
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do you want to go to Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Ethiopia for $20?!?

Yes, YOU Can go to Dubai for $20. lol, well sort of. Let me give you the breakdown.

My husband and I visited Dubai this past May 2011. While we were there, Cornelius was able to teach and speak with some who live there. It gave us the opportunity to really hear the heartbeat of Dubai of what is really going on there and to speak to many Muslims there that had the wrong idea about Christ. Honestly, Cornelius and I have a passion for saving souls to Christ. Period. That's it. We believe that we were placed on this earth to share Jesus with anyone who will listen, as are YOU! We wake up everyday and pursue God with all of our hearts. He placed this MISSION on our hearts, and we would like for you to partner with us. We believe in…."going out into all of the earth and sharing Jesus."- Mark 16:15
How can you help?
We are asking you to help support this mission by giving money for travel, lodging, money to give to the Ethiopian orphanage and small care packages. For a gift of $5, $10, $20 or whatever amount God places on your heart, you can be a part of this mission to share the love of God with the orphans, the forgotten and the non-churched as we travel over to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Ethiopia on Friday, November 11, 2011 until Sunday, November 20, 2011.
To give your monetary gift, click on this link here.
Or, you can mail it to:
The Gathering Oasis/C/O Cornelius & Heather Lindsey
127 S. Roach St. Suite 302
Jackson, MS 39201
What are care packages?
Care packages are simple packages of basic living items that open the door to sharing love and a compelling message to someone who doesn't know Christ. We will use these gifts of soap, toothpaste, razors, etc. to show care and offer hope to people in Dubai and Ethiopia. By giving this gift, it grants us an opportunity share the Gospel in a culturally appropriate way. When we show up with care packages it gives us a "way" in to share Jesus.
So travel with us as we go to Abu Dhabi and Ethiopia to share the Gospel and the love of Christ. If you want to give to this awesome mission, you can click on this link here.
Or, you can mail it to:
The Gathering Oasis/C/O Cornelius & Heather Lindsey
127 S. Roach St. Suite 302
Jackson, MS 39201
What are we doing in Ethiopia?
We will visit a Kidane Mehret Children’s Home. This is an orphanage for babies and older children. There, we will assess all their needs, give special gifts to the children and share the Gospel with them.
We will also go to rural areas to assess the needs of the people. As of right now, we know they have needs for men, women, and children’s clothing, blankets, comforters, school supplies, toiletries and money. Upon the team’s return, they will compile a full list of what is needed so we can provide it.
So travel with us as we go to Abu Dhabi and Ethiopia to share the Gospel and the love of Christ. If you want to give to this awesome mission, you can click on this link here.
Or, you can mail it to:
The Gathering Oasis/C/O Cornelius & Heather Lindsey
127 S. Roach St. Suite 302
Jackson, MS 39201

What are we doing in Dubai/Abu Dhabi?
The Gospel is to be preached and shared. We are going to go there in partnership with ‘For All Mankind Movement’ and Pinelake Church. Our team, along with others from separate ministries, will travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi to share the Gospel in labor camps with non-natives. We will also put together and give out compassion kits. Because of the work being done over there, there are 300 small group house churches. The Gospel is spreading rapidly!
So travel with us as we go to Abu Dhabi and Ethiopia to share the Gospel and the love of Christ. If you want to give to this awesome mission, you can click on this link here.
Or, you can mail it to:
The Gathering Oasis/C/O Cornelius & Heather Lindsey
127 S. Roach St. Suite 302
Jackson, MS 39201

What is the monetary goal?

The fundraising goal for the trip is $3,500.00. The breakdown is:
$1,500.00 – Travel
$500.00 – Lodging
$1,500.00 – Monetary gift for Orphanage/care kits/supplies
*Cornelius Lindsey and the team will cover the rest of the costs for the trip.

To GIVE, you can click on this link here.
Or, you can mail it to:
The Gathering Oasis/C/O Cornelius & Heather Lindsey
127 S. Roach St. Suite 302
Jackson, MS 39201

PRAY based on the following Scripture over the trip:
Ephesians 6:19-20 – “And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.”
PRAY for: Open doors
Courage to witness
The Gospel to be proclaimed without obstacles
Harmony and acceptance among the believers
God’s direction and help while traveling
No fear
We ask you to pray and consider joining our team to GO on one of our international mission trips. If you’re considered in traveling with us on our next trip, fill out our application form by clicking here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
We love you!

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