
Friday, July 6, 2012

"God, What Have YOU Called Me To Do?"

Sometimes, we go to our jobs day in and day out.. and we're so frustrated. Asking God-- WHAT have you CALLED me to do? Why in the heck am I here? It's almost like you stop caring about your life because you think God stopped caring about you. So since you don't think that God cares.. you stop caring as well. You run off and date randoms, spend like crazy, drink.. smoke or do whatever fills your voids because WHY does it matter anyway? All this doing "right"-- yields no results for you in your head. I remember. I would just have sex with my little boyfriend.. because that whole marriage thing took too long. Everybody else was doing it. Nobody would know. Right? Gosh, I was so empty & blind to my own ignorance.

I know the feeling.

That feeling like you're walking aimlessly around this earth as it seems like EVERYBODY else around you is skipping around in their purpose. It's like they have it all figured out and God is showing you your purpose .. last.

When I was 20 years old, I had an internship in Washington D.C. at Black Entertainment TV. I thought I wanted to be a Producer, so how fitting to take a semester off at Michigan State from my little random (who I just broke up with). I had just given my entire life to Christ & I was really pursuing God with all of my heart. It was the most loneliest.. most fulfilling season of my LIFE. I really fell in love with Jesus that year. It's like the Lord placed this fire in my belly combined with .. the desire to never go back to my little boyfriend that played me & cheated on me with everything that moved. I knew I wanted more for myself and my life. I wanted my life to really honor God. I just wanted HIM. I remember a particular evening when I asked God what my PURPOSE was. It was date night. I had cooked Jesus some spaghetti and brownies. We just finished watching "Blue Streak" the movie.. and I just sat quietly before the Lord. Just talking with Him. After talking for about 30 minutes.. I told the Lord.. that I wanted to know why I was here. I don't want to do anything you don't want me to do.. I want to live the plans you pre-ordained for me.

So I sat there. Then the Lord said, "Heather, I've called you to preach my gospel all over this world. You and your husband will travel with world and share my name and millions of people will come into the knowledge of who I am through you and your husband. (Mind you, I'm super single). I will blow your mind my child. If only you trust me and let me take on the lead of your life-- I will lead, guide and instruct your path. I have great plans for you."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was so excited! I wasn't just a wandering soul!! (And neither are you!) I JUMPED up and ran and told my unsaved roomate that "God told me that He called me to preach!! I'm going to travel this world & share Christ!" -- she lifted her head & looked.. at me & said are you crazy?! We work in the entertainment business.. and laid her head back down.

I was so sad. Why wasn't she excited as me!? Must she be a buzz kill?! Then I went back to my room with my head down. The Lord said "Heather! You cannot share what I 've called you to do with everyone. I gave YOU the vision, not her. In addition to the vision I gave you.. you won't go into preaching publicly right away. Instead, you'll work at different places and your full-time ministry will be your job. At each job, you'll develop and grow in certain areas. Don't resist the development. When you're 29, you'll fully step into ministry and you'll understand the path I gave you"

Omg! I was so excited! God spoke it so clearly to me! I knew why I was here!!! Which gave me another standard. I can't marry no fool without standards. He needs to have a heart for God & his people.

Fast forward to 9 years later..

Each day the past 9 years, I spent the first of my mornings and most nights with God. Not to get anything.. I just needed His presence. I worked at jobs I hated, loved people that lied to me and bashed me.. and messed up a ton.

29 years old continued..
So, I've been on the road the past few weeks at certain speaking engagements.. what I didn't know that the the time I would spend on my face before God all those years would create an atmosphere where His presence is so thick in the room that women cry out to Him, pour out their issues & learn that HE is GOD & there's none like Him. A year from today, you may not remember everything I say at a conference-- but you will remember how thick and heavy the presence of God was in that place. THAT is what GOD called ME to do. I didn't EARN it. I didn't hope & pray for it. It was a SET UP!! GOD set it up. I just accepted the CALL.

Now, let's talk about you. Clearly, as per the above, I was headed in another direction. I was going to be a TV producer. Is there anything wrong with that? No. I just needed to DO WHAT GOD CALLED ME TO DO. I AM ONLY GRACED TO BE HEATHER LINDSEY. You are graced to be you & to accomplish the plans that GOD has already pre-set and arranged for you. Your FOCUS should be to discover the plans that have already been pre-set, arranged and prepared for YOU. I want to share some practical tips to help you. Before I share them.. I wanna be super clear. Don't seek your PURPOSE, seek CHRIST. It's so easy for us to get caught up in what God called us to do.. while ignoring the One who created us.

1. You gotta get saved. Read ALL of 1 John. I can tell your saved the the fruit on your little tree. You cannot tell me that you got saved at 4 if you live like HELL & your tree is empty. The proof is in the pudding. Fruit grows slowly, so don't be hard on yourself if you aren't growing in certain areas. God will grace you but you must be intentional in GROWING up in HIM. In addition to all that, you are saved when you BELIEVE that Jesus died for your sins & made you right before Him. So, this gets rid of your carnal nature. You won't wanna go back to little Tommy anymore. the old you DIED.

2.WE HAVE TO SPEND TIME WITH GOD. If you read EVERY blog.. you will see that I talk about how to spend time with God & the Journal Challenge. HOW can you expect to hear God's voice if you refuse to spend time with Him?

3. You gotta LISTEN to God. Once, I took a job for the money. That was it. I wanted away from my current job & I wanted a job that would pay me more. BUT I had NO peace.  NONE. My motive was wrong. I ended up quitting within 3 months. Such a fail.

4. Check out your atmosphere. Who are you hanging out with as you beg God for your purpose? You may have a little boyfriend that you keep having sex with.. but you beg God for your purpose. Babygirl, sin separates us from CHRIST. (Isaiah 59:2) There is NO profit in playing house with someone. IT WILL KEEP YOU FROM YOUR PURPOSE.

5. Be content. You may not have the most amazing job right now.. but keep your eyes on Christ & He will open your doors and fund the entire thing. YOU may have some really amazing things in your heart.. that GOD placed there. THERE is a specific time to which GOD will bring those things to past.

You see, your life is much greater than your job. It's bigger than your car. It's bigger than you appearing successful to some people at your church. It's bigger than "keeping up with the Jones." It's bigger than you feeling good about you. It's bigger than what you think. God created you and placed you in your mothers womb with PURPOSE. EVEN if you don't feel like you have one. If you woke up this morning, God is going to use TODAY to prepare you for those things HE called you to do. WE will never arrive. So don't get caught up in this silly world & it's ideas. Don't hang out with messy girls that bring you down. Don't keep sleeping with that man that doesn't value you. It's time to change. It's time to be the woman GOD called YOU to be. Sis, whether single or married... lets BE the woman GOD called us to be by BELIEVING HIM & livin' this thing. I'm on board. Are you?

God loves you like CRAZY,

Heather Lindsey

Pictures from a speaking engagement a couple weeks ago.


  1. My sister, even your writings are thick with His presence. Everytime, I read something on facebook or your blog it makes me want to run to Jesus and hotly pursue HIM. I give Him ALL the Glory. I thank God for you; God bless. Love you!

  2. "I wanna be super clear. Don't seek your PURPOSE, seek CHRIST."

    Thank you for saying this. Sometimes is discouraging to listen to sermons and read blogs that are so me/purpose/destiny driven that we forget that HE is our destiny. He is our purpose. He is our life. Everything else is just what comes out of the outflow for being near Him. We dont worship our destiny. We worship a risen Savior!

    Also, (as an aside) thank you for your transparency. My life paralleled yours very similarly. The Lord captured my heart but I was still finding my fulfillment in men. He gave me His plan for my life, however, I genuinely felt like with as many times as I claimed to love God on Sunday but then slept with some random on Tuesday, that there was NO way He would want me to work for Him. Until one day, The Lord allowed me to come across your blog. He used your words to encourage me, uplift me, and restore me... and then days later allowed me to see your testimony. He clearly said "Do NOT call unclean what I have called clean. Just as she has been FULLY redeemed, so have you. Wash your feet, humble yourself, stop making excuses and GO!" WE serve an amazing God!!

  3. This is how I've felt the last month.

    THANK YOU for sharing & caring enough to release your past with us.

  4. wow love this entry!... i have a ministry god birthed in me when i was 18 (22 now) called Born 4 A Purpose ... the young people need to know they're worth and that there is so much more in life and that God has great things for them.... its so true that we need to seek Him for He has all things, knows all things and leads us!

    Thank you for being obedient and for these blogs! Im learning so much and being encouraged =D

    God loves YOU like crazy too! :)

  5. Thank you Heather Lindsey!! Your ministry is truly a blessing & gift from God!!

  6. Great post! Very confirming to me!! Thanks!!!

  7. Wow that was a really great story! Purpose is such a heartfelt desire of most who understand the power of The Lord Jesus Christ!

  8. Thank you.... I thank Jesus for YOU and YOUR ministry or his ministry because I've laid aside the "random", over the past year I've been seeking him with my whole heart. It's been a journey. Grew up in the church and was taught the word of God very young but found myself straying as a young adult, grew up with my father being in and out. Spent time trying to fill voids only Jesus could fill. I am SAVED now, I am currently trying to understand my purpose. Graduated from college last year, 25 single, no babies and depending on Jesus.

    1. awww! Praise GOD! SO proud of you honey!!! Stay in that place of trusting God.. no matter what!

  9. Heather thank you so much for this! I wanted to let you know that you are such a great inspiration to me and you have helped me take steps to become closer to God. I still have alot of work to do on myself, but I am at a place spiritually that I never would have thought possible because I was too afraid to submit everything to God and be content in God only. I felt like I would be missing out on life but Im learning and seeing that you gain life and happiness when God is your focus. Heather how do we learn to better hear God's voice during prayer and regarding life matters such as finding your purpose? How do we discern whether or not it is our own mind or heart that we are following, or if it is truly God's voice telling us what to do?

    1. Hey! I blogged on "How to Hear God's voice" on here-- I encourage you to search the blog & read it honey! <3

  10. Thank you for posting this timely message Heather and allowing God to use you as a willing vessel!!! :) It was so timely because lately I have been slacking in fellowship with the Father and been distracted by my family job, school, wanting my adam :0, and just life itself. I began to get this empty feeling in my soul and tried to satisfy it with other things but began to come to reality and realize that only what I do for Christ will last and I wont answer to anyone but Him when I pass away. God has sooo much work for us to do while here on earth and the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few!! Gotta stay focused and not try to be with everybody and doing everything but to just sit and have quiet time with Him and really take heed to what He says to me and not rush my quiet time. Be encouraged women in CHrist! TAke up your cross and continue to follow the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD! There is so much going on right now (the homosexual agenda being pushed now more than ever in and outside the church, false teachers, family and friends souls dying around us, suicide, drugs) satan is seeking to kill steal and destroy anyone that will listen to him and its up to us to fight back!!!! Put your gear on and get in the war!!! DOnt lose focus, God will lead our paths if we just let Him lead!

  11. Amazing post right on time! Keep sharing the truth of God's Word!

  12. Thanks so much for this blog. It has truly blessed me and givien me encouragement to keep pressing. I am thankful for your work for the body's growth. Be blessed!

  13. It seems that when your messages pop up in my email, they are so timely and on point. I have been feeling so weighted down lately and during dance practice at church we were praying and my burdens were lifted. I had been feeling really low, weighed down with responsibilities, stresses from work, church, my personal life etc., but God. He let me know that He hears my deepest cries and wants me to keep pushing and pressing, and then to read this to cap my day is more confirmation, thank you woman of God!

  14. Hi Heather! Thank you for obeying the Lord and through your obedience you have been able to shed some light on sooo many things in my life. I know your very busy but I have a quick question. There is a guy at my church that I have admired for sometime now, hes a great guy he LOVES the lord hes educated and has a good job, he has leadership quality he has a passion for healing and people in need. He has all of the attributes of a great christian man. The only thing is his fathers influence is very big in his life. I've heard that he has sort of a tight rope on him and may have a women of his culture picked out for him for his wife or would want to pick a women for him. What should I pray for? How do I pray for him he's such a great guy and I cant control anything in his family but a part of me doesn't want to miss out on speaking up on how I feel before his father steps in and tries to choose someone for him. But biblically I know I should never make the first move! Could you please give me some advice? Thank you!

    1. Hey lovely,
      I know it’s hard but HE who finds a wife finds a good thing.. not SHE. You have to rest & trust God’s timing and that GOD will hook up the relationship if it’s supposed to be by moving on the heart of the guy. Just take your eyes off of the guy & place them on Christ. Let Christ LEAD & guide your every step. At times, we can create fantasy’s in our mind & then the guy will end up marrying somebody else & we sit & wonder what coulda should, woulda. YOUR adam is sleeping. I encourage you to REST in God’s timing & TRUST Him. Read my blog on here titled “Where is my Adam”. xo

    2. Heather thank you so much! I grew up without sisters and you are just a BIG SIS to me! Your right on point about the fantasy I dont want him to become an Idol! I will def read the blog! I cant wait to meet you in January! THank you so much for taking the time to read and answer, you dont understand how much this means to me!

  15. I praise the Lord for HIS timely word flowly freely through you. I was in the mist of giving up an assignment that God has called me to do...and I was near finished with my preparation at that. I looked to your blog at that moment, and BOOM! This timely word just hit me that I have to keep moving in God's way. The part that stuck out to me was to seek Christ and not my purpose. I love that and I praise God for your obedience.

  16. There's so much to address in this blog post because it covers all areas that we ponder when seeing our purpose in the Kingdom; however, I'm only going to focus on one thing. Do you believe God wants us to be unhappy in our jobs? I'm asking because you said, "I worked at jobs I hated, loved people that lied to me and bashed me.. and messed up a ton." To me, this means that I will have to continue to endure the pain and agony of working a job that I absolutely hate because God is building and shaping me for my future. This makes my heart sad because all I want is to be HAPPY when I get up to go to work everyday!!!!! I am in a place where I HATE my job. I am not good at it even when I pray for God to help me, be with me, speak for me, and give me understanding. I want to go to work and be happy, confident, enjoy it, and have purpose there. I just want purpose in life and I want it to be what God wants me to do....please help!!! :(

    1. Hey lovely.
      God is MUCH more concerned about the condition of your heart then you being "happy"-- I knew for a FACT that I wasnt' supposed to take that job I'm talking about on this blog. THere's jobs I hated but I knew God wanted me to stay there.. and develop & grow-- while learning to trust Him & His timing. There's NO formula. I encourage you to sit at the feet of Jesus & pour out. Let Him guide you. xo

  17. Hi heather, I have a question about "hearing from God", don't believers need to be filled w the Holy spirit to hear God's voice?

  18. Hello Heather, I must admit that this is the first time I've read your blog...and now I know why! THIS POST WAS FOR ME! I am in a season in which I am unsure of what God has called me to do. Your testimony of how Jesus spoke to you during date-night touched me...I started to cry. So why am I in this current season? I tend to complicate things because I am very analytical. "I" undoubtingly try to figure out what my purpose is by focusing on my strengths/talents. And to add to my "own" confusion...those things that God has placed in my heart to do, I try to figure out "the how" instead of patiently allowing God to manifest it in His time. My justification is "faith without works is dead"...I tell myself that I just can't sit around, I have to do my part which is research, wonder if this is the right thing, research some more, and keep wondering. For years, and still to this day, I have been very unsatisfied with my jobs. It's to the point where I look online for other jobs while I'm at my current job (and the cycle continues). The reason why this post was for me is because it was just this week that my frustration of not being content increased. I find myself questioning "why am I here?", "why can't I just do what God really called me to do?", "what is my calling?", "am I not looking in the right places?". But in prayer, He revealed to me that every job I've encountered is for a purpose! There were certain skills that I HAD to acquire from each company in which I will need when I walk into what God has called me do. It's all a part of my journey. I am a child of God and have been for years, but suddenly when you said "spend time with God", it was like an epiphany! With tears in my eyes, I could hear Jesus say "that's all you need to do my daughter"...He made it sound like such an easy solution. And it is! I need to REALLY, and I mean REALLY, spend more time with God instead of trying to figure things out on my own. God spoke to me through my cousin about a year ago...she said God told her that when I start to read His Word more, He will begin to show me things and I will understand more clearly. As of right now, I will purpose to seek God even the more, listen to Him, and be content for where He has currently placed me in my journey. I thank God for using you! Keep surrending your life to Him!

    1. PRAISE REPORT! After posting my previous comment, God took me into a time of solitude. I prayed, I cried, I prayed, I read His Word, I worshipped Him...then He spoke to me. He reminded me that I did know go through such a storm in my marriage for my own sake. But He brought us out of it to reach other couples that may be going through or prevent them from having to experience separation or divorce. God birthed Striving For Oneness in me about a year ago. However, I stepped out on it too soon because I hadn't surrendered my life to Him enough yet. So it laid dormant. However, last week, He told me I was ready...that I have allowed Him to replace me with Him. And with that being said "Striving For Oneness" has been reborn!!! This time I know it's ALL GOD and NONE OF ME!! The time I've spent in the secret place with the Most High God has been nothing I've ever experienced. In this short peroid of time, He has allowed me to touch couples and encourage them to keep fighting for their marriage, because there is hope!! Heather, thank you again for allowing God to use you. I took your advice and REALLY spent time with God with the question of "God what have you called me to do?" - He answered!! And I am NOW living MY TRUE PURPOSE!! I would love for you to check out Striving For Oneness at , Facebook Page , Instagram @strivingforoneness or Twitter @strivingoneness

  19. Hi Heather,

    I know that you speak the messages God gives you. You've mentioned maintenance our bodily temples, and it is clear that you are a prayer warrior, and you are a young person. For these reasons, I ask you: Has God ever laid on your heart to discuss the topic of fasting and prayer? Believe it or not, I think the concept is lost on our generation, yet it is so important. Frankly, I have been raised in the church all of my life and I don't even know how to fast and pray. I've seen my paternal grandmother do it several times growing up. I just never thought to ask her about it. I did notice, though, that when she did fast and pray, whatever she prayed about was resolved in a miraculous way. She even developed a reputation within our family; everyone came to her to pray for them and the resolution of their issues, knowing that when my Grandma prayed on it we'd see results. But I digress... if you've spoken about it before then may you please guide me to the material(s)?


  20. If I write all of my thoughts on this post I will write way too much. To say the least I am even more encourage to follow the desire in my heart to Just seek Christ, not for personal needs but for the amazing, worthy, wonderful, awesome amazing savior that I know He is. & I so greatly appreciate you sharing your experiences,it really contribute to the trust I am able to find in you as a leader and woman of God, to know that you were once where I now am.
    -Tara A.

  21. Its amazing... How this is right on time. God led me here.. I can feel His presence even when I read. You are such an angel. Bless you.

  22. This just made me cry. I ask God this question almost everyday! This just really put things in perspective for me. Needed this thank you Mrs. Lindsey!

  23. This is something I really needed. I found myself having a defeated spirit more and more as the days went by. And sometimes I need someone to keep it 100 with me. You Mrs. Lindsey (with guidance from God) have done that. Between my active role in church,family,work,bills, and courting(the right way) the journal challenge has become a a challenge itsself. BUT thanks to this Godly article of advice my spirit has not only been inspired but it has been "checked." I will be using these steps daily. Thank you. Be Blessed<3

  24. I am all the way on board. I'm rocking with it!

  25. Hi Heather,
    I wanted to ask your advice in a situation in my life. I am the worship director for my church and my ex-fiancé of 4yrs kind of co-leads with me. As for his salvation I'm not really sure he's saved but he loves to play music. He recently returned from sitting down for 2 weeks so he can get it together. I have forgiven him for things he did to me while together and when we weren't. I still have hurt from it but I just really want to understand why do we have to continue on in ministry together? I want to heal completely and I haven't been able to do that for almost a year now. I know my purpose is to lead worship but why is he still in the picture? I want to heal and I want him out of my life.

  26. SERIOUSLY HEATHER!!!!!! LOL, I'm at work and this post has me boo hoo'n at my desk. I'm trying not to sniffle while answering the phone lol

  27. 5. Be content. You may not have the most amazing job right now.. but keep your eyes on Christ & He will open your doors and fund the entire thing. YOU may have some really amazing things in your heart.. that GOD placed there. THERE is a specific time to which GOD will bring those things to past.

    I know I've read this before but God brought it back to me to specifically to be reminded of #5. Everyday I go to work I'm like God you have given me a million ideas, desires, goals; purpose but how can I accomplish those things fully in this place. But honey! I die to that discontentment daily and He continues to encourage me that this all will work together for His good! You rock out sis! I love it! :)

  28. This is perfect, Heather. I just found your blog, and I am sooo glad! I'm a new Christian (after spending most of my life a seeker/Buddhist/athiest/whatever)..I can use all the wisdom I can get!

    Part of my life-long seeking has been to discover my purpose. WHY AM I HERE?! You've answered that so perfectly. I'm here to grow in Jesus. I'm here to build a relationship with Him, get to know Him and love and worship Him. His will is gonna become clear as I do all that. Thank you!!!

  29. Heather, I needed this TODAY, RIGHT NOW! thanks a bunchhh!!!!

  30. This message came right on time for me.

  31. Reading your testimony brought back to remembrance something I hadn't thought about in years. When I was a teenager, I would pray all the time for God to look upon me and see a purpose for me. So one night, a visiting pastor and her congregation came to our church to visit and that night to my surprise, the pastor called me to the front and said God had a calling for my life and that she wanted to pray for me. She told me that one day I would be a prophetess and God would be able to use me in that way. In the middle of the prayer, I asked to go to the bathroom. I was overwhelmed. In a sense, I ran away. And I think I have been running ever since. Now that I realize my error, I can seek God about it. Thank you for your posts!

  32. Heather, God let me know my purpose this past thanksgiving. Now I am not feeling anymore like a wandering soul. I know what you are talking about in your blog, it feels amazing! :)

  33. Hi Heather just read your post on finding your purpose in God!!! Im struggling with that I want to know what is the one thing im called to I wanna do so many things!! I want to hear Gods voice an him saying Brigic this is what it is!!! I love your blog makes me want to seek God more and more each day!!! Please pray for me that I can be more displined to spend more quite time with God so I can start living in my puropse!!!!! Your ministry is a blessing to me keep preaching an teaching Gods word in spirit an in truth!!

  34. I get such confirmation and peace when reading your blogs. Thank you for being such a blessing!
