
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"YOU are wayyy to picky, thats why you are Single."

 Friend: “Girl, you are wayyy to picky—that’s why you are single.” Ever had a friend like that? You may want to reconsider the closeness of that friendship. #1 a friend speaks into your life and builds you up where you are, not reminds of you your marital status. Do you know that Satan will use a weakness in your friend to cause doubt & unbelief in your life?! He will use whoever he can get that is close to you. So guard your relationships.

Don’t believe the lie that you are supposed to settle for some man or woman that is below your standards. I actually believed that lie as soon as I got saved. I looked around and I felt like I wasn’t attracted to most of the guys in the church. The brotha’s outside the church was more of my “heart’s desires”—their swagger, their fun lifestyles, money & friends. They weren’t all deep to me. But Heather.. In Psalms 37:4, the Bible says, "Delight thyself also in the LORD, and he shall give you the desires of your heart." That is true. God will give you HIS desires because as you delight yourself IN Him, Your desires poisoned by SIN are removed & replaced with God's desires. So please don’t use this scripture as an answered prayer for your sorta-saved boyfriend. Let’s just be honest, you are lonely & tired of being alone. Your clock could be ticking in your mind so you would rather marry than to deal with the emotions of loneliness. Or you want some sex and you don’t want to wait until you are married for it. You can repent right? I can tell you that evidence of your salvation is not you quoting some sinners prayer. Evidence of your salvation is the fruit that GOD changed you. Even Satan & all of his demons can quote some words.  I know you believe God concerning trusting Him & not using your body for fornication by evidence of takin’ your tail home & telling that person NO that wants to sit & play with your body that has NO plans to marry you.  

I believed the lie that I wouldn’t be attracted to my one day mate until  I saw a brotha (I never saw the man again, so he was just used for that day lol) that I was attracted to in church & God told me .. see Heather! You will be attracted to your one-day mate. He will measure up to your standards. What were my standards? I had like 30 written out until God challenged me and told me to make sure I am all those things on that list. (dang. Lol) So I threw my little stupid list away and realized that no man is perfect according to my list. My one day mate would have to develop into alot of those things on my little piece of paper. Instead of focusing on my list, I got focused on my relationship with Christ because I knew that I would DRAW whatever I was.  I developed a super cool, intimate  relationship with Him. We went on dates, we shopped together, we talked about EVERYTHING! I treated getting to know God like a new boyfriend. You text all day, call each other…it’s like a fast forward of getting to know one another. I took all that energy and became obsessed with Jesus. It was beautiful.  And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It comes in handy as a now-wife :). The same Jesus teaches me how to be submitted to my husband because I really didn’t have an example. Practicing the above made Jesus my life. Not just a part of my Sunday morning.

A REAL man/woman has standards of his/her own that will build off of yours. YES, they are out there. NO you don’t have to settle!! I am currently LIVING on the other side of a NOT settling after I thought I had to for YEARS. You are simply beautiful & wonderfully made by the Author & Creator of TIME. Don’t you know that He will bring a mate to you at the right TIME?! You’ll have kids at the right TIME. So don’t you dare settle for one more second with a person you KNOW aint right for you. Get out of that relationship, get whole & then you will be ROOM for your real spouse. Satan is trying to get you all messed up by focusing on this worlds man-made calendar. So rest & learn God. Let Him change you. The difference between you & God is—God doesn’t think He is you. So don’t try to be Him.


  1. I recently heard about your post from one of my friends so I decided to start reading your post I really didnt know where to start so I started from the beginning and I must say this Post really motivated me... Thank You for sharing your wisdom

  2. I was just encouraged to start reading your blogs from young ladies on the same journey as I and this is so motivating...Although its a lot of things I already know and just keep putting out of my head. I know I need to devote my time to God and really focus on growing in him...thank you for all your encouraging words and uplifting wisdom. Excited to continue reading

  3. This is exactly what today's woman needs to hear!!

  4. This has been a tremendous blessing to me. I was at a place in my life where Christ was my all in all but then I allowed others to take His rightful place in my life .. now that I'm back on track, this post has really blessed me & helps me to get where I once was in Him.

    May our Lord & Savior continue to walk with you & strengthen you in Him eternally!

  5. Wow, I'm a young lady from South Africa and a friend told me to read one of the articles on your blog and once I started with one, I couldn't stop, I just feel like God's been using everything I've read this far for the current season He's taking me through, it's just given me a lot of insight into what was wrong before and what He wants to fix up now. Thanks for being so honest and real, there's just been suuuuuuch a blessing in that, again thank you :)

  6. YESSSSSS!!! I have "friends" tell me this all the time! I know I'm not extremely picky, but I have standards and I know its not worth being in a relationship where I'm unequally yoked with someone, so I'm just putting my faith in Jesus waiting when the time is right

  7. I too have had friends and relatives tell me I am way too picky especially because I turn 32 on my next birthday. Everyone just expects me to settle for the next available guy as long as he loves me? And then I begin to wonder, how do I tell if he really loves me. This article goes to affirm my belief that having high standards isn't wrong because God has high standards and expects nothing less from me. I am glad to know that there are ladies like me. I strongly believe my Father will bring his child (my future husband) my way very soon. Thank you Heather.

  8. I came across your blog and did not have a clue where to start, so I decided to come to the beginning. I'm so glad I did!

  9. I'm very interested in becoming closer to God. I follow you on Facebook and I benefit from your posts, so I decided to follow your blog. The best place to start is the beginning ha!! Thank you for your transparency, its a blessing.
