
Thursday, January 26, 2012

The "Pinky Promise" & "No Randoms" Bracelets are IN!!!

It's official! "The Pinky Promise" & "No Randoms" Bracelets are in!! The MOVEMENT has begun!!

What is a Random? $10 each

For the single person: It's a person that you know you'll never marry but you date them because you're lonely or to fill a void. It's that ex that you KNOW isn't any good for you but you keep going back to them because you're comfortable. It's also for those unhealthy friendships that are distracting you and pulling you away from Christ. What a beautiful reminder that we COMMIT our whole lives to Christ daily. 

 For the married person: It's saying that you won't allow unhealthy relationships to affect your marriage. This could be a co-worker or an ex boyfriend or girlfriend that is trying to connect with you emotionally or physically. It could be that friend that talks about your spouse in a negative way or gossips about everyone and anything. "No Randoms" is a reminder of Proverbs 4:23 "Guard your heart, because out of your heart flows the issues of life"

What does Pinky Promise mean? $10 each


For the single person: It's a promise to honor God with your body. To refuse to give your body to anyone that hasn't paid the price for you called marriage. It's a promise to stay pure before God in EVERY single way. It's a promise that says, I won't test the boundaries in my relationship to see how far I can push it sexually--but instead--I want God to have my heart.

For the married person: It's a promise to God that you will honor your marriage convenant. It's saying that I promise not to step outside of my marriage, cheat on my spouse and that I'll work through every issue. 

Key & Respect Charms $8 each

We also wanted to introduce the key & respect charms. A man's number one need is respect and the key is the key to your heart ladies. We want YOU ladies to hold both the respect ring and the key to your heart. NO man should have that key to your heart until he proposes to you, walks you down the aisle & marries you. The respect charm is something you should ALWAYS keep with you. It's a reminder to respect your man and to not undermine him. You can add these to your favorite necklace or keep them in your wallet.

Just a few things before you purchase! 
  • "No Randoms" & "Pinky Promise" Tees will be available in the mid-February!
  • Not ALL charms on your bracelet are the same! Each bracelet is specially handcrafted and no two bracelets are the same. The charms are subject to availability and are given out randomly with your purchase!
  • A special gift is included in each package!
  • If you're a church and you would like to get your youth group involved in this movement--I do offer discounts for large orders!
  • If you have ANY questions--please email
  • Due to the high demand--these bracelets may take 7-10 business days before arrival. Please be patient and it will be "worth the wait!" :)
  • Continue to check back as I'll be posting additional fun items as we PUSH this movement! TELL your friends about it.. get a bracelet for them! Let's ALL decide to honor God with our life & our bodies!! 
...Ready, set... go!! Here's the store link:


  1. So proud of you!!! Go Heather!!

  2. I Love This!! <3 Such An Inspiration & Blessing To My Spirit!!

  3. Heather, I love this so much! You inspire me daily. You are such a strong woman of God and you are an excellent ambassador for Christ.

  4. This is wondeful. I got mine and spread the word. So proud to be apart of the movement... you are living proof that God overly-blesses you when you do his way ALL the way!!

  5. I just ordered 6: 3 "no randoms" & 3 "pinky promise". There are going to make wonderful gifts. I already have 2 people in mind & I know they will love them.

  6. Just purchased the pinky promise bracelet and respect and key charm. May God bless you as you continue to inspire others with your jewelry!!

  7. Ysy Heather!!! May the Father bless you for being faithful to your calling :)

  8. I ordered #pinkypromise and #norandoms Can't wait to wear my covenant. Thank U

  9. Amen.. I will be ordering some for me & my friends next week :)

  10. Stupid question: is it for women only?

    1. No! It's not a stupid question! This is for men & women! :)

  11. yay !!!! i am very excited about this pinky promise and the bracelets

  12. im excited about this movement

  13. Thank you EVERYONE for your support! I'm excited about what God is doing! He's so faithful!

  14. Just gave you a shout out on google+.

    Thanks for all you do to be a BIGger blessing for God and those He loves.

    Donna Johnson
    Atlanta, GA

  15. I love it all, Im def gonna be purchasing some No randoms and pinky promises, my daughter is 7...if u have any ideas come to heart for lil girls, she sure would love her own big girl pinky promise necklace or bracelet to love God FIRST.... : ) God Bless U and I hope to see some great ideas splurging on little girls who need to give their heart to God before any other man..

  16. Just ordered my "Faith" bracelet. Can't wait to recieve it!!! God bless you and this movement that God has placed on your heart

  17. Wow. you and should connect.

  18. What a pure and loving message. Thanks for sharing what God is doing in and through you. May the works of the Lord our God continue through you and others that desire to be obedient to Him.

  19. Wow.What an amazing story of God grace, mercy and love!! Truely you have recieved his unconditionally love and live a life sold out to him! Praise God.

  20. Love this concept Hun!
    Can't wait to get mines in the mail!

  21. hey luv!! So Proud of you! I was there when u wandered through life aimlessly. Youve grown into a beautifully strong women by God's grace! So Blessed and showin it! Love u lots! when u come home, have a no randoms bracelet for me- and let me know if you need a shirt designer- im great with t-shirt design and I screen T's also ;)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Love this movement! Finally a movement that actually glorifies God's name!!! God Bless

  24. Heather I have a question, I was told we as Christians should not make promises to God because we ARE human, and we mess up and break promises. I was told it's best to tell God you will DO your BEST instead of a promise. DO you believe this is true?

  25. Hello,
    I encourage you to really study the scriptures before we take a scripture out of context.
    During that time period, (matthew 5:37) The Jews were swearing on EVERYTHING. The Jews professedly adhered to the law, they had introduced a number of oaths in common conversation, and oaths which they by no means considered to be binding. For example, they would swear by the temple, by the head, by heaven, by the earth. So long as they kept from swearing by the name Yahweh, and so long as they observed the oaths publicly taken, they seemed to consider all others as allowable, and allowedly broken. This is the abuse which Christ wished to correct. "It was the practice of swearing in common conversation, and especially swearing by created things." To do this, He said that they were mistaken in their views of the sacredness of such oaths. They were very closely connected with God; and to trifle with them was a species of trifling with God. Heaven is his throne; the earth his footstool; Jerusalem his special abode; the head was made by him, and was so much under his control that we could not make one hair white or black. To swear by these things, therefore, was to treat irreverently objects created by God, and could not be without guilt. It is remarkable that the sin here condemned by the Saviour prevails still in Palestine in the same form and manner referred to here. Dr. Thomson (The Land and the Book, vol. ii. p. 284) says, "The people now use the very same sort of oaths that are mentioned and condemned by our Lord. They swear by the head, by their life, by heaven, and by the temple, or what is in its place, the church. The forms of cursing and swearing, however, are almost infinite, and fall on the pained ear all day long.
    At Pinky Promise, we’re VOWING (synonym for promise) to honor God with our lives. We’re not “swearing on our mama that we are gonna honor God”—we just DO it according to the bible. If we are to say promises are wrong—we are to say that getting married and saying your vows is wrong. If you just google “promise” and the bible, there’s a TON of other references about promises. I encourage you to further read them.
    Ecclesiastes 5:4 When you make a promise to God, don't delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him.
    Psalm 76:11 Make vows to the LORD your God and fulfill them; let all the neighboring lands bring gifts to the One to be feared.
    Proverbs 20:25 It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows
    At Pinky Promise—we aren’t saying vain words & cursing. We are making a decision, doing small group bible studies, and making changes in our life.

    1. I appreciate you clearing that up for me. I myself had not read about it but was just told so, so I was unclear. But thank you again! I'm going to sign up now =]

  26. I told my boyfriend about pinky promise and honoring my body (no kissing, sex, etc.) and he sounded so reluctant in his agreement. Does this mean he's a random?

    1. Hey love- so he wants to have sex? He doesn't love you, he loves himself. Marry someone who has a heart for God & want what GOD wants. It's a DISTRACTION to be in a relationship & they just want to screw you. It will pull you further away from Christ. It's NEVER worth it. Let God lead you honey. Trust Him.

    2. He's fine with the no sex thing, he just says he's gonna have a hard time with the no kissing or sleeping together when he misses me..

  27. What materials are the metal bracelets made out of? I really like the rose gold bracelet but I have very sensitive skin. Also, will you ever go on tour with the conference, I would really love to attend, but I can't imagine how I'll ever get to Atlanta? Thank you for your time!!!

  28. Thank you... so needed today that this came across my computer screen. I will be 36 and I still struggle with this. It also helped ruin my marriage. NO MORE!!!

  29. Hi Heather!

    I just today discovered your blog and I've read a couple of them and I can tell you I have been blessed! Thank you so much for your transparency but more importantly, your relationship with Christ that gives you the heart to help others.

    I'm really interested in making a group purchase for the women in my womens' fellowship at church and for some of my single sisters that are walking in the same season as myself right now.

    I have a couple of questions...Are materials included with the purchase that explain what each of them mean with scriptural context included? I would like to include a card or pamphlet with each of the gifts and wanted to know if you already have something or if I'd need to make my own.

    Also, I'm in love with the pink cross that is displayed in the background of your page. Do you happen to have plans to have a product that is similar to that?

  30. Hi, I would like to get this but I don't know how you measure your sizes. I am from the UK. I really love this movement. x
