
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"How to Hear God's Voice"

I've heard this question a ton. People hear me talk about God like He's the person sitting right next to me & they look at me.. and say.. soo.. you're saying.. "God.. really talks to you?"

YES. He does. He's my Best Friend, My Creator, My Lord, My Savior, My God, My Life.. My Peace, My JOY, My Provider, My Comforter and A MILLION other things. Since He's all that.. I SHOULD be able to hear His voice right?!

If you look at Other religions.. their "god" -- is dead. So they pray repetitive prayers to the air, hoping & a praying. I don't know about  you but I can't serve no dead "god" that cannot hear me-- saying some repetitive prayer like it's gonna do something. OUR GOD, through Jesus Christ is LIVING, ACTIVE and sitting on the Throne in Heaven while all of heaven is bowing down & worshipping Him.. singing "Holy Holy Holy." THAT is my GOD. He speaks to me, He checks me, He shows me where I'm wrong, He encourages me, He tells me to shut up, He gives me wisdom, He tells me "not to wear that", He tells me "not to buy that"-- He tells me to GIVE, He tells me to pray, He tells me to do this & do that. Our relationship isn't this law-driven saying..ok, I HAVE to do this.. because if I don't He'll hate me. I aint like that. When you really love someone.. you WANT to serve them. For example, with my husband-- I'm not crazy about conflict in general and I don't want to ON-PURPOSE do anything to my husband that will hurt him or cause him harm. If my husband asks me to do something-- I do it because I LOVE him and marriage aint all about ME. I do what God asks of me because it's for my GOOD! He's leading me like He promised in Proverbs 3:5-6.

When I first found out..
I started spending time with God as soon as I got saved in 2003. My best friends sister told me that I'm supposed to spend time with Him daily so in my mind-- I needed to treat it like a new guy. Yes, you read that right. When you have a new little boo-- you think about them all day, call them, text them, spend time with them.. you do what you do.  IF I was REALLY going to get SERIOUS about my relationship with GOD I had to make Him a priority because I had all of the WORLD and my ex-randoms PRESSING in on me. So I went hard. I had date nights, coffee dates, went running, shopped with Him & studied together. I was INTENTIONAL in my date nights-- I talked with Him, asked Him what He thought of the movie we were watching.. you see.. if I was really going to learn Him & make Him my life.. I couldnt' do it.. without being INTIMATE with HIM.

Going to church 1x a week to get FED what another man or woman studied in their quiet time will not give you a relationship with God. HE must become your LIFE. So AS I am having these date nights and spending crazy time with God (studying & reading my bible-- listening to Praise & Worship Music)-- I begin to really practice hearing His voice. I would pray & listen to worship & then I would journal.. I would just write what He put on my heart. His voice.. became LOUDER & louder.. as I spent more & more time with HIM. You aint gonna know somebodies voice if you don't spend time with them.

                                                          The first time..
So do I hear God's voice.. audibly? Well, yes & no. I've only heard His voice audibility about 2 times. One time was in 2007 and I was in Target. I had just finished spending my entire Saturday morning on my face before God & I was checking out at the store. Then I heard a LOUD, booming voice say "Give her $20"-- it SHOOK me because I knew it was God's voice. I was so discombobulated that I almost forgot to pay for my items. The lady looked at me weird as I was searching in my purse for money. So after I paid-- I handed her the money and I said "The Lord told me to give you this"-- and the girls eyes lit up & she dropped to the ground. She said.. you have NO idea how much I needed this with tears in her eyes. I RAN out of there, I didn't need ANY credit because I sure wasnt' going to give her a dime. Not like that-- but it's not everyday you're handing money to cashiers. lol All the glory had to go to the ONE who told me to give it to her.

  1. MOST times, I hear God's voice with my inner ear.. or my heart. One would say.. their "gut" or their conscience. Or.. "something' told me to do that."
  2.  If you read my tweets and my facebook posts, I often tweet and facebook alot.. it's not like I sit & think of these things. It's in passing as I go throughout my day-- God places the ENTIRE thing on my heart and I just post it. He just tells me in my inner ear or my heart & it pops up in my mind and then I share it with you. (Same with this blog-- that took all of 5-10 minutes to write- He places an area on my heart & I just blog it)
  3. I also go with my PEACE. If I'm going to God & I don't have CLARITY on an issue, I just wait quietly & I check my peace. If I HAVE zero peace-- I aint going & I aint' doing it.
  4. If I'm not sure, I'll just keep standing & not make a decision until GOD has made it clear to me. I ain't doing nothing outside of HIM. I cannot AFFORD it & NEITHER can YOU.
  5. Out of nowhere-- God will start to show me a person's heart. He just drops it in my spirit to stay away from that particular person because they don't have your best interest & they are POISONOUS to your life.
  6. God speaks through humans, situations & LIFE in general. If you HIT rock bottom-- it's a good thing. Now you know that this world cannot sustain you-- so now you'll go to the real source of life & get that foundation right. So God speaks through CLOSING DOORS. He also protects you through those closed doors & He opens the right ones.
  7. Dont' forget that satan also speaks to you to. Reconize the difference between his voice, God's voice & your emotions. Whenever satan tries to speak to me-- he speaks doubt & unbelief. He suggests that life isn't going to work out.. or this or that isn't going to happen so give up on everything. He's a LIAR & there's NO truth IN HIM. He's the one that suggests stupid things to you all day & it's up to you to TALK back to his lies & keep it moving'. If you don't know God's voice, you may confuse it with satans.. like "God told me that man is gonna be my husband".. but he keeps sleeping with you & everything that moves. Probably not honey.
  8. WHEN God speaks.. the FRUIT lines UP. I KNEW my husband was going to be the "one" within 20 minutes of talking to the man-- but over the next year and 8 months I saw the FRUIT of Cornelius being a man after God's own heart. That FRUIT lined up so don't get so wrapped up in what you thought you heard "God" say that you miss what the BIBLE says. So NO, he shouldnt' be SLEEPING with YOU.. even if ya'll "plan to get married"
  9. There's also quiet seasons.. where you don't hear a ton from God. I've gone through those. But during those times.. tell your emotions to shut up & KNOW that God is with you. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. GOD is still with you, EVEN if you don't feel like it.
  10. When you spend time with God (I blogged about spending time with God here), don't forget to GET QUIET & LISTEN. If you sit & vent all day & then just jump up-- run to the shower & go about your day.. you get all cluttered & God has no room to even respond. LET Him freely respond to you. Set time aside DAILY to hear His voice. So SLOW down after you talk to Him. Give Him a chance to respond. God is ALWAYS speaking.

Cheers to all of you.. spending crazy time with Jesus .. hearing His voice & letting Him lead you. Don't forget that if you "step out" because you thought you heard God's voice & things don't work out.. HE will FIND YOU if you "MISS IT." Just have the right heart & desire to worship HIM with your entire life. And Remember.. the MORE you ignore God's voice.. the more hardened your heart will be to hear Him the next time He speaks.

God loves you like crazy,


  1. I agree with you. And I love this post.

  2. I needed to read this! I been struggling with this for such a while well at least I thought I was struggling with it But reading what you had to say really opened my mind that God does talk to me all the time just not audibly.

  3. So thats who ive been hearing! lol..I laugh, sort of a way to not cry really. This year, something has been tugging at my heart, my ear, my soul just everything telling me its time to get it together to submit. And im not gonna lie, you dont know how many times i PURPOSELY ignored or pushed to the back burner, because of fear..fear of not being ready, of knowing that i might fall short of what he wants..but its like when GOD wants you HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE!! first i thought it was the crazy Gemini in me , but i know its him...I dont know what GOD wants with me..but he is not giving me up..and i shouldnt on him either. thanks Heather for this post..was just confirmation on top of confirmation. This Journey to GOD is soo not easy, but its so worth it.

  4. Yet another wonderful blog post!

    I have found that when I am intentional about spending time with God as away of showing Him how much He loves me, it makes me more aware of how intentional I need to be when showing others I love them as well. It often reminds me that I haven't called my sister in a while, or had lunch with my grandmother, or spent the afternoon with my niece. Spending time with God fuels me to share His love with His children and truly try the best I can to be a light in this world of darkness.

    May God bless the Lindseys :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is definitely a confirmation for me! Thank you for being an amazing vessel for the Lord to use!

  7. The Target story had me in tears, GOD IS SO REAL!!!! What a great(and helpful) blog Heather:-) Bless you!!!

    I am experiencing my first one NOW.. and for a while i was trying to figure out WHAT i did wrong, what was wrong with, like i Knew God hasn't left me and the Holy Spirit didn't leave me because I wasn't in like pure agony.. or depressed but i recognized He wasn't speaking as much
    this post is sooooooo accurate!!
    Funny you said the thing about dating, because i pretty much did that when i first got saved and I am still adjusting so i still kind of have that mindframe, it just helps me talk to Him
    but really praise God. for this pot that was confirmation on my quiet season...

  9. Thank you for this (and all) your posts!

  10. I love this. I was longing for some answers on how to hear from God. Just yesterday i received Joyce Meyer's book on how to hear from God and now this post. God and his timing are awesome

  11. This is so true! Our amazing God has blessed me to write, I write on my blog (, I tweet, Facebook, I am writing a couple of books right now... I feel like God is putting these thoughts in my head for others to hear. I talk to God all the time too, girl. It's amazing. Follow my blog!

    XO Lori

  12. I really needed this! Like you God continues to put things in my heart to post about as well. Thank you for this post =)

  13. How can i contact you Heather i seriously need to have a word with you. This blog just changed me.

  14. By the way e-mail me

  15. Mined was mixed feelings as I read along... Having been there n now struggling 2 b there...but av realized much, nothin i can do by self but completely surrender! N trust HIM absolutely again!

  16. What an EXCELLENT post. Blessings to you and may the Lord continue to Lead you and your Husband in your Wonderful marraige. Blessings.

  17. This is sooo good! I love the list. Love it. Period. Thank you for being exactly who you are.

  18. I really needed this! Like you, God continue to puts things in my heart that I post about. Thank you for this!

  19. I follow nine little words and they lead me to you. "God,spirit,love,forgive,reward,life,remember and reflect" these word lets me see truth and you.

    God Bless

  20. This post is right on time. I just rededicated my life to Christ and this is one of the things that I've been praying about. I want to know His voice, but I didn't know where to start, etc.

  21. Go raibh maith agat fanacht bheannaigh (thank you stay blessed :)

  22. First, let me start by saying that I was introduced to your blog last Friday and I have almost read every single one of your entries from 2011 and 2012! lol I like the fact that you are really honest about everything that you experience. This particular blog post is very informative and I enjoyed reading the info it contains. I have been in the "quiet season" for a long time. Just like Michaeline said in her comment, I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong. I am aware that I don't spend much time with God, so that's one issue; I'm just not motivated for whatever reason...don't judge me. I just don't hear His voice and sitting and waiting just frustrates me and confuses me even more. If you have any godly advice, please help. Thank you in advance.

    1. You will desire whatever & whoever you give your attention too-- so make sure that you are patient & sit at God's presence until you start to hear Him. One day, I sat in my room ALL day long with a jug of water because I was determined to get a word from God & I was so cluttered. Just sing out to Him & vent to Him.. then just get quiet for an hour if you have too-- and be sure to include Him in every part of your life-- not just your "quiet time"

  23. You have helped me rededicate my life to Christ, and I have learned a great deal from reading your blog. This Post was wonderful. Somedays I do just jump up and clutter my head with my stuff. I just need to slow down and learn to listen. Thank You

  24. This was a great post! I have a question, is it possible to hear your own "voice" (or maybe even the devil's voice) instead of God's voice while in prayer? Sometimes even when I start praying I feel like my mind is so cluttered that my own thoughts/desires might be confused with what God is actually saying. Just wondering if this can happen...

    1. Hey love!
      Oh yeah-- your voice & thoughts can def come in & clutter your mind! It's happen to me a TON!! lol What helps me is first putting on Jesus Culture or another worship song.. and to pour out to Jesus-- and to really get on my face before Him. I get all the clutter OUT so when I'm quiet.. I can just focus in on Him & I grab my pen & I just let Him speak to me. Don't get frustrated-- just continue to trust that God will show you. Stay consistent. Satan is gonna try to attack you. Fight back.

  25. Thanks so much!!! How do you know if it's your thought versus God's thought when that happens?

    1. God's thoughts always line up with His word. Our thoughts are usually pushed by selfish motives or to protect us. As I used in my example above-- I wasn't gonna give that woman no money at Target! hah! Remember to spend time with HIM throughout your day. Speak to Him.. practice His presence, it will train you in hearing His voice. The more time you spend with Him.. the MORE you'll recognize His voice. So.. when you write-- just WRITE it out. You'll soon realize when it's HIM or you. <3

  26. sometimes it feels so good to know someone also feels what you feel..goes through what you go through..and has come through it...that is only to say i can also come through it...God richly bless you for being a vessel...

  27. Thank you, this post has put a lot of things in perspective for me. I really appreciate it.

  28. Heather, I recently started following your blog and You are such a Blessing! I am truly thankful for you! After reading a few posts, I couldnt help but cry. It was just what I needed to get back to where I need to be. As a result, this weekend has been the most amazing experience because I was intimate with God and rediscovered what I knew all along. I mentioned you on my blog post which will publish Monday, April 30th. Hopefully my readers will find you just as valuable. All Love, Muah!

  29. WHEEEEW #5 #5 #5 ... IM TELLING YOU #5

  30. Heather this was amazing! Thank you Jesus! :)

  31. Can you do a post on how to find a good church and the warning signs of bad or "cultish" churches please?

  32. Hi Heather! Great post, I think I just got confirmation that the man I thought God had spoken to me about being my husband is in fact not. Thank you.

  33. Hi Heather, so I just finished reading this article after you suggest it to me when I asked you in my last post how were you able to tell if God is speaking with you. I know that I said I was only going to ask you one question but I feel the strong need to ask you the bigger question that's been eating me up inside since last year. My relationship with God has always been pretty rocky and that is due to the struggles that I've been facing for pretty much my entire life, and so as a result, my faith at this present time, is at its lowest point. What's currently killing me right now is the knowledge that I carry about who I'm migh end up marrying in the near future. I asked God one day if he could tell me who my husband was going to be, and in my mind I saw this guy's name that used to go the same high school as me but we had never spoken to each other or taken the same classes. At that time though, when I asked God to show me who I meant to be with, I was communicating with a man that has completely stolen my heart and I even asked God too if he can confirm to me whether that man was for me (but with this person, I actually had made many prayers before seeking God's confirmation. With the other individual who's name I saw in my mind, I didn't pray about it. I just simply went ahead and asked God to show me who Im supposed to be marrying (a big mistake and a window that I should\ve kept shut) Anyways, ever since that experience, I have not been at peace at all and very often I cry about it because I fear that I will end up with this person that I'm totally not attracted to. It really is bothering me and its gotten to the point where my faith has weakened and I just don't know what to think or believe. I question whether that vision came from God or satan. I've feel like at this point, I've been rendered to a state of confusion.When I try to pray in peace about my future spouse (which im hoping it will turn out to be someone else) I start getting these panic attacks about that supposed vision that I saw in my mind, and then I'm find myself unable to continue to pray and as a result, I become angry and depressed. As I said before, my relationship with God was never a good one, but after reading some of your blogs, I've come to the conclusion that maybe that 'vision' wasn't from God after all, since I never had a positive relationship with Him in the first place, like the one that you've created with Him, there's absolutely no way that vision was from Him. I think in order for me to be sure that a sign, voice, vision is from Him I really need to build a strong relationship with him first, one that consists of attending church, praying to Him on a daily basis, making sacrifices- all which I have not done. You only began to hear His voice because you devoted part of your life to Him, but in my case I haven't. Sorry for the long post, but I feel like I have nobody to discuss this with and I was hoping I could get your opinion on this.Thanks.

    1. GIRL, you have created an ENTIRE war in your head for nothing! It was a clear attack on your thought process! LIFE is more than your marital status sis! Just grab ahold of your emotions & tell them to shut up! Don't be yourself down trying to earn God-- rest in Him. Spend time with Him daily. LEARN Him-- make HIM your best friend & in due time- He will introduce you to your one-day spouse. Until then, cast down those stupid thoughts & make them obey Christ. (2 cor 10:5) xo

  34. Amen to that!Thank you for your response. It means alot to me. I truly hope that I'll be able to conquer those negative thoughts and try to develop a more peaceful and harmonious relationship with God.

  35. Right now in my life I am on rock bottom and I just have to tell you that I have been reading your blogs for the last two days. I needed to hear the things in this blog. i am full of uncertainty and doubt .my life feels like it will never get better. sometimes think I hear God speaking to me but then the doubt creeps in and i feel low again. Thank you for this blog, it was EXACTLY what i needed to hear. You are a blessed lady. I have so much to say but for now I cannot thank you enough.

  36. I have also heard God Audibly...when was the other time you've heard god?

  37. Amen, God speaks to us in so many different ways. I crave His voice, however He chooses to speak!

  38. Thank you for this! A lot of things that I have heard make it seem like following God or hearing from Him is so complicated and mysterious, but your practical and biblical advice is so refreshing!

  39. Thanks Heather...I'm really going to go hard in my time with Him and increase it. I was discouraged b/c I was already spending time with God, and stil not sure if I was hearing His voice (cares of life, plus Emotions scream so loud sometimes). But I'm really gonna go harder in my quiet time with Him (I'm desperate). I really really desire to know and hear His voice CLEARLY. Thanks for inspiring me.

  40. This is a second request. I posted a comment two days ago and it never showed up. There were no profanities, no attacks, or abusive language. It was a very simple question along with a few other opinions. The question was basically what type of criteria have you used to determine that "other religion's" God is dead. I'm a Christian, quite knowledgeable, my father was a leader in the church. Your comment is quite puzzling to me since I know of no way currently that anyone can demonstrate that one religion's God is any more alive or dead than another religion's God. Please reply.

    1. Hello-
      Jesus Christ is the only One that came & died for our sins and left us with the Holy Spirit who constantly leads, confirms and directs our life. If you're a Christian, you should be sure of this? Salvation isn't just saying you're a Christian but confessing with your mouth and BELIEVING that Christ is Savior than living it. None of those other gods are alive because they were created by simple humans. God is all knowing, the CREATOR and has been there from the before the beginning. Best way to know- try Christ. He works. Try other gods, you will find that they won't talk back to you, lead you, give you peace or guide you. I pray that you develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit and allow for Him to reveal Himself to you.

  41. There is a lot in here that I needed to read. I thank you for sharing.

  42. I heard God speak to me audibly. I was cleaning my bathroom. I looked at my shower curtain. It had autumn leaves on it. I saw one that was pretty. So, I grabbed a pen and notebook. As I was drawing, I said,"Oh how I love the season of change." THEN GOD SPOKE. HE SAID," WHY DO YOU LOVE THE SEASON OF CHANGE, BUT DONT LIKE TO CHANGE?" Scared, I ran in my room pacing. I knew that was God. I always asked God to speak to me. Now, he did with a question. I am still trying to answer that question. Can you please give me insight.

    1. If you dont mind sharing, what did God's voice sound like? Deep tone? Stern? Loud?

    2. God's voice at that moment was calm. Its wasnt deep. Have you heard of the saying, "If you want to hear God's voice, then read your bible out loud"? That moment, his voice was like having a thought, but YOU KNOW you didnt say it or think it. Now, don't get me wrong, God CAN speak loud, stern, and/or with a deep tone. Like Mrs. Lindsey stated in one of her videos; finding out if God indeed spoke to you. The choices are Me, Satan, or God? I wouldnt say that. I didnt think about changing. Satan, he doesnt want me to change. So, it was God. I hope i was helpful. And when god speaks to you verbally, YOU KNOW HE DID.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.
