
Monday, April 2, 2012

Struggling with Discontentment: WHEN is my TIME?


WHY is it that everyone else is getting married?

WHY can't I find a relationship that is worth my 5 minutes?

WHY does everyone else keep getting jobs but I cannot land one?

WHY is everyone else keep having babies?

WHY aren't things working out for me?

WHY am I not done with school??!

WHY don't I have my promotion-- I work HARD?

WHY am I not happy?

Ever had those thoughts? We ALL have!  BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTERTAIN THOSE THOUGHTS. If Satan can get into your mind, he's going to try to have you all messed up, sad, depressed and frustrated! All for what.. some lie he told you! He doesn't directly destroy your life.. he takes time and watches you.. and studies you and looks to see what drives you nuts and continually, strategically pushes that button until you feel like a failure. So if you KEEP getting tested in ONE area & keep failing.. you've been SET UP.

I love Ecclesiastes 3:8- It says that THERE is a time for EVERYTHING under the sun. So if there's a TIME for it-- your "TIME"-- will come and you cannot make that "TIME" come any faster by complaining, murmuring, being mad at God, your mama, daddy, boss or whoever you're placing the blame on for not having what you think you need.

If you keep staring at reality TV, people's highlight reel on facebook, gossip bogs and magazines-- what else are you going to think about? You'll compare your life to their life--wishing and hoping you had what they had but you DON'T see their daily struggles and what they go through, YES, they have issues too, they just aren't sharing them with YOU. So instead of pumping your brain with garbage-- pump it with three of my favorite contentment scriptures:

Proverbs 23:17-18 - Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Hebrews 13:5 - Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

I Timothy 6:6 - But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Take these scriptures and write them (long-hand--writing it out does something to your brain) on a notecard-- stare at them and look at them. The more you PUMP God's word into your heart, the less you'll be all worried and wrapped up in what you don't have. You have to change the way you THINK about yourself. If your eyes are really on heaven-- then you won't be so concerned about the things that are on earth.

The latest global statistic shows that if one has a roof over his head and a meal on his table he is richer than 93% of the world’s population. If a person wears a pair of shoes he is richer than 75% of the people in the world. In the United States alone credit card debt averages more than $16,000 per household, and we are still discontented. If you really want to be FREE, you have to give this area to God.. and then guard your HEART. (Proverbs 4:23) Remember that your HEART grows things, so what are you planting?

“Be content with such things as you have” means that WE should place our trust and confidence in God that we should be satisfied with our condition regardless of our circumstances. For we know assuredly that if we are faithful God will cause all things to work together for our good (Romans 8:28). So if EVERYTHING works for your GOOD-- you should have some JOY right now. Satan is watching you get sad at every circumstance and situation. Get MAD about worrying and stress-- trust that God provides all of your needs and that His timing is perfect! SO TELL yourself that 50 times a day. Do what you have to do.

To worry means we do not trust God. The key to overcoming our discontentment and lack of faith is to find out who God really is and how He has been faithful to supply the needs of US in the past. When you begin.. to STUDY this, it will grow your confidence and trust for the future.

I've been through a TON. I have every "right" according to my past circumstances to wallow in my own pity party. I REFUSE to allow anything in my past to determine my joy today. So YOU will get tested in this area just to GROW you. So don't be surprised when the tests come. RECOGNIZE that God is trying to wean & grow you out of yourself. Pass it.

So today, let's all pinky promise.. not to worry about our lives. To give every part of our life to Jesus and to ONLY compare our life to HIS. His grace is perfect.

God LOVES you like crazy,


(me & my very best friend, Delan in Charlotte, NC on 4/1/12!)


  1. I love this post. I have been there and it taught me just what you said, worry changes nothing, but trust in God changes everything! It took me a while to get to that point, but I am glad I got there. Knowing that God will never leave or forsake me and that he is true to all of his promises gives me peace. Comparing yourself to others will put you in a dark place. Gratitude for what you have and trust in God will help, and I love how you said it, your heart to grow great things. Love your post and everything you're doing!

    XO Kelley

  2. I needed this post. It brung tears to my eyes. This is exactly how I feel...

  3. I needed this post. It brung tears to my eyes. This is exactly how I feel...

  4. God is truly using you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I have been thinking some of the same things! Letting worry take over my mind. I have been constantly getting hit with test after test and I continue to let my emotions control me and I fail. Thank you for this post, it is encouragement to push forward and PAST THE TEST!

  5. This came at a very important time in my life. I really needed this....thank you!

  6. This post is right on time! I've been so discouraged lately and I know it's because I'm being tested. The devil will do anything to try and still our joy which is one thing I constantly remind myself. My trust should come from God and God alone. Not what I make, where I work, or what I've done. Thanks for reminding me to rest assured in God's plan for my life. : )

    Vonae Deyshawn

  7. I definitely needed to read this today. Thank you.

  8. Wow...I really, really needed to read this. I've been going through this a lot lately. Thank you so much!

  9. Thank you, Heather, for always allowing God to use you to speak a word to His daughters and sons! I so needed to read this post over and over again today. Whenever I get discouraged, God reminds me that I am not alone, and He will always share His love through others for me in my time of need---others like you!

  10. Thank you soooo much for this post. I have six of the thoughts you listed above running through my head for a couple of years.
    Your blog is great!
    Keep posting.

  11. God bless you for this post. I always speaking to a friend about this the other day, about not comparing ourselves to others and just being content because God always has a plan for us :)

  12. Been struggling with worry and concern about when the other "foot would drop". I needed to read this and realize just how blessed I am. This post has reassured me that I'm on the right path in my spirituality, career, and personal life.


  13. ...this is encouraging, was very much needed, THANKS LOTS!! (:

  14. Thanks! This was just what I needed. His timing is perfect! : )

  15. This was just perfect, right on time, and just what I needed because I know I'm being tested..but I'm determined to pass! I can't thank you enough :)
    God Bless!


  16. Thank you so much for this great word! Ive been struggling in this area for a few years now. Thank you for this blog and May God continue to bless you and this great ministry!

  17. You have no idea how much I needed to read this. I was just about to cry and worry so I thought id read this post again for encouragement. its not easy though. This past year has been rough. By the way, I met you once a couple years ago at world changers. it was a quick hi nice to meet u and a friend sent me your blog. I love reading it. God bless you for it.

  18. Wow this was so encouraging. Heather, you and your husband are always such a blessing to me. Keep up the good work for Jesus :)

  19. Heather, God is really using you to bless peoples lives. I know it sounds like cliche, but for me, this word is RIGHT ON TIME! I've been asking all of the above questions lately, and here you are with the Words to set me free from those thoughts. God bless you.

  20. Wow!!! I was feeling disappointment in myself this morning and many other mornings; and I saw that u posted this on twitter!!! This is exactly what I needed!!! Thanks much for this word of wisdom!!! Definitely saving this!!

  21. I needed this! Thank you

  22. Thanks so much for sharing! I really needed this encouragement!

  23. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!! I feel stronger,wiser and blessed!!!

  24. thanks for sharing. I was just thinking about social media and how annoying it is with everyone putting all this crap up on their walls. It's like "Ugh, who cares!" Then you're sitting there wondering why them? why not me? Today, I made a decision not to worry about everyone else and what they do and focus on God, my dreams, and my goals. God bless

  25. So it seems the whole of this year (and it's only April), everytime I log in to FB someone is getting married, is married or having a baby. I have had my Moments when I wished I was them. I have cried in my heart n asked God when will it happen for me. I have longed for the day I will wall down that aisle, the day I will hold my baby in my arms etc. then today it occurred to me, almost in a dream like manner. For some reason I had a hard time falling asleep last night, this nagging feeling in my gut. I cried Terribly. I knew it was God trying to get my attention. I said a prayer n went to sleep at 2am..... 5am, my eyes opened. I heard a voice (maybe in my head) say to me, "spend time with me" so I got up and went to the bathroom. Sat in there for awhile n cried. I asked God to speak, I was listening. Somehow I ended up going to the living room got my Bible and opened a "random" page. It was Galatians 4 and in there God was talking about Haggai and Sarah. Both had Abraham's sons only one was a promise from God (Isaac) and the other was a a result of Sarah panicking and asking her husband to lay with Haggai. I felt such a sense of relief after and I thanked God for that word. He reminded me that I serve the author of time so I have no need to worry. I turn 30 this July and ironically my name is Sarah. I stand on God's promises even when my whole entire family and my friends have concern for my biological clock. I leave it to the author of time. The beginning and the end. The finisher of my faith. Be encouraged.

  26. GOD is so awesome that just when I was feeling "discontentment," he allowed me to stumble across your Twitter page, scroll through your twitpics, follow you and land me here on your blog. Just when I was getting frustrated, he sent me here to read this. Thank you so much for this post. Continue to spread the word. Thanks so much and mag God continue to Bless you Heather.

  27. Every time I read this I get something different from it that touches my life. Thank you Heather for allowing God to use you as a tool. I pray that He continues to sharpen you! God Bless!!!
