEY GOD" --- I put this off for a few months, until the day i came face to face with the glory of God and HE asked me 3 times, where is my commitment? that was my confirmation.
    I have 5 Chinese symbols that read "LOVE HONOR OBEY GOD" -- one day this will not only be a mark but a way of life, said the Lord.
    But every time i get asked, you have a tattoo, i say yes! this is God's mark on me. He told me to put it! people think that's a double standard --

  61. Very Interesting read heather..

  62. Hi Heather, can you email the original blog post to me as well? Thanks!

  63. Hello Heather,

    I absolutely love your posts. They are not only knowledgeable but very inspiring. Unfortunately, I did not read your original post "Can I Get A Tattoo?" If it is not too much to ask do you mind emailing me your original post? I am contemplating getting a's nothing silly lol but something very dear too me and I just wanted to hear your opinion on it. My email is

    Thank you very much

    Have a blessed night

  64. hey heather, ok im late but i would love to read that original blog post if you dont mind! thanks xoxo

  65. Hey, I hope I am not writing this to late. I know you wrote this over a month ago but can you send the blog to me?I would like to read the information you put together. I've been trying to find info about what the bible says about tat's but the bible is to big and it will take months for me to finish the whole bible.

  66. i'm happy to see that some people think like me! so, few month ago i wrote something about that on my FBk page because someone ask me if she could do it. the Lord train me in His Word knowing now how much it is an open door for evil spirits spiritually for us in our spiritual life. Our body is the temple of God and if you do it knowing your body is the house of God, it's like a tag on your house, a profane thing you're putting on your house where the Holy Spirit lives. i'm in the delivrance team and i assure you don't do it! i like this message sister Heather. God bless you

  67. Hi Heather,

    I love your blog, ministry and passionate love for God. I committed to not have anymore randoms in my life last July and it's been amazing thus far. It's not like I haven't been tempted but God has proven Himself over and over and over again, especially in my weakest moments. In regards to post, I was fortunate enough to read it before you took it down and I agree with you. I've been wrestling with getting a tattoo for a couple of years (more like 1.5 years) mostly because I couldn't find something meaningful enough that would speak of my faith. I finally found something and I have been praying about it. I've been at peace with my decision and coming to a conclusion with God in regards to what this will mean for my relationship with Him. The last thing I want to do is to hurt Him by a permanent decision like this. I will continue to pray and to seek Him. I love God so much and I look forward to healing and helping others for Him. (I'm in my last year of medical school and plan to work internationally for Christ!)

    Love you sis!

  68. hey great work heather! God Bless!
